
Happy Season to Me!!!!

Well, it was my birthday on the 22nd and three days later it was Christmas and I must say people were good to me this year. We'll start with my birthday.

After church on the 22nd I went to Sugarland to spend the night and the next day with Lauren. We had a fun night not getting to sleep until well after 3 o'clock. We saw a movie called Family Stone. It was pretty good but a definite emotional roller coaster. I laughed and cried in the same movie. Then we did what we do best and drove around for a while. Lauren is a good friend.

The next morning we woke up somewhere around 9:30ish and got ready for the day. Little did I know that my friend Clint was coming to town to spend the day with us. I was totally surprised and so excited that he was able to come and hang out. We left to go to lunch at Fuddruckers and when we got there to my utter surprise, a bunch of first colony youth group kids were there to give me a party. It was so fun! My first surprise party ever! It was great. After the party was
over Clint, Lauren, Bryan and I went to the Cheesecake factory and had my second ever piece of chocolate cheesecake. Mmmm....mmmm....good.

Soon after this I left to head back to Alvin for the 800th annual Nelson Family Open House. It was a lot of fun and I got a huge cookie cake and an awesome keyboard stand and bench for my keyboard. I am so pumped about it.

The next couple of days were awesome because I got to hang out with my nephew while everyone was out of the house. While I wouldn't say that I am quite ready for children, which is good because, I'm so far away from that, I did enjoy the time I got to spend with him. He knows my name and even preferred my comfort over Granni's at times-which is a big
deal in our family! :o) I love him he is SO cute!

On Christmas Eve we had a little changed of plans. We normally go to Mike and Cathy's open house, then go Christmas light looking, then go home and open presents. This year, we opened presents at 2 o'clock and then we went to open house and we skipped the whole Christmas light looking all together- which was sad because I don't remember a
Christmas eve when we didn't go look at lights. No matter, we still had a blast. Favorite gift-Quesadilla Maker! Dinner at my house! We woke up at 5:45 Sunday morning to get our Santa gifts, YES Santa still come to my house. We got up because Jeff and April and Ty had to head to Belton around 6:30 and we wanted to see Ty get his presents.

We had a lot of fun. Just another reason I love my family so much. The holidays were great. I hope you all had a merry Christmas and have a happy new year.


All In The Family

Today was productive. Not productive in the sense that I got a lot accomplished, although I did manage to get a good start on Christmas presents for mom, April and Valerie, productive in the sense that I spent some good quality time with my nephew. As the house emptied out this morning around 7:30 I was awake and watching an old classic, Saved by the Bell, as I anxiously awaited the sound of an 21 month old crying because the sun finally broke through the window. However, the sound was not a cry but came in the form of a cough.

My precious baby Ty woke up coughing so, of course, I ran to his room and the cutest little boy just looked at me and smiled and stood up and the day began. We spent some time playing with the singing reindeer, sending some emails, eating breakfast at the backdoor so we could watch Duke and Elly--the dogs--playing, and laughing. Ty is precious and although I was up way before any person should be allowed to be up during their Christmas break, I welcomed the company and look forward to doing it again tomorrow.

Something about family makes me happy. I just finished reading Luke Reeves blog entry from a couple of days ago and found myself laughing along with the situation. My family is much like his- I guess. We tend to be loud, talking too loud and laughing a lot. We get stares-there are different theories as to why that is-, and we pass out smiles. I love my family.

My family goes together. God has designed the Nelson Clan in such a way that no matter the mood or the things that might have accidentally come out of our mouths before we had a chance to think about them, we can always laugh, and smile and love each other.

Mom is so sure that I am going to meet someone and fall in love and get married in the next year or two; Dad is giving me 6-7 years before that happens, regardless, whoever this lucky lad is that will enter into the Nelson world, is in for a treat because my family is cool and I wouldn't trade them for the whole entire big wide world!

Be Blessed!!!



Made dinner last night, chicken quasidillas, cleaned the carpet with one of those shampoo machine thingys,made a bunch of snowflakes tonight. That's about the extent of it. Oh yeah, I ran a mile on Tuesday. I have nothing to do. I read when I get bored, or I fall asleep. I'm glad to have nothing to do and I'm happy to do stuff around the house but I'm ready to go back. I am actually ready for Christmas. Ready for Jeff and April and Ty to get here, ready for mom's birthday; ready for my birthday and to see Lauren; just ready to be active.

I have been talking to Lauren since I got home, been texting her and Jonathan. Talked to Clint once and talked to Reid tonight. I have some great friends. I am so excited about the last semester of school and getting to live it up with all my friends. It'll be a blast.

I don't really have a lot to report on but I was told by a friend that I needed to write so here it is. When you rush greatness it's not always great! ;o) Anyway, when I do have something worth reading you guys will be the first to know!

Have a great weekend and Happy Holidays!

Birthday Countdown: 6 days!

Be Blessed!!!


When The Sand Runs Out

He picked pecans and chased squirrels. We liked sitting on the back porch cracking pecans and throwing them at the squirrels with Granddad. There is not a person in my family who knew Granddad, who doesn't have a memory of cracking pecans and picking on squirrels with him.
The Chorus:

"I'm gonna stop lookin' back
and start movin' on
And learn how to face my fears
Love with all of my heart,
make my mark
I wanna leave something here
Go out on a ledge,
with out any net
That's what I'm gonna be about
Yeah I wanna be runnin
'When the sand runs out"

I heard this song on the way home from the funeral yesterday. I had heard it before but yesterday it became a lesson, not just a song. The rest of the song talks about not just spinning your wheels, but living life with a purpose. A few good lines:

"And I stood there thinking
as I said goodbye
Today is the first day
of the rest of my life"


"And when they carve my stone
they'll write these words
'Here lies a man who lived
life for all that its worth'"

With Granddad on the mind this song obviously hit me hard. Dad talked about Granddad at the funeral and the one thing I remember Dad saying was Granddad "lived life like he was living!" I've always heard you should live like you were dying and live it up but I like the idea of living like you were living. I don't think it means to take forever to do everything but I do think it means live with a purpose and live as an example of freedom and hope. Granddad instilled this life in my father and my father and mother instilled it in me and my brother and sister.
I am so very grateful for my family and for the history of faith that we have. I praise God for the life my Granddad led and for all the many people he touched. Granddad struggled with his health and his death was not unexpected, but nonetheless, the lump is hard to swallow.
He visited people everyday, someone, anyone. He helped and served others in every area of his life. Granddad was running.

He's in Heaven now. If there are squirrels in heaven they are running for their lives because Granddad is there and he's sitting on the porch of his mansion, which probably is plain and simple with a huge pecan tree out back. He's crackin' pecans, and when one of those divine squirrels scurries by, Granddad is there to peg him with a pecan.
I'll see him again. It's just a matter of time!
Be Blessed!!!



I would like to ask you all for your prayers as my family travels and grieves the loss of my Granddad. He passed away yesterday afternoon around 2 o'clock. He was a good man who loved the Lord and served him all his life. He is home now.

Thank you for your prayers.

Be Blessed!!!


Everyone's Moments

Sometimes things don't go how we planned, or how we want. It's times like that when I wonder if I really am looking at God's plan or at my plan.

I like to think our plans align but maybe the reality is they just overlap in a few places. I pray that I will have the eyes to see God's plan and know it is better than mine. I want the feet to walk in his path and know it leads to righteousness.

God is good and there is positive in everything that he allows to happen to us. Praise God for life!

Be Blessed!!!


Unlimited Texting

The title says it all. I now have unlimited text messaging! I am so excited! So those of you that are part of the texting world can join in my celebration! Yay!!

We are grilling burgers tonight! I love hamburgers, almost as much as pizza, but not quite.

I hope you Thanksgiving was as awesome as mine and I can't wait to get back to schol and see all my friends!

Be Blessed!!!


Mmm... Mmm... Good

Well, it has been a fun filled week for me. Thursday Chris Lair, Laura Clark and I, in a caravan with the mini van full of other friends from school, traveled to Nashville, Tennessee to participate in the national Youth Workers Convention put on by Youth specialties. This convention was so awesome. I got to hear some amazing speakers like, Louie Giglio, Chap Clark, Doug Fields, Doug Pagitt, David Nasser, Alise Barrymore, and worship with some awesome bands including David Crowder Band, Chris Tomlin band. We also worshipped with/ enjoyed the music and entertainment of Jars of Clay, The Skit Guys, Ted and Lee, Third Day, Starfield, The Jesus Painter, 4th Ave. Jones, tobyMac, Thor Ramsey, and other artist and musicians.

You can check out youth specialties

It was awesome!!

Thanksgiving was awesome too. I was reluctant to accept the "pot luck" style meal at the church but it ended up being a blessing. Thank you to the group in my Christian worship class that gave me a small taste of what today was like. We ate and played then went to our homes and watched the sad defeat of the cowboys. I am happy to report, however, that our flag football game, which was the nelson's and John against everyone else, was a success for the Nelson clan. We won 9-7 (touchdowns that is). Tracy would call it a draw- I think just to make himself feel better :o)

It was fun. Now I am off to bed. Tomorrow will result in an early morning of shopping and a late afternoon of golfing. That's right I am golfing tomorrow for the first time in 4 years!! Oh gees! Pray for me.

P.S. I can't get anymore text messages this month so don't send me any. I'll let you know when you can again. I still love you but it cost me money!!!

Be Blessed!!!


From Nashville...

The Youth Specialities conference is so awesome. I can't wait to get back and tell you all about it and blog about it for those readers only. If you are my parents and you are reading this I tried to call you both!

More later...

Be Blessed!!!


God is good!

That's what I am telling myself after a frustrating evening. I had such a great day, waking up refreshed and ready, getting some homework done before school this morning, enjoying my time in my classes today, singing with four great guys in a break between classes, watching a video of Dr. Mac rapping in Lynay, eating dinner with a friend, getting more homework done at Java City with Brophy and Lauren and getting periodic updates on the Cowboys from Jonathan- they won by the way.

Then the sing song meeting tonight. Everything about it was frustrating and should not have taken place. Things are not all worked out for the conference this weekend. It was a frustrating evening for sure and I did my share of venting- thank you Chris and Clint and Lauren and Jonathan for listening in some form.

But alas, life is not about sing song, or conferences it's about God and God is still good!

Be Blessed!


What about you....

I don't have a lot of time to blog right now but I do want to point out to you the pictures that Jonathan posted on his blog. I would encourage all of you to take a look at them.

They brought a sense of awe to me. I will post more on this thought later but I wanted to note that those pictures, to me, showed God's greatness over all created things. They are very cool.

My question today is how is God working in my life? How is God working in your life today? Let me know.

Be Blessed!!!


Batman and the flock of ladies

Last night I got to watch Batman Begins with some of my friends. I had heard nothing but great things about it so I was anxious to see it. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I really liked it. It was great. Pretty much they only thing I did not care for was Batman's voice, I found it a little cheesy but hey! It's whatever.

This morning my Roommates and I got up and took roommate pictures finally. We have been living together for a year and a half almost and we just now took pictures. It was so much fun. Be looking for those pictures on here soon.

This afternoon I spent a lot of time reflecting on my church hopping experiences these last few weeks. Part of me wishes I had written them sooner because I forgot some things that happened. I am grateful for the chance to go to different churches though. I was able to experience things I would not have otherwise. All I lack now is the book. That will get done tomorrow.

My favorite part of the day however, has been tonight. The North Davis girls arrived and we had some super girl talk time. With 10 girls in your house you can't help but to talk. As we went around catching up on each other's lives I suddenly became so very grateful for what God has given me. These girls, some of them, are very preoccupied with boys, and while I like boys, I like to talk about them etc., I find it disheartening to hear them so involved in them. Some jump from guy to guy and some stay with one for what seems like an eternity, regardless, they are wrapped up.

I am so grateful to have guy friends that I can hang out with, and talk to on the phone and go to activities with and there be no pressure for anything. God has truly blessed my life with people who know what community is and strive for that with each other.

I love these girls. I read Alex's story tonight. She's writing a book. She chose to share her heart with me tonight. I am blessed to have been able to be part of her life and I am praying for God to continue to bless her in the things she does.

We did a little Faith Decisions reflection/process time tonight, Alex and Lauren and I. That was very helpful for me and I know will be helpful for how we do faith decisions in January.

Thank you for these girls. Thank you for my friends.

Be Blessed!!!


Busy is my life!

Well, there is nothing in the near future that says life will slow down so here I sit ready to accept the reality of less sleep and more work. School is going well and I am enjoying my classes but EVERYTHING is due in the next week.

Sing Song update. We voted on a theme in club tonight. I can't reveal it yet because we don't know for sure we have it. We will know Monday night and I'll pass it along. I am really excited about sing song. I had my first "sing song dream" the other night. I was told I would get them but alas I never thought it would happen. It did. I dreamed that I couldn't hold out the soprano note and continue to direct the altos at the same time. Not a good sign. I'll work on the over Christmas break.

If you think about it today, stop and say a little prayer for Jonathan, His Dad and Taylor, along with the members of Heritage COC in Rowlett and friends and family of the victims of the car accident. You can read Jonathan's blog for more information on that. Today is the funeral so they need extra Godcare today.

I hope you are have enjoyed the week thus far! It's all down hill from here.

Be Blessed!!!


Investigator = Visitor

Well, it was a little different going to church today. If you have been reading the blog you know that for class Jonathan and I have been challenged to attend different worship services. So far we have a Catholic service and an evangelical service under our belts. Today was the Mormon church. We took Lauren with us b/c frankly she knew how to talk to Mormons who are dead set on converting you. I'm glad she was there. We sat towards the back, sang the songs, listened to the testimonies and were going through service just fine. We did have an Elder sitting next to Jonathan to answer any questions we might have about the service-mostly he told Jonathan and he relayed the message to me. That aside I thought we were doing a pretty good job of blending in until the testimony of the lady sitting behind us came.

If you don't know anything about how they do this, it's basically open mic for anyone who wants to come talk and sure enough the lady behind us felt moved to. I was a little taken back by what she said. "I was sitting back there and I noticed we had some investigators with us. Some Visitors." She called us investigators.. "WHOA!! Investigators? Sounds so secretive, so stealth, so James Bond! Yes! I was an investigator!" Then the reality set in...she just called us out in front of an entire congregation of Mormons. Sure maybe people didn't know it was US at first, but she put all doubt to death when she located her seat and people followed her back to her seat with their eyes as she patted each of us on the shoulders and told us she
was glad we were there. Might as well turn on the neon lights. Anyway!! She turned out to be a very nice lady and despite her announcing our presence in front of everyone we were able to get out and only talk with 2 people, one being the Elder sitting next to us. Thanks to Lauren talking to him letting him know that she was clued into them.

It was a different experience and there were definitely some things I am not fond of but one thing I did like was all the kids. Grant it, they were loud during the service but they were just so cute the noise was dismissable. There was one little boy with a little bow tie- precious!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I would like to say that my accomplishments today are many but alas, I have only successfully finished a book that I have been reading since July, and made Cinnamon/Sugar Unleavened bread. It's not to bad for my first loaf. That said- it's time to be productive!

David Leeson and a Little Soccer Ball

So tonight I went with Lauren, Becca and Jonathan to hear David Leeson speak.
It was pretty good. The pictures he took are amazing! It was definently worth the hourish we spent listening.

I must admit though, as cool as it was to hear him, the most fun was hanging out with Lauren, Jonathan and Chris and Clint afterwards. We just sat around really. No pressure, no deep conversations, a little bit of phase 10 and and some throwing the soccer ball to/at each other. Poor Lauren, as much as she avoided it, got hit anyway.

SO I'm gonna put a picture up using the blogger thing b/c I was told it works and I didn't know about it so in attempts to make life easier here goes nothin'!!!

Yes looks like it worked. I love this picture! So precious! Kids are cute, Snakes are not!

Have a great day.

Be Blessed!!!


8th grade...

I loved 8th grade. It was awesome! One of my favorite memories from 8th grade was the field trip we took to Houston. This was before my family moved (my dad was there but not the rest of us). Anyway, the best part of the field trip was the last night at the camp. We had a guys vs. girls shaving cream/toothpaste/anything icky we could find war. Teachers and students alike were all in on it. It was awesome. We went back to school and relationships with friends were so awesome for the rest of the year.

I love our 8th graders. We just wrapped up our section on Spiritual Disciplines. Tonight was worship and we had Jonathan, Mitch and John come in and lead our kids in a time of instrumental worship. It was amazing and reflective for some of them. Tonight I saw innocence. I forgot what it was like to be an 8th grader and to not know things. They have a completely different view on the world. Everything is new and exciting, even winning Jr. High football or volleyball games are worth praising God. When is that lost? I don't know but what I do know is that too many people write off Jr. High kids b/c they are difficult. I say plunge in. The only thing you have to lose is the stereotype we give them.

I love our 8th graders. I can't wait to start our Sex and Dating classes next week. I am praying that God will guide our conversations and grant us opportunities to share with each other the truth of his word.

Praise God for 8th graders.

Be Blessed!!!


Just thought it was time for some more pictures. Here are some of my faves from the last 6 months or so. Enjoy. This is my nephew, Ty. Too cute! Posted by Picasa

Cutest kid ever! Posted by Picasa

North Davis girls at Kadesh Posted by Picasa

Kadesh, just thought this was cool Posted by Picasa

Zane and Jonathan, Project Serve Posted by Picasa

Tay-Tay and Kendra, Project Serve Posted by Picasa

Noah, PUMP Posted by Picasa

Darius, PUMP Posted by Picasa

Khalil, PUMP Posted by Picasa

North Davis girls from MPulse Posted by Picasa

The Donald. This is Taylor, the girls I lived with this summer. Posted by Picasa


Holy Roman Green and Hallelujahs

Last night was Mass. It was a different experience and was definitely awkward most of the time. Jonathan and I did our best to blend in but lack of knowledge about the recited things and the chants and the procedure and just the whole service in general gave us away. We met some nice people afterwards and I went looking around the sanctuary BY MYSELF I found it interesting the way things were set up and the artwork and such on the walls. I will go into more depth in my paper but I just wanted to let everyone know how it went. Although Jonathan and I stood out I am gonna go out on a limb and say that I was a little more in than Jonathan because I had on the Holy Roman Color- Green!

This morning we went to the Morning Star Community Church. It was the polar opposite of Mass. We went from scripted chanting to free verse hallelujahs. I loved it. The praise and worship was amazing and the sermon was not too bad either. I definitely felt more at home today than I did last night but it was still different than what I am use to.

2 churches down and one to go. Next on the list is a non-Christian church so if any of you Abilenians know of one we can go to let me know!

I hope everyone has had an awesome day! Be Blessed!!!


Church Hopping

My Christian Worship class requires me to attend 3 different types of worship services. Tonight Jonathan and I will be going to a Catholic Mass and tomorrow morning we will attend a different service- the church is currently undecided. I am really excited about it. I have never really been to a service that is so very different from the normal one I attend. I look forward to reflecting on my experience.

Other than that things really have just been scooting along. I am honored to be chosen as Alpha kai Omega's 2006 Sing Song director. Hillary Hoover is the assistant director. I am looking forward to working with Hillary and being able to serve club in this way.

Thanksgiving is in less than a month! Yes!!!

Have a great day and Be Blessed!!!


Long lost blogger returns!

First things first! HAPPY BIRTHDAY POPS!!! I love you!

Now, some people forget about the blogging world. I do not want to fall into that category. While some of you have already given up hope, I would like you to know that I have, in one night, regained my life and will no doubt be blogging more often.

Pledging is over. Praise God for the beautiful women he has put in my life these last few weeks and the relationships that will undoubtedly grow from being in club. I am glad it is over though. I am tired, weary and sick on top of that, but pledging is over.

School is rapidly moving. Halfway through the semester, mid-terms behind me, I now have about 6 weeks to soak in as much knowledge as I can before I embark on my last semester of school. I am excited. I don't know what God has in store for me upon graduation but I am praying and am anxiously awaiting for the call.

The Astros blew it last night. I think they might win in Game 7 but I really don't know.

I have been blessed this semester with some great things. Besides all the new friends I have made in club, I have also made some new friends through people. Kirby, Reid, Paul, Brooke and Tom are among the few that I now encounter on a daily basis. I can't even begin to describe these people in a way that you would understand, they are too diverse. I can, however, tell you that they all love the Lord and will do great things for the kingdom.

God is good! So good! Praise him!

Be Blessed!!


Everyone should speak Hebrew!

I decided that today in my class. Hebrew is such a beautiful language and it captures all the elements of God in such awesome words. Words that are deeper than anything I can comprehend. I wish I could explain it.

On a completely different topic...things are going well in life. I got to talk to some people in the last week that I haven't talked to in a while. It was nice to hear old friends talking.

I love people. I have always enjoyed being around people but lately there are some that I just love to see everyday. They make me smile and make me happy. They remind me that today is a gift from God and we should love it and make the most of every moment he gives us.

Today I decided there are three things I want to do everyday for the rest of my life:

1. Share my heart with someone through hugging them
2. Really care when I ask someone how they are doing
3. Tell someone they are beautiful, because they are

Praise God for life! Make the most of it!! Be Blessed!!!


Busy Busy Busy

Pledging has begun....life is busy....thank Goodness for silence and solitude.

Here's a random question... What is the reputation Christianity has and why do you think Christianity has this reputation it does?

Be Blessed!!!



It was scary today. Our neighborhood walk experience on Sundays has neglected to put fear in my heart until this afternoon. We knocked on Jim's door and were greeted not with the usual "Hi kids" but with shouting and cursing and anger. Jim yelled at us and cursed at us and demanded we get off his property. It was scary. Our place of refuge was Ms. Maggies. She comforted us and prayed with us about Jim and Nancy and let us in on a little bit of Jim's life. We didn't know...

After taking time to pray together Kevin and I continued walking the street and ended the afternoon playing in the street with a bunch of kids and some new neighbors. It turned out great but Jim is still on our hearts. Pray for him...

Be Blessed!!!


What to do..

When you don't know what to do...pray!

Bless the people in New Orleans. It's not fair that they are stuck, their mothers, brothers, grandparents and babies are dying while we all sit here and watch. Lord, move our feet, convict our hearts to serve these dying people in ways that you provide. Get them out of there God. They need help!

Be Blessed!!!


Russell Street: Back

We walked today. God granted Divine Appointments for Kevin and I today. Praise him for that. I am looking forward to getting to know the new friends that we made today. Please pray for Jim and Tina and David.

The Covenant Ceremony at school was awesome tonight. I can't really explain it but I wish everyone could have been there. God is doing great things around here!

Have a super Monday and Be Blessed!!!


"We didn't start the fire..."

For those of you humming the song I apologize, but I couldn't help it!!! So the story behind the title. For 3 years my favorite Welcome Week memory (which will stay a mystery but I will tell you it involved a boy and a phone number, and now my scrapbook) has gone unchallenged. Unchallenged until last night. I stayed at the school to watch the transfer movie, National Treasure. Everyone else on steering committee went to The Incredibles at the Paramount. I was fine with it, no big deal- start the movie by pushing play-turn it off by pushing stop-simple enough. Well, while we were waiting for it to get dark, we were in the amphitheater, I realized that the lights were on. I called some people and they said just to cover them up with something, so I did the only thing that came to mind, I put boxes over the 5 big lights that shine on the Tower of Light.

This worked fine for, oh about 25-30 minutes. About that time one of the girls said "I smell smoke." Sure enough we start to pull the boxes off the lights and clouds of smoke rise filling the air with that really good bon-fire small. In another circumstance I would have invited this smell to accompany my graham cracker, chocolate and marshmellow, but last night the smell was a fright. After pulling off the first box I flipped it over just in time to see the flames begin to form on the box. Yes it was on fire. I thought..."Hum..if this one is on fire, the other 4 are probably close to it." I was right. We pulled off all the boxes and stomped out small fires on them all.

We moved the movie location to the Living Room in the Campus Center-got kicked out and ended up in the Club house of UP. While everyone (all 20) went to UP one of the guys and myself locked up the sound equippment. I had to go get the tub outside and when I walked out one of the boxes had reignited and was producing a flame too big for me to stomp out. Luckily Will Morris was walking by and took care of it for me. I wish I had a picture of the box to show you.

For those of you who know my history with burning things down I am proud to report that the Tower of Light, The Amphitheater and The Bible Building are still standing. Laugh it up out there. It's funny! We got a kick out of it! Nothin' like a fire to challenge the reigning Welcome Week memory-though I don't know it successfully beat it, it is definintly tied.



Jeff got in an accident today. He's ok don't worry. It's actually kind of funny. Mom and I were talking about how we got the best end of this deal. Since Easter 3 of the 5 people in my family have been in wrecks. First dad running a red light, then Val who rear-ended someone a couple of weeks ago, and now today Jeff who also rear ended someone. The irony- mom and I are the only ones who got new cars! I love it!

Welcome Week is almost underway. We start tomorrow at 2 p.m. with opening ceremonies. I can't wait. It's my last one as a student here. Sad...happy.

On a different note. Dad sent this question out as the Roundtable Discussion (if you would like to receive these let me know) for the day:

Do we ever have unrealistic expectations for prayer?

Be Blessed!!!


So Strange...

Being in Abilene is weird. This afternoon I really wanted to get in my car and drive back to Arlington. I praise God for this summer and for giving me a place to work where I fit and where I felt loved and accepted. I miss the people.

Work Week is going great so far. The signs look awesome! I'll post pictures later!

Have a great week! Be Blessed!!!


The time has come....

… to leave that is. This is my last week at ND and I am pretty sad. I really am not ready to go yet. I still have relationships I want to develop and people that I didn't get to talk to as much as I would have liked to, and I want to see the kids throughout the year. I'm not ready. I am well aware of the fact that just because I am leaving doesn't mean all forms of communication shut down, but it's not the same.

It has been a great summer. I would love to talk about it with you so if you want to know call me.

I read a book that Ryan Gibbons gave me called "Practicing the Presence of God." Dad tells me it will be referenced a lot in my life so it was good that I read it. I really didn't get into it until the last 2 sections. I thought those were pretty good. It was a little hard to read just because I had just finished "Blue Like Jazz" which is easily one of the best books I have ever read. Now I am reading "Searching For God Knows What" by Donald Miller, the same guy that wrote BLJ. It's good. It;s a little slower but it is still very observant and thought provoking. I like it.

Life is good. God is good. I like what I do and thank God for the opportunity. Today Greg and I decided that I am going to marry someone rich in the Arlington area and come back and be a full time volunteer for NDSM. I like it!

Have a great day and Be Blessed!!!


Expanding my vocabulary

I have been told I am maniacal (look it up) when it comes to beating boys. I think that's a bit extreme don't you? Ah well! What a week. I have found myself longing to be in Portland a lot this week. I am well aware of the fact that we sometimes romatisize things but I don't think that is the case here. I really honestly think that Portland is in need of Jesus and there is nothing more appealing to me then taking the word to a place in need. I praise God for people like Steve and the staff at PUMP who walked through a door that God opened. God bless PUMP, PSP and Portland.

On a different note, this week in Arlington has been awesome. We have been busy and working. After a nice Monday off, we spent Tuesday at Hurricane Harbor with the Jr. High Swim group. That was a lot of fun. I have realized that I easily give into peer pressure at amusement parks. I participated with a group of girls, and Greg, in conquering the "Big Slides" that are right next to I-30. Now typically you could not pay me any amount of money to ride such a ride, but seeing as to how "everyone was doing it" I felt the need to participate. I screamed all the way down closing my mouth only moments before splashing into the pool at the bottom; that was a conscious thought. The report was that the people at the bottom were laughing as well as the people at the top. My remarks, "I could go the rest of my life and never ride that again and be O.K.!" So true.

On Wednesday we had Ignite. Taylor played during our at the cross time and we had mission trip time where we got to share stories that meant something to us from Portland. We had about 15 teens there and about 6 parents not including mission trip adults. I was a little bit disappointed in the turn out but it was good to talk about it nonetheless. We also had Ignite Afterhours Wednesday night. About 10 or so kids stayed and then Bryan, Sean and I were there. Got to play a little bit of ping pong with some real competition. I was successful in my venture for victory-this is when I was deemed maniacal.

Thursday was the Drive-In at the Clarks. We watched National Treasure and were joined by the middle school girls from Highland in Abilene. They were working at Fortress this weekend and came to hang out with us. It was a lot of fun. Coach O'Neal has almost lost hope in my football throwing abilities. Sad day. I'm working on it.

Friday night Lauren Peters and I went to the Rangers game with the Highland group. That was a lot of fun but the game was really sad until the end. We left before it got exciting from what I hear. Oh well. They still lost.

Today, Saturday, was Family Uplift at church. I have really come to love kids this summer and today only confirmed that. I have always struggled with being excited about VBS, Day Camp etc. but this summer I have had ample opportunity to do such things and I would not trade those experiences for the world. Kids love unconditionally. It's no wonder that Jesus told us we must become like a child. I don't think you can get any closer to Jesus love than to love like a child. Praise God for all his little children.

Tomorrow the Zambian Vocal Group will be singing to our teens in our class and then they will be singing in worship. I am very excited to have them and I look forward to what they will share with us in the morning. Tomorrow night starts Project serve. I have never done it but I am really excited. I'm shooting 3 for 3 working with Greg in groups this summer so I am really excited to see what new experiences we will embark on!

What a week! Praise God! I hope you all have a great Sunday and an awesome week!

Be Blessed!!!


Pictures From Portland

I hope you enjoy these:

The 3rd Graders

The 2nd Graders

1st Grade Group 1

1st Grade Group 2

The Girls

The Falls

The Retreat on Mt. Hood

Yellow Circles, our reading group

Louis Break Dancing

The Hands of Jesus



Be Blessed!!!

Unfinished Business

Today was a good day for me. I finished a book, I finished the first season of The O.C. and I had lots of time to process through the week at PUMP considering Greg gave Bryan and Me the day off- thanks Greg. The only complaint I have with my whole day is that it was not complete. While processing alone today and with the girls at Bible Study I realized that there is much work to do. We spent one week trying to be Jesus to people we didn't know and then left. It breaks my heart to leave and feel like there is so much more to do.

Love. One word that can wrap around you, entangle you and cushion you all at the same time. Falling in love is from God and I never, in a million years, thought I would fall in love with a first grade boy who looks like a gangster, or a third grade boy who does a great impression of Raven, or a second grade boy who follows directions better then I do, or a first grade girl who puts on a tough front but really doesn't want to go to headquarters, or a first grade girl who has more beads in her hair then hair itself, or a third grade girl who loves to hold your hand. As I looked at the handprints yesterday I wanted to be there. I wanted to be with the kids, even the bad ones who tested me and pushed my buttons. They need me, they need Jesus; or do I need them? Are they the Jesus that I have been looking for and long to be with? I miss them...there is unfinished business in Portland, Oregon; there is unfinished business in the world.

Be Blessed!!!

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