
The Absolute Truth

Before I start into what I really want to talk about, I just want to pause and say that this lectureship was probably the best one I have been to in the last 5 years. I love the focus on being raised with Christ and spreading that wonderful message. Randy Harris says"The missionaries are ready, will the senders send them?" Awesome!

I also would like to acknowledge the fact that as much as I rag on Ryan about not keeping in touch, I do my share of "not keeping in touch" also-so in case any one you think Ryan is this horrible person that never talks to me, change your mind or I will hunt you down! Ryan is awesome and it was a true joy to see him this week!

Now that said, help me figure this out!

As Christians there is an Absolute truth that we believe-There is a God and he sent his son to die for us so we could be with him for eternity. In relation to this truth is it fair to say that God loves us? I am having a hard time figuring out how one could proclaim this truth and doubt God's love-I know we do, we all do. For how long though? There is a difference to me in questioning God- his nature, his power, his love- and dwelling on the questions of his nature, his power and his love. How can God love me and let these things happen to me? Heard that before? Then the same person a week (or so) later says, "God is good" or "God is faithful." But what about those who never get back to the "good" and "faithful" God. It's been almost 8 months since this question was posed to me by a friend of mine and she is still there. Is there something wrong with that? I worry that her faith has been shaken so hard that she has given into the ways in which Satan is pulling her. I can't tell her that God loves her- she doesn't believe it. I can't tell her that I am praying for her-She says no thanks (though it doesn't stop me). I can't tell her that Jesus is carrying her through this-she says he's not around; Oh he's still with people- just not me, she says. How do you help someone figure out that there are some answers we will never know? How do you help them accept that truth?
I tell her I want her to talk to me- I want to tell her so does God. I tell her I'm listening to her, I want to tell her so is God. I tell her that I love her, I want to tell her, so does God. It's the truth!

Be Blessed!!!


Sing Song's are fallin' on my....

What a great great weekend! I really wish that I could verbalize my weekend and post it so that y'all could get the full effect of the stories that are to come, but alas, technology will not allow it...or my lack of knowledge of technology is what hinders this from happening. Whatever the true reason, you will have to try and take on my personality, or imagine that I am speaking to you, as you read these next few documentations of my weekend!

Shing Shong (Really Sing Song-but if you say it with the 'h' in it it's a little bit more entertaining). This weekend was the big show! Clubs and classes compete with each other in 4 different areas, Vocals, Costumes, Originality and Presentation. Just for the record my club is 5 years old and last year we placed 3rd over all. This year our show was entitled Lather. Rinse. Repeat. And as a side note- I have to say (this is where that pretending you're me thing will come in handy) that one of my favorite parts of the show is when the announcer says: (using my announcer voice) Under the direction of Karyn Gorsline, the women of Alpha Kai Omega present, Lather. Rinse. Repeat. (I really hope you used your announcer voice when you read that- if you failed to- read it again, maybe even out loud- that's fun too!) So anyway! in the 4 areas of judgment (lol) this is how we did: Vocals-3rd, Originality-3rd, Costumes-? (they only announce 1-2-3 so we didn't place in the top 3). The coolest Part is in Presentation we placed 1st! In the 5 year history we have never placed higher than 3rd in anything and this year we got 1st in presentation! We beat the 2 biggest girls clubs on campus! It was awesome and we praise God for allowing us to compete with them much less blessing us in this way. As for the over all placement for Sing Song 2005 we got 3rd and we are ecstatic! We love entertaining the crowd- that's what its about, entertaining and fellowship with one another and God!

As much fun as Sing Song was- the weekend only got better today. Ryan was able to walk with us today and it was a blast. I'm really thinkin' that you should come in every Sunday to walk with us Ryan! What do ya say? It was great to see our friends and it was a beautiful day today. After a wonderful and interesting ;o) visit to Ms. Maggies house we went to see David and Tina and had a blast playin' with the kids. It's a Miracle that no one was injured in the Little Red Wagon adventures! I really thought I was going to die in a Little Red Wagon for a brief moment in time. I really miss having you around Ryan! for real!

^ oh yeah! In addition to a great Sunday afternoon- This morning Praise and worship was AMAZING! ZOE led singing and Mike and others were wonderful! I can't even explain it! Ask me about it if you want to know!

Tonight was the first night of Lectureship! I love it! This is probably one of my favorite times of the year. There is so much knowledge to be absorbed here on campus- if only ALL classes would be cancelled during lectureship! It's not the same with out dad here- I don't know if I'll make it to Tuesday!

Things are great! God is Great and most of all Faithful! Praise God for his love for us! and in the words of our speaker tonight "True Story!"

Be Blessed!!!


Sunday- A day of Rest? What?

Today was a great day! I got a lot done and I think I will for sure go to bed at an acceptable time tonight. This morning I got up and went to early service with my church partner- Misty- and we enjoyed a great lesson from Mike on Ecc. What a great day it was to see him preaching God's word again. Take that Satan! Afterwards I came home and did some homework while playing hearts with the cuz on the internet. That was fun- I'm pretty sure the other two that were playing with us not only had no idea that we knew each other- but were probably pretty confused! Way to be a team cuz! After that I went up to Neighborhood Walkers! Me and Kevin and Meg walked today- C/Kasey's were out again. God has truly blessed our team this semester with some new relationships that are forming on our street and praise God- our neighbors are starting to meet eachother! How cool! I am super duper excited the Ryan- who seldom communicates with little ol' me anymore :o) will be here next week to walk with us! I can't wait Ryan! Really- when are you coming to town?

I left NW early to go up to the church to be a part of the 8th grade blessing. As you know I am on the teaching team for the 8th grade class and tonight- in the midst of our series "Faith Decisions"- there was an incredible opportunity for the parents and kids to get together as the parents read blessings over their children. Some were funny, some were sweet and some were big time tear jerkers but all of them were words spoken with the love of Christ and I wouldn't have missed it for the world!!! I feel so blessed to have been a part of that!

Now I am here at work- the only time I ever blog. My fellow sisters in club are working their rear ends off at the dance studio in front of the mirrors to perfect their SING SONG FACES and moves! They rock!

I really hope that every one has had a great weekend! I feel refreshed and renewed this weekend and I praise God for being so good and faithful to His children.

Be a blessing and Be Blessed!!!


What is Moody Weekend you ask?

Well, let me enlighten you. Moody Weekend is the weekend before Sing Song where all the clubs and classes get to practice on the Moody Stage. This is an important part of Sing Song b/c it is the only time prior to Dress rehearsal that we get to get on stage and thus the only time on stage when there are less then 15 people watching. Usually Moddy Weekend runs from about 5 o'clock Friday night to around 4-5 Saturday morning. In previous years there has been given 45 min. To each club and class to practice and 15 min between them. As in life, things change. This year 2 clubs performed on Wednesday night and everyone else that performed last night, only got 40 min on stage and 5 min between clubs. This made for a much shorter Moody Weekend. Our club was last to go- lucky us! We got to Moody at 11:45 p.m. went on stage at 12:30 a.m and came off at 1:10 a.m. 20 min later I exited the building putting me back at my house sometime around 1:35 a.m. Nothin' like Moody Weekend! Maybe I'm weird- but it's one of my favorite parts of Sing Song. I think we have a really good show this year and I am really excited to see how we measure up.

Other news: I am working today for the normal "Saturday Afternoon Guy." So What do you do in a lonely computer lab for 5 hours? Beats me- I'll let you know when I figure it out! I have about 26 CD's here and I brought markers, homework and my knitting stuff hoping that it will keep me occupado for the next 3 hours and 45 min. Goodness that's a long time. I was going to go play racquetball with my roommate today but they close at 5- sad! I played 4 games in class on Thursday- won two lost two. It was so much fun! Watch out dad, I'm learning some mad racquetball skills that are gonna make you wish you never taught me what a racquet was!

So I guess I will go do my homework now! Call my if you get bored! I'll be here until 5!

Be Blessed!!!


One of My Favorite Acappella Songs!

What is your favorite Acappella song?

Walkin' That Line

I will hold up my head
Proudly march where I am lead
Now that I see the way I'm walking it day by day
I will not fear this road
Gladly I'll bear this load
And I will not think twice
Because I am walking with Christ

CHORUS: I'm walking that line -
never look back I'm walking that line -
I'm on the right track I'm never alone -
He's holding my hand
And everything's fine cause I'm walking that line
To the promised land

Why don't you walk with me
Travel eternity
Staying within His light
Keeping the end in sight
We will not go astray
Together His will obey
And we will win the fight
We are walking with Christ


BRIDGE: Though my feet may often stumble
I will not be down for long
He has called me to commitment
And my resolutions strong
So when satan clouds the vision
And his poison darts are thrown
I will look back at these challenges
Just to see how much I've grown


I'm walking that line - never look back
I'm walking that line - on the right track
I'm never alone - He's holding my hand
And everything's fine cause I'm walking that line
To the promised land

And everything's fine cause
I'm walking that line I'm walking that line

Be Blessed!!!


Mary Poppins and Harry Potter

This weekend I was sick. I spent pretty much all of Saturday on the couch writing letters and watching Harry Potter(the first two movies). I really enjoyed them. As well as watching Harry Potter, I watch Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins is probably my favorite movie of all time. I am completely in love with Dick Van Dyke and Juile Andrews. I would really like to get the 40th anniversary Mary Poppins special edition. It has interviews with Julie and Dick on it! So cool. Yes we are on a first name basis. Anywho! I would like to get the whole soundtrack too. Hugh made me a CD with some of the songs on it- the coolest of which is Supercalifradulisticexpialidocious in SPANISH! That's right- in Spanish. If you thought it was fun in English you have to hear it in Spanish! It's great! -That CD is on it's was soon cousin! So the whole point of this blog is really to ask you what your favorite movie is and to try and squeeze that movie out of my parental units for Valentines day-Remember when you guys use to send me packages for Valentines Day? I do-I miss those days; let's get back to the good ol' days, what do ya say? Mom? Dad? Yes?

Be Blessed!!!


Blurred Vision

Ok well, I have been informed that I need to update my blog so here I am. I only work 2 nights a week now so I don't blog as much as I used to and for that, Cousin, I am truly sorry.

This has been a pretty awesome week. Last weekend I traveled to Houston with Sarah Woodroof, and our make-shift Joel, to teach at the Girls Reflecting Glory Conference. Although there was some miscommunication in the middle of the day, it turned out to be an awesome weekend. The class was better then I expected it to be and I got to team up with Sarah, once again, to let God speak to some very beautiful ladies. The Theme was Lost and Found and it came from Romans 12:1-2. Great verses. Our class was titled "Dying to Praise Him" and we talked about living a life of sacrifice and worship. Awesome topic. Awesome young women of God.

On the flip side, the challenge for the weekend was to see how many thing Mandy could lose. I'm pretty sure that although the only competitor in this game, I won! I managed to lose $20, a Newsboys CD and my ACU Ring, totaling more money then I have! All that said-the game was no fun and to be perfectly honest- no one let me know I was playing. My stuff just seemed to disappear! The good news is that my ACU Ring was found in the back seat of a car that I never got into this weekend! The girl I stayed with found it there. Who would have guessed! The point is that I am now only a CD and $20 short. Praise God!

There have been a lot of things going on this week! I had a 2 page paper on the history of Paul and the Colossians due, I was in charge of the Devo in World Evangelism on Wednesday, Wednesday night 2 of the kids in our 8th grade class got baptized, 2 Sing Song practices, two nights of work and best of all......a Greek test! That right a Greek test. For those of you that know my love for Greek you can only imagine how thrilled I was to to sit an partake of this ritual with my other, less than excited classmates. Let me just say- I didn't not cry, whimpered maybe but not a tear was shed. I wanted know one to know I was weak.

Tomorrow, I get to go to class and go to Praise day in Chapel and enjoy the company of my friends for dinner at my house tomorrow night (it's spaghetti if you want to come)! I love Fridays...by the way, we had a Ryan Porche praise day not to long ago. All the good ol' Ryan songs were sung, with almost the same enthusiasm and energy! I miss ya Porche! It's just not the same friend!

As for right now I sit in the lonely lab waiting in anticipation for the clock to strike the eleventh hour so I can retreat to my home and more importantly to my bed. The dust that settled on the library books and the shifting weather seem to have taken their toll on my body. Not only an I beginning to sound like a man, but my vision is getting blurry. That the worst part.

Blurry vision. We talked about this in my Evangelism class about a week ago. Not about being sick but about our vision of God's mission. How do we look at it and how do we carry out his mission. One thing that was pointed out was that if our vision is blurred we can not lead in the right direction. The why glasses are made, so that when your vision is blurred you trust something else to show you the truth. Jesus is like our pair of glasses. We can not depend on our own sight to lead us to God but with Jesus glasses we have Kingdom Vision and can join God in his work around the world! Do you have your Jesus Glasses on? Do you have Kingdom Vision? I pray that you do!

Friends, be a light in the darkness this weekend and share the love of Christ with everyone!
Be Blessed!!!