
All is right with the world

If you know me at all or have read any of my blog postings since January you know I am a huge fan of American Idol. I absolutely love that show. I love that show even more now that Sanjaya is off. Praise Jesus!

Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against him personally but he doesn't deserve to be on the show this late in the game. He's creepy, had a weird child molester mustache last week, can't sing country worth a flip and while some might find it attractive-his smile is a bit on the stalker side of life. He isn't attractive-not that that's what it's about but it helps- his hair was a joke to get votes-that worked for a while- he cried last night AND he doesn't have the eyes. Nick Pedro-had the eyes. There are few people who do, at least that I have encountered and Sanjaya is not in the minority. He should have been gone a long time ago and I am convinced that the applause last night was because he was leaving and NOT because Lakisha is staying, but I'm glad she's still around.

Now my whole life doesn't revolve around AI so there are other reasons the world is right today. The weather is great today, makes me want to play outside. The youth calendar is almost done. The sonic lady gave us a good laugh this afternoon. My desk is fairly clean. I finished a good book and started another good book this week. Flew on 4 different planes this week and am still alive. Still don't know what to do with my life but I am loving not knowing.

It's a good day! Hope yours is awesome too!

iPod update: 3,225/3,523


Being happy

I love to be happy. I have been pretty happy lately. I enjoy the company of people who are happy and like to laugh.

I think God likes to be happy too. If he didn't he wouldn't have made monkey's because let's face it, hardly anyone can look at a monkey and not at least smile.

I talk in my "Convicted" blog about how sometimes I feel like God is smiling on me, thinking of me, and loving me. In theselast few weeks here are a few of the things I feel like God has specifically put in my life for me to be happy and enjoy...

- Disney movies with a group whose average age is probably around 28
- Hearing the moans of a groan man in pain :o) (pun intended)
- Breakfast with the boys
- Dinner with the OTHER boys
- A kid falling back in his chair while trying to eat a chip (he wasn't hurt)
- Free Astros tickets
- Going to the game with a great guy
- Walking a million miles to and from the car next to a kid with a bum ankle
- Rain
- High School kids and paint
- Girls night out
- Late night phone calls
- Text message conversations
- Perfect weather
- Shopping
- Bad Weather
- Postponements
- Friendships
- Hugs

...just to name a few. I love life.

Be blessed!!!

iPod Update: 2499/3523 (some songs were added..i know bad plan)


One thing that I have come to realize in the last couple of weeks is that it seems one of the biggest fears we have a humans is to be forgotten. You hear it in songs like the one by Carrie Underwood titled "Don't forget to Remember Me" and we see it in the things we do when people leave, such as giving gifts and throwing parties.

I have begun to wonder if we say good-bye because the person is leaving or because we want to be remembered and it is our last chance. I suppose the sentiment is right regardless but it has been on my mind lately.

I want to be remembered, not because of myself but because of Christ. I know some of you are probably thinking "how cliche` Mandy" but it's true. I want people to see Jesus when they see me and I want them to experience Jesus when they are with me. I want to treat people like Jesus would and more importantly I want to love people like Jesus. There are times when I have truly felt the love of God in my life. Those are the times when I look up at the beautiful blue sky while laying in the grass listening to music and think-God is smiling on me. If you have never felt like God is smiling on you I hope and pray that one day you do.

On the days you feel like no one will remember you, look up to the sky and know that I will, and that God will and he is smiling on you.