
Walking Wisely

This weekend we had our Middle School Spring Retreat: Walking Wisely. We talked about what it means to seek wisdom in decision making and how to make good decisions. Here are some snapshots of the weekend WITH caption because some people just HAVE to know who the people in the pictures are. Enjoy!

Emily, Hannah, Sarah and Suzanna before the retreat kick-off
Kylie joined in on the Knock-Out game!
Hannah, Emily, Kelsey, Andrea, Chris and Drew supportin' the Aggies in the Corner game
The Cheese Stands alone! Ashlie standin' her ground in the Corner Game
Drew, Ranger and Gibbs sharing their "Daily Decisions" list


Hannah, Candace and Kelsey

Ranger and Gibbs

Greg, our speaker for the weekend

Steve and Denver



Cute little Girlie Girls!

The Meeting Time

Steve with the Talking Hat kicking off our meeting/planning time.

Me with the talking hat

Denver with the talking hat

The girls in a Deer Stand

The girls

Drawing in the Sand....like Jesus did :o)

The group on the Hay Ride

Sarah, Ashlie and Suzannah on the Hay Ride

The Back of our T-Shirts

iPod Update: 1,384/3514


I feel good today. I have a fresh feeling over me, like when you are baptized and come out of the water a new person. That's how I feel, baptized.

God shows up when we need him most and when we close our eyes he shines brighter. God blessed me with good conversation yesterday and encouraging company.

I am grateful for the people God has allowed my path to cross while I have been here in Belton and I am beginning to feel the anticipated sadness of having to leave in a few short months.

But not yet. For now I am here. I am all here and God is all good!


Song Update

I will write more tomorrow but an update on my iPod song listening is here. I am on

1,359 of 3514.

There is an explaination there were songs on my iPod that weren't actually there-meaning, the title was there but there was no music SO with those songs deleted there are on 3514 instead of 3529 or whatever it was before.

Happy Listening!



Just some pictures from Sing Song:


Surprised but not shocked at all..

So I guess that those who really know might not be surprised to find out that I am a conflict avoider. In my class a couple of weekends ago we took about four test to find out our conflict management styles. I am an Avoider-until I am confronted then I am an Accommodator.

Now I understand this the more I think about it but at first I was a little surprised to be classified in this way. At first I thought it was just because I am not really afraid of conflict but the more I think about it-I was surprised because it seems like I am always in it! Now that either makes the test wrong OR the test is right and I'm just no good at avoiding! Beats me!


I feel independent today. I found a flaw in my online banking so I called the bank and got it all settled. I also called the glass company and the insurance company and got everything worked out for me to get my windshield replaced on Wednesday. All of this was done before, long before, any conversations with my dad took place.

I would by no means classify myself as independent-recalling a conversation from the weekend in which I offered to pay my dad to take care of getting my tires fixed as long as he didn't ask me any question. But for today I have tasted the free life which I am not so eager to enter anymore!


iPod update: 522/3,529 for those who care.