
A Regular Week...

...If there is such a thing. This week in the office has been nice. We have had stuff to do and been busy for the most part but it has also been relaxing and a nice break from the fast paced world of camps. I am really enjoying working here at North Davis and I am excited to see what God has in store for the rest of the summer.

Yesterday we had our first new Wednesday night set up. We are calling it Ignite. If you like it let me know if you don't keep it to yourself. :o) But really it went well. It's a changed from how Wednesday nights are usually done and I think the kids responded to it really well-if you are a NDSM member and you liked it let me know! We had a great time of praise and worship and Michael and Kouster (sp?) did a great job sharing what was on their hearts with everyone. Thanks guys.

Tonight is SYS and tomorrow is a day to breathe! Praise God! It's fun. I love my job.

Be Blessed!!!



Kadesh and MPulse have been the last two weeks of my life. Man, what a way to spend you time: digging in the Word, discussion the Word and acting on the Word. Praise God for what he has done in my life the last two weeks but Praise him more for how he has transformed the lives of 11 High School Graduates and 20 7th & 8th graders.

What better a message for High School graduates to hear then the Hope we have in Christ. Call me and I will tell you about my experience-if you can't do that email me (
asn02a@acu.edu). It's great to see 11 kids go from "I think I'm going to heaven" to "You better believe I'm going to heaven and let me tell you why!" Man-awesome!

Shout to the Lord all the earth let us sing!
Power and majesty praise to the King!
Mountains bow down and the seas will roar,
at the sound of your name!
I sing for joy at the work of Your hand!
Forever I'll love you forever I'll stand!
Nothing compares to the promise I have in you!

MPulse-Agape for the World
20 of the most challenging middle school kids I have ever worked with. Not challenging like asking question but challenging like a typical middle school kid. This week has taught me patience. Praise God for being my strength. Today I think most of them got it. All week we have been talking about what it means to love like Christ loved. Today we had a foot washing ceremony where Bryan and I washed the feet of each of our group members while Luke and Chris prayed over them. Awesome! "So that's what it means to love like Jesus!" Light bulb! Happy heart! I love middle school kids-even the challenging ones!

It was a great 2 weeks! Call me if you want to know more!
I love you guys! Be Blessed!!!


Divine Design...

Painting houses...Changing Lives...From the outside in!

That was the theme for Arlington Work Camp 2005. I have not done a camp like this in a very long time and It has been so spiritually renewing for me. It was a great reminder to me of why I love teenagers so much and that they are not all about themselves. Arlington has a youth that knows what it means to be a Christian. I'm a Christian so I serve. It's natural to them. Second nature. It's what I'm supposed to do. No complaints. No questions. Just service.

This week I have gotten to see a level of service that I didn't even know kids still had. To be honest I had almost lost hope in a deeper service for this teenage generation but there's something bigger. God has a Divine Design for us and service is the path he has created us to walk. Praise God for teenagers who surpass surface level service and hit the heart of Christianity! Praise God for teenagers who get it! Praise God!

Be Blessed!!!