
Being happy

I love to be happy. I have been pretty happy lately. I enjoy the company of people who are happy and like to laugh.

I think God likes to be happy too. If he didn't he wouldn't have made monkey's because let's face it, hardly anyone can look at a monkey and not at least smile.

I talk in my "Convicted" blog about how sometimes I feel like God is smiling on me, thinking of me, and loving me. In theselast few weeks here are a few of the things I feel like God has specifically put in my life for me to be happy and enjoy...

- Disney movies with a group whose average age is probably around 28
- Hearing the moans of a groan man in pain :o) (pun intended)
- Breakfast with the boys
- Dinner with the OTHER boys
- A kid falling back in his chair while trying to eat a chip (he wasn't hurt)
- Free Astros tickets
- Going to the game with a great guy
- Walking a million miles to and from the car next to a kid with a bum ankle
- Rain
- High School kids and paint
- Girls night out
- Late night phone calls
- Text message conversations
- Perfect weather
- Shopping
- Bad Weather
- Postponements
- Friendships
- Hugs

...just to name a few. I love life.

Be blessed!!!

iPod Update: 2499/3523 (some songs were added..i know bad plan)

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