
Mary Poppins and Harry Potter

This weekend I was sick. I spent pretty much all of Saturday on the couch writing letters and watching Harry Potter(the first two movies). I really enjoyed them. As well as watching Harry Potter, I watch Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins is probably my favorite movie of all time. I am completely in love with Dick Van Dyke and Juile Andrews. I would really like to get the 40th anniversary Mary Poppins special edition. It has interviews with Julie and Dick on it! So cool. Yes we are on a first name basis. Anywho! I would like to get the whole soundtrack too. Hugh made me a CD with some of the songs on it- the coolest of which is Supercalifradulisticexpialidocious in SPANISH! That's right- in Spanish. If you thought it was fun in English you have to hear it in Spanish! It's great! -That CD is on it's was soon cousin! So the whole point of this blog is really to ask you what your favorite movie is and to try and squeeze that movie out of my parental units for Valentines day-Remember when you guys use to send me packages for Valentines Day? I do-I miss those days; let's get back to the good ol' days, what do ya say? Mom? Dad? Yes?

Be Blessed!!!


Anonymous said...

Jeremiah used to like "Bednobs and Broomsticks," although I don't know if he will admit it now. Ask him about "The Court Jester." JMG

Jeremy said...

Um, favorite movie?

Ok, so it's not "THE FROGS"...the absolute cheesiest horror film ever made!!!! Um... Bruce Almighty is good...not a favorite. Um.... I guess it would have to be something Star Trekky...yes, nerd, I know. I like "Friends" but it's not a movie. I watched "The Grudge"...it was ok. Did I even answer your question?


Mandy said...


Jeremy said...

BTW, Freed-Hardeman accepts overnight shipping. I will expect my package soon!!!!!


Mandy said...

Still didn't tell me your favorite movie!