
8th grade...

I loved 8th grade. It was awesome! One of my favorite memories from 8th grade was the field trip we took to Houston. This was before my family moved (my dad was there but not the rest of us). Anyway, the best part of the field trip was the last night at the camp. We had a guys vs. girls shaving cream/toothpaste/anything icky we could find war. Teachers and students alike were all in on it. It was awesome. We went back to school and relationships with friends were so awesome for the rest of the year.

I love our 8th graders. We just wrapped up our section on Spiritual Disciplines. Tonight was worship and we had Jonathan, Mitch and John come in and lead our kids in a time of instrumental worship. It was amazing and reflective for some of them. Tonight I saw innocence. I forgot what it was like to be an 8th grader and to not know things. They have a completely different view on the world. Everything is new and exciting, even winning Jr. High football or volleyball games are worth praising God. When is that lost? I don't know but what I do know is that too many people write off Jr. High kids b/c they are difficult. I say plunge in. The only thing you have to lose is the stereotype we give them.

I love our 8th graders. I can't wait to start our Sex and Dating classes next week. I am praying that God will guide our conversations and grant us opportunities to share with each other the truth of his word.

Praise God for 8th graders.

Be Blessed!!!

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