

That's what I am doing. Waiting. This morning I got the privilege of experiencing my first Thursday Morning Breakfast with the University Youth Group. It was fun to get to see some of the kids from the retreat and to meet a lot of new faces in a casual setting. I am grateful to the girls for inviting me and I hope to be able to come consistently until I graduate.

So what does that have to do with waiting? Well, for a long time I have waited for God to present me with an opportunity to meet new people and sort of spark a new fire in my life. At lunch with some friends on Tuesday the question was proposed, What does being on fire for God look like in your life right here and in the now? What a great question to process and answer. In the last two weeks I have felt like I have been very intentional in looking for opportunities to minister and God has been faithful in delivering these times. With the UCYG kids, with Soul Force and even in my group of friends I have had the chance to process, fellowship and love. I still feel like I'm waiting though...

I don't know what for. Maybe it's personal, maybe it's just between me and a friend, maybe it's public. I don't know but this sense of anticipation and urgency has come over me in the last couple of days and I don't exactly know what to do with it. Have you ever felt that? Man!

So here I am waiting on something to happen. God, whatever I am waiting for prepare me for it.

Be Blessed!!!

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