
I know nothing about soccer!!!

Ok so funny story of the night was at the soccer game. I went to watch Drew play with a bunch of church people. It was his birthday so we went out there with a sign and a banner. I realized that I know nothing about soccer because 3/4 of the time I had no idea why the ref blew his whistle. Hum... The best part of the game, outside Drew's score, was the kid on the other team who kneed the ball into his own face!!! If you will just close your eyes and imagine this cocky high school kid kneeing the ball into his face I'm sure you would laugh. It was great. I also enjoyed the dramatic line judge (I guess that's what they call um). Every time he threw up his flag it was with passion and vigor!


So I have been home the last couple of days visiting the family. Jeff and Ty are here and I have throughly enjoyed hangin' out with my little snickerdoodle. I love calling him that because he will say it back to me and it comes out less than perfect. That's what I love about Ty right now. He can't always say the whole word or phrase but what he says is so much cuter than what you tell him to say. It's precious. Right now Ty has these faces that he does. There are four and at some point I will post them. We have, Crazy Ty, Happy Ty, Smiling Ty and Scary Ty. They are too too cute!


The Chronicles of Narnia. I am half way done with The Magician's Nephew and I love it. I want to finish it before I get back to Abilene so I can read The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe before Spring break is over.


Easter. Mom wants me to come home and sing again. This will be the third year in a row. I don't know who with or what song but I'm sure she will tell me with two weeks to learn it and perfect it. Last year was fun. Remember that? Takin' the keyboard out to Will Hare park and watching the sunset while learning this new song! So many things about that trip were awesome! (Easter shorts) I am so grateful to God for giving me awesome friends to make incredible memories with. Life is good! Praise God for that!

I think it's time to call it quits. It is my mine and my dads nightly ritual (when I'm home) to watch Law and Order: CI or SVU until there are no more to watch, then go to bed! It's on!

Goodnight friends!!!

Be Blessed!!!


JPReding said...

Soccer is a beautiful sport. Some would call it an art. I prefer describing it as a rhythmic dance with the ball.

The glory of soccer is in finding that rhythm and watching the movement come together all over the field, on the ball as well as off the ball.

There is much to learn yet about the game...

JPReding said...

I had a blast last Easter. The Kemah was definitely at our backs that weekend.