
Unexpected meeting...

This was the title of one of the chapters of the book I just finished. In the Magician's Nephew (the first of the Narnia series) the kids are trying to obtain the fruit Aslan sent them after when they run into the Witch, a woman they knew well at this point. Unexpected meeting. I felt like that last night. Maybe it was a mixture of the tiredness of my body and the passion I feel in music but regardless, I unexpectedly met my feelings last night. Upon hearing a song I had heard many times before and allowing my mind to reflect on times spent with my Granddad, I felt as though I was fighting a war to keep the river of emotion from flowing out of my eyes.

I was with people, we were driving home, I didn't want to cry. Luckily God sent laughter into my life at just the right time to hold off the tears momentarily. I called a time out in life last night (I also called my mom), retreated from my current atmosphere for a minute and allowed my body to cleanse itself as it so eagerly desired to do.

Cleansed but not refreshed. Not yet at least. God speaks to my heart through his music and he has reminded me of something lately.

You are mine, you are loved
You have always been thought of
When you hurt I feel it every time
You are mine, you are loved
And I'm never giving up
Till I've dried all the tears you cry
Long before you took a breath
I took your pain upon my chest
I knew your name, I heard you call
It was worth it all
It was worth it all
You are worth it all

This is the chorus of a new FFH song called Worth it All and it's written to be sung from God to us, to me. Last night God sung this song to me.

Thank you Lord for drying my tears, taking my pain and loving me. Cleanse me. Cleanse my heart and my soul. Rest my body and refresh it. Help me to wake up each morning and sing to you. It is worth it all. -Amen

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