
Just Another Manic Tuesday?

You know what is really really cool. It's cool when you have friends that care about you and love you and you care about them and love them. I know it's only Tuesday but this week has already been a little bit crazy. I have a paper due Thursday that I wasn't able to find any research info. on until today! I finally was able to get into the Center for Restoration Studies and get the book I needed. It seemed like there was only one book on Annie C. Tuggle and it was in the CRS and every time I went yesterday it was closed! So today I was going to skip my last class and go to the library but my conscience wouldn't let me and I went to class anyway. It turned out to be a good thing that I went to class because my teacher cancelled class so that we could all go to the library and research-what a cawinkie-dink: I don't know if that's how you spell it, help is invited!

I think one thing that has made today a long struggle is that I have been coughing all day. It's that violent man-cough that comes when you are almost done being sick. I, in that respect, am glad I am coughing, however comma the lack of sleep from this weekend and last night is leaving me a bit sluggish. That's what naps are for I suppose!

Back to the friends thing at the top. I have been blessed this week to get to talk with a couple of fellas I haven't talked to in a while and that was refreshing for me. I love my friends. God truly has blessed me with great people in my life.

Before I go a little update on Hughster- I made that up just now :o) He's great. He had a test Monday, feelin' good about that, and he has a presentation tomorrow so it's a big week for him. He also has his first Greek test Monday so be praying about that, I am.

I hope everyone has a great week. God is good. If you get a chance click the link to my cousins blog (Cousin who has a blog he never told me about! Punk!) and read the entry entitled "Dirt Poor..." It's a good one!

Be Blessed!!!

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Hey cousin,

I appreciate that you appreciate those whom are appreciated. You may not know it, but you've become somewhat of a spiritual role model to me over the summer. I spent a lot of time with your memories in your room and got to know you a little better through your stuff. (Don't worry, I didn't pry too hard or find embarrassing stuff.) Thank you for your service, heart, leadership, and determination for God! It's an inspiration to me.
