

When you are sick it seems like all you do is blow your nose. You can blow and blow and blow and think that you got it all but then, then it comes- "the SNEEZE!" "The sneeze" is what I am calling the "repeat factor." You see when you sneeze what you are doing is bringing more of the gunk in your nose to the surface and you begin the steps of clearing out your nose all over again. Once you have passed this level of sneezing and blowing you get to "the cough!" Here it seems like you cough at only the times when it is most important for you NOT to cough i.e. "the cough" attacks during the prayer in chapel or a class, "the cough" attacks at the best part of the song or "the cough" attacks at the most important part of Days of Our Lives and you have to ask you roommates later what happened only to find out that Stepheno is behind the whole Salem Stalker incident. Sorry about that, but really mom- did I call that or what! So in conjunction with "the cough" you have what we refer to as "drainage" which is really annoying because it makes you want to spit and frankly- I don't like to spit, it's gross. I say all that to say this, I really hope I get better before I see my boyfriend on saturday!

Have a great weekend!
Be Blessed!!!

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Ahh... the life cycle of a cold. You could write a book!
