
Back to the Hood!

Well, today was the first time I have walked the neighborhood, or Russel Street rather, since I have been back at school. I was so refreshing to get to see everyone. They are all doing well. Rudy has lost his job and is moving across town with his sister so if you think about it pray that he is able to find work. Miss Maggie is doing well. She has seen a lot of the Doctor lately which is something she does not like to do. She seems to be in good spirits though and is looking better. The Wright family is doing well. They are still coming to church on Wednesday nights and the kids went to another church this morning so that's awesome. We didn't get down to see Terri and Carla this week but from what I hear there have been some amazing conversations with them lately. Praise God for what he is doing on Russel Street.

Church was good this morning. It was kind of weird going by myself though I must say. Since I have been back at school I have been with Hugh either here or at a church out of town so today I went alone, it was weird. Hugh is doing well by the way. Keep praying for him and Best Friends. Their first performance is coming up here in a few weeks! I can't wait. He will be traveling here this coming weekend and we will be going to Temple Saturday to switch cars hopefully! I may FINALLY get my car back! Praise God! Anyway pray that we have a safe trip.

I need to let everyone know about my special friend Ty. He lives in Crockett and is the coolest guy I know. He's super and I miss him! Ty Rocks!

Hope everyone is doing well.

Be Blessed!!!


RPorche said...

Mandy--Thanks for the update on Russell Street. I'm so sorry to hear about Rudy. I'll continue to pray for him. Rats...I hate that he's moving away. Tell the folks I said hello if you think about it. Blessings on you this week...

Jeremy said...

Hey Mandy,

I just wanted to give some cyber love!
