
Sick Indeed

Sickness has hit my body. The stuffy nose and pressure headaches all of it. I can honestly say that today was the first day that I really didn't want to go to my classes and yet, my perfect attendance thus far would not allow a little cold to get in the way. So I went to class and with each one praying that it would be cancelled only to be unsuccessful, until tonight! It was a bitter sweet moment when a stranger walked into our class and told us that class would not be meeting tonight because our professor was not feeling well. Normally I would not be that concerned but this professor is the oldest professor on the ACE campus and frankly him not feeling well worries me a tad. Pray for him.

I hope everyone has had a good start to their weeks so far! Tomorrow's Wednesday! Let's Rejoice.

Be Blessed!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mandy you are so cool! I'm glad we're roommates!