
from class today...

The letter exercise filled my heart with joy and, for me, the apology part some how became an issue that was redeemable and I felt like I was able to fellowship with God and love him and talk to him in a way that I for so long have failed to do. I want to share my letter to Abba Father if that is ok:

Abba Father-
Thank you so much for my life. Daddy thank you for the people you have put in my life that I have struggled to love. Thank you for the friends you have put in my life that show me what love is. Thank you for Lauren and her heart of gold. Thank you for the example of Christ she is for the kids. Thank you for Jonathan and his struggles. Thank you for giving him the courage to be so genuinely real in a fake and plastic world. Thank you for Clint and his drive to be a man of you. Thank you for his leadership and encouragement. Thank you for Chris and his humor. God I praise you for allowing me to see the joy you have given Chris and I thank you for working through him to share that joy with me. Thank you for Reid and his passion. Thank you for putting him in my life to give me an example of what overwhelming Christ-passion looks like.
Daddy, thank you for my family. Thank you for a father who loves every part of me; a daddy who leads me to you; a daddy who is like you. Thank you for my mom and her never-ending joy in life. Thank you for using my mom as an example of a Godly women who chooses to be positive and live life with a hope that is beyond this world. Thank you for a sister that test me and shows me the true meaning of love; for a sister who struggles but so desires you in her heart. Thank you for a brother who drives me crazy. Thank you for his perseverance in life. He has taught me what it means to never give up. Thank you for a sister-in-law and a nephew who have taught me true devotion through the love they show my brother. Thank you Daddy, Abba Father, for my life.
Dad, I am sorry for judging people because of my own insecurities. I am sorry for assuming things I know nothing about are the truth of the matter. I am sorry for the failures in my past to live up to the Holy life you have called me to as a woman of you. Daddy I am sorry for falling short and disappointing you.
Forgive me.


Anonymous said...

wow, thanks mandy for sharing your heart and something thats so personal....

also thanks for a great activity for my soriety, I was nominated chaplin (sp?) so I will be doing the bible studies and what not for the semester, this will be a great thing to do for the first session.

again, thanks for having a heart for god and sharing it to the world.


Luke Reeves said...

God, thanks for the way Mandy shares the love of Christ with EVERYONE she comes into contact with.

Mandy, you're the best!

Candy said...

Mandy, I got here from Luke's blog. Are you the same Mandy that helps out with Faith Decisions? If so, I'm Max Gilbert's mom. If not, disregard the rest of this post.:) I want you to know that he adores you and I want to thank you for being a person he looks up to and can learn so much about love from. Max's birthday is Dec. 22 too! You two have a lot in common. I'll introduce myself to you next Wednesday night. I'll be checking back in - great blog!