
Brokeback Mountain

With this new movie out in theaters and the controversy that seems to have always existed between the homosexual community and the church/Christianity, ACU has been named as one of the 19 stops on the Equality Ride. A group called SoulForce has decided that a stop at ACU is in order to push the issue of academic freedom for the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender. For now we are just preparing for this group and we are in prayer that what happens during their visit will be a productive effort on all parts to understand each other but to hold to our Christian faith, beliefs and values. Be in prayer.

Be Blessed!!!


JPReding said...

I look forward to their visit. One, because they feel welcome at least to an extent to come and visit. Two, because it gives us an amazing opportunity to love them... and they are giving us homefield advantage. I always feel more comfortable inviting people into my home than going to a strange place and being as hospitable. The real challenge to us will not be to extend the hospitality of God on our campus but in the world outside of the ACU bubble.

-- I do ask for prayer over this opportunity though. If 99 students offer love and openness to discussion and only 1 student extends hate, what will be remembered is the one student. God be with us.

Mandy said...
