
What time is it?

Well, friends, I know it has been seriously a week since I last blogged and I apologize for that but I have been busy. This weekend was great. Got to spend time with my boyfriend. This was the last weekend until Thanksgiving that I got to see him so we had a ton of fun. We went to chapel Friday and to the musical Friday night with hugh's cousin and one of her friends. Played a whole game of monolopy, and yours truly won- but I still love ya babe :o) I think I just got lucky b/c he is certainly a better player then me. Anyway. Saturday I went to Alpha kai breakfast and then came home and we went to the parade. That was neat. Our girls had the best float that AkaiO has ever had. We even won a prize, "Best Use of Purple" WooHoo!!! After that we hung out with Ashley and Aldon at the house for a while then when they left we watched TV and both ended up falling asleep in the living room. We ate pizza for lunch then Hugh took off so he could get back to Lubbock and get some stuff done this weekend. What a great boyfriend!

Sunday I missed church. I know I know! I did figure out that if you set your alarm but don't turn it on, it won't go off. Needless to say, I will be turning my alarm on for sure from now on.

What else happened this weekend? Oh, Deanna and I went and saw the musical Sunday afternoon so I missed neighborhood walking which I am really sad about b/c I will be out of town the next three weekends :o( I will be praying for them though.

Today I got up and got ready for chapel. It was pretty good today. Then I came home, finished my papers for tomorrow, registered for classes and all the jazz and then went to tutor at Colonial. That always brightens my day! It was meant to be just for this semester but I am really considering doing it in the spring too. Depends on what my schedule looks like.

And so goes life. I talked to one of my dear friends on AIM earlier this afternoon. I hadn't chatted with him in a while so that was a good talk. Just wish I had had more time. Oh well.

Life is good. Hugh and I are reading in Genesis right now and it is really interesting all the ironies we have come across. One that I found really interesting, and typical of females- not to stereotype us or anything but, Sarah tells Abraham to sleep with Hagar and then blames Abraham for all the despise Hagar has for Sarah. Just thought that was interesting.

You guys know of any ironic Genesis stories?

Have a great week and Be Blessed!!!


Danielle said...

Hey mandy, I was just wondering how your presentation had gone... Did it go the way you wanted and was it a success??? Also, me u and jeana friday afternoon delias.... we have a booth with our name on it (or is it a table there??? lol)

Jeremy said...

Hey cuz!!

I am taking Gen/Ex right now with an amazing teacher! Dr. Gilmore. I have a slew of interesting facts, is there a particular subject, verse, chapter you want to know more about? For instance, the course here would take Gen 2 and explain women's roles (ofcourse right?) But is is interesting how Dr. Gilmore presents it. It involves intrinsic and instrumental value. I can explain more if you'd like.

Ok, enough conservatism, right? :-D
Love ya cuz,

---By the way, my AIM is Pottuh82 IM ME!!!!!