
Greek! Greek! Greek!

It is time once more for a Greek test. If you'll allow me to step up onto my soap box for a moment I will dispense my feelings towards Greek! I hate it! I'm glad I'm learning it and when I actually translate a sentence right or parse something right I get super happy. But those time, as joyous as they are, are few and far between. Test are the worst because you don't have the charts infront of you. With the chart it would be so much easier and I would probably do a lot better. I tried to talk my prof. Into letting us use the chart on our next test but the attempt failed and ended in laughter. Not just a little chuckle but a "I can't believe you really just ask me that" kind of laughter. I am finished.

I hope that everyone has a great weekend! Alpha kai Grub is this weekend and I am totally pumped. My boyfriend is coming into town for it! It'll be fun!

SPEAKING of my boyfriend. They were supposed to go to Colorado next weekend to sing but that trip got cancelled so it looks like just maybe he will get to come back and do the whole Homecoming thing with me. That'll be fun!! I would go back to Lubbock that weekend, b/c I really like it there, but I have obligations to club for Saturday.

Anyway! I gotta get back to studying for my Greek test! Love ya!

Be Blessed!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gar hesswn kardiakos ouk Hellenikos esti
