
Things Change

Things change. Sometimes very quickly. Some of you know exactly what I am talking about others don't. No matter, everyone's life will change, maybe in minutes, maybe days maybe months or years. It'll happen though. When it does remind yourself that God is good, you'll be ok and that you are beautiful! And you are; beautiful that is.

Other news: My lesson last week went very well. Me and Deanna did ours on the same day and our professor told us that our lessons have raised the bar for the rest of them. That's cool.

I am going home for fall break this weekend. I can't wait to see my room, my mom took over!
Pray for everyone that will be traveling. ACU has been through enough tragedies this semester already so if we could have an uneventful weekend that would rock!

Hope you all have had a good week so far! Be Blessed!!

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Um, don't you mean MY ROOM!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA
Girl, I hear ya on the change. I have gone through several perspective changes just this semester. Thank God that He is consistant since we aren't!
Love ya cuz, be safe going home. God will hear from me.

the only cuz whom posts on your blog thus I should be officially dubbed "the best cousin known to man"