
Experiencing My Roommates Heart Palpitations

It starts with the purchase of $16 pizza. The three of us desire to consume this product only to realize that 3 personal pans and 2 cinna sticks from the hut of pizza on the campus of Abilene Christian University totals more then it should. Lady luck however blesses us with a roommate who has remaining sum of bean bucks that more then covers the pizza. Soon we are headed out the door- we stop to potty understanding that due to teams of students who like to hit a little yellow ball our trek to our vehicles has been stretched and that we may not make the hike with dry pants if we didn't take advantage of the present opportunity to powder our noses. We are soon walking the extended journey to our automobiles. She is speaking. In the midst of her story she gasp for air and loses her train of thought. Why? A truck. A big, black, truck. That's right! My roommate's heart skips a beat for a truck! I say to her

"I think it's funny your heart skipped a beat for a truck. Not the boy in the truck, but the truck itself!"

Her reply,

"Who needs a boy when you can drive his truck?"

Wow! My roommate is awesome!

Be Blessed!!!


Deanna Cromwell said...

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Thats me!!! :) it was a beaut! (sigh) alas one day my love one day we will meet and you will be MINE!!!!

Mandy said...

you are too funny

Jeremy said...

I only have two guesses whom that could be...