
Chapel Attack

Chapel was amazing today. A change of pace, atmosphere and heart. I felt like I was having a heart attack today. My heart was racing for about the last 15 min. of chapel. There were a couple of reason for this one being the prayer that took place in front of me. Right in my line of vision I witnessed God reconciling racial relationships. I don't know what these guys prayed about, I don't even know who they were, all I know is that the Lord is up to something big on our campus and today was a glimpse into that.


Thank you for surrounding me with people today. It's times like this when insecurity sets in that you truly show me who you are. The people that you have sent my way and the love I have felt in the last 3 hours has overwhelmed my heart.

Thank you for the heart attack God, may it not cease. I pray this kind of overwhelming blessing on all my friends. Show us your power and your grace and work in us and through us and most of all in spite of us to accomplish your mission!


Be Blessed!!!

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