

There are so many things I want to blog about and reflect on but time, and the desire not to do too much at one, will hinder me from pouring my heart out tonight. I do however want to share with you what I wrote during church this morning.

This is in reflection of the charge that Jerry Taylor issued to us this morning. One thing I will forever remember is his reflection of Joshua and the Wall of Jericho. He marched! It wasn’t his job to explain away the reason they were marching he just had to march, God did the work. God does the work. We need to get busy marching!

“We are leaving. We are going out to join God in his work. He has a vision and we are in it. We can go and be a part of His plan. With His help we can change the world. We can change the world is we see the vision. We have to leave this place with our Kingdom goggles on.

Sometimes our goggles will be dirty, caked with mud, foggy or even broken but the reality of the good news is that there is one who can fix them. He can clean them. He can repair them because he made them.

If we will commit to wear them we will never be blind. I pray that all of my friends will leave this place with kingdom goggles on. I pray they will seek out opportunities to join God’s work. I pray for divine appointments at the right times. I pray God will fill there hearts with overflowing joy and love and that the words that pour from their mouth reflect the promise and hope of eternal life.

I pray that my friends will leave this place wearing kingdom goggles and that they will see people as Jesus does. I pray as they work they will encounter a new kind of Jesus, a different Jesus.

Praise God for a new chapter in our lives. Let us be change agents. Let us leave here Changed agents.”

1 comment:

JPReding said...

Good words, Mandy Shae.

If we can just make it through the last finals. :) I will get on #7 tomorrow... I am wiped.