
It's a contest!!!

Ok here's the deal! I need a name for my camp that I have to plan. If you can come up with something that I like and can use, you win! I don't know what but I'll come up with something. Here's the content: Camp______ will be about being bold in your faith. We will look at different old testament characters who were bold in their faith i.e. Daniel, Shad, Me and Abend; Elisha etc. There will be a different "bible time hero" for each of the four days of came. The camp if for ages 5th through 8th grade so keep it appropriate-Cousin. What I have been able to com up with assistance from locals is "The Bold and the Beautiful" and "Courage: Do you have what it takes?" I like those but I feel that there is something better out there and you might be just the person to help me find it!

Other News: Today we had the Richland Hills COC Youth Staff visit our Foundations class. There are a lot of amazing things going on in that church and God is working in so many amazing ways. Even more then them coming, Melanie Blanks, a good ol' camp buddy and family friend, was with them and that was awesome. I got to chat with her and went to dinner with her and the other staff members tonight. It was just a lot of fun to see her again.
School is going really good right now. Not a whole lot of action except ANOTHER Greek test next week and this camp project that I am trying not to procrastinate on. So school is good. I am getting to sing in chapel tomorrow and I am pumped about that-makin' you proud Ryan! I have become accustom to Dr. Mattis' calls at 10:30 p.m. Thursday nights for me to sing on Friday but this time he called at like 6:00. I am very impressed- you know what that means right? I'm not just the bail out alto anymore! "Movin' on up..." Ahh Yeah!!! ANYWAY!!

Weekend plans: This weekend is the First Colony Fall Retreat and Joel, Sarah and I will all be making our way to Sugar Land tomorrow about 5:00ish. We have a couple of tag-a-longs, Landon and Justin. So there will be 5 of us in the minivan! I am so excited! I think it is gonna be a great weekend and it will really be great to get to see all the kids again and catch up with Joel and Sarah.

Um....I am running for Secretary for club. I am really excited about it. I got nominated for Chaplin too and I would enjoy that but I really really want to do secretary. So if you're in club and reading this, VOTE FOR ME!!! If you don't want to vote for me then vote for my roommate Deanna, she wants it too!!!

That about wraps it up for now. I need to read!!! OH WAIT!!! I got an 2 Acappella CD's and an AVB CD this week and I have been listening to them non-stop. If you don't know who they are then you are missin' out and if you do-praise the Lord!!!

Ok but for real I need to go read!! Have a great weekend and Be Blessed!!!


Jeremy said...

Girl, stop!

2 accapella cds and 1 AVB!!!! I didn't know they still existed!! I listen to Rescue, like, EVERYDAY... ok, not really, but there is a cd I want to send you from the FHU Ambassadors. It's not conservative, I promise!

Ok, camp name right, the only thing I can come up with of the spot is 'Camp Shekinah', which means God's presence in Hebrew. (pronunced : Sh' Kie' Nuh) Shekinah is the term used refering to the "mercy seat" of the ark of the covenant. The ark of the covenant had two cheribim on top with wings facing each other (seen Indiana Jones?) In between those wings, it is said that is where God's presence is. Like it? I was a little impressed, but maybe I just have an ego.

Love ya Cuz!

Danielle said...

the ambassadors are awesome, i love their cd, mandy you will like it too i think, also i would vote for you if i could but i cant so ill vote for jeremy's camp name i like it

RPorche said...

Mandy: I am proud of you! I'm glad you're still involved leading worship. Here are some thoughts--probably good sources for you to give me a hard time--but hopefully thoughts that will spur you on to greater things. :)

Camp No Fear; Camp Unshakable; Camp "show-em-who-ya-is"; Camp on Faith; Camp on the Rock;

The subtitle for your camp name could be Camp ____: Fighting with Faith.