

Ok so for those of you that don't know- I love President Bush and because he won, I won!!! Me and George are like this (picture with me if you will, my fingers crossed and reread the last sentence!) So I am super pumped that he won the election. I am also impressed at the good sportsmanship the Sen. Kerry showed when he realized the he lost. Good election day to all those big name politicians who read my blog.

In other news: My reflections group service-learning project is finished but we have decided to continue our work through the end of the semester.

I finished my race relations paper for African Americans in the Restoration Movement class. It was a lot of fun doing this paper. I had to go to the library and read three articles on microfilm. It was so cool!!! Everyone needs to experience the microfilm machine at least once in their life. I had never used it before so the lady showed me what to do then left me there with the guy sitting next to me minding his own business. The magazine started in January and I needed to get to August and I moved the knob to FF and it started rolling forward and then before I knew it, it was scrolling faster then I wanted it too and making this freaky high pitched noise and then I was freakin' out and the guy next to me was laughing at me and then he made it stop going so fast and I could breath again. If you didn't the full effect of that experience, go back and read this paragraph again but faster! It was so crazy and lots of fun. I may go back and pretend I have another project to do just so I can use that machine again.

As far as everything else goes, I am heading to Alvin tomorrow to lead worship for the Alvin Ladies Retreat. I am really excited about it.

I heard this song on my way home last weekend and there was a phrase in it that just really made a lot of sense to me. It said "For every moment that I live and breath, is a moment made for worshipping." How cool to think of life like that. I can't help but praise God when I think that every moment of my life was given to me by Him. Wow!

I hope everyone has a good safe weekend! Be Blessed!!!

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

(enter snobbish, british accent) YES, YES, indeed, good election, good election. Right. (End snobbish, british accent, now enter normal Potter tone and accent)

I concur with your analysis of Kerry. I was like... "you go kerry." It was good of him not to drag things out, which appearantly would have been embarrassing for him in th long run. I enjoyed the elections very much so.

I like that song. I heard it once or twice, but now everytime I hear it I will think of God and then you. Awe, tear, right?

Love always (because you know you love me)