
Computer Lab Technician

Computer Lab Technician- yup thats me. Now you all know that I am not the Queen of technology so you are probably wondering how I got a job in the computer lab at ACU. Well, that's easy, my roommates dad is in charge of it! What can I say- I got the hook ups. As far as my job description...currently it consist of sitting at a desk minding my own business & not letting anyone take food or drink into the lab. Thats about it. It's a good place to get my homework done! So as I sit here at the enterance to the once again empty computer lab I decided to take you on an adventure through the first week of school.

It satarted on Monday. Pretty easy day for me. I only have one class, Greek. Man was I in for a surprise. You see I had every intention of keeping up with my Greek over the summer, but like most of you my summer went so fast I really have to think to recall it. I say all that to say- I did not finish- or really even start- my summer reader and thus I found myself almost completely overwhelmed by the Greek New Testament that we started reading on the first day. It was a blessing from the Great Lord above that things started to come back to me as we were reading but to be perfectally honest- If I had to take a test and write out the Greek alphabet right now- I would fail it. I suppose I should study huh?

Tuesday was my first real day I suppose. I have 5 classes on Tuesday including a night class on the Gospel of John. My professor in this class is the oldest professor at ACU. He started teaching BEFORE my dad was born!!! Are you kidding me??? He has to sit down to teach- it's cool. He really is pretty cute. For those of you that know about my box- I would put him in it. My other classes are pretty cool too. I have David Wray for Education Ministry of the Church. I actually read a whole chapter on the history of education in the churches of Christ and found it interesting! Go figure. I have Reflections with Guilde, Reese (the woman), and Oglesby; Foundations with Oglesby and Participation of African Americans in the Restoration Movement with Robinson- he's a professor for the box too. It's cool that they are offering this special topic class this semester for lots of reasons but MOSTLY because it takes place of my Church History class! Praise the Lord. Funny thing, Mary Foster is in this class. Is it bad when your own child won't take you class because she thinks it's too hard??? Probably.

Anyway! That is basically what my schedule looks like. Monday & Wednesday 1 class and chapel Tuesday 5 classes and Thursday 4 classes and Friday 0 classes. All I gotta worry about on Friday is getting up for Praise Day in Chapel. I love Praise Day!

More News in my life. I am part of a 6 member team who has been recruited to teach the 8th grade class at Highland on wednesday nights. It's really kind of exciting. I can't wait to see what direction the Lord leads us in. If you would keep that in your prayers that would be awesome!! My other teammates are Randy and Jennifer who will be leaving in March to do mission work in Brazil, Chris Lair, Heather Randall, and Clint Askins. I think it's gonna be a great year.

Boyfriend news! He's great! We are going home for Labor day trying to work it out where our families will be able to meet- that would be cool! Pray that we have a safe trip next weekend!!

Everything else is great! God has really blessed my life lately! Praise God for his generosity.

Be Blessed!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mandy!
It's Bri from FCCC...or ex-fccc member.......you get it. You've got a cool life (or so you make it sound!)
Miss you sooooooooooooooooooooooo much! Lata!


Jeremy said...

Yo cuz!!!

I finally found your blog... Muahahahaha. Hey! How's the man? I have missed you so much over these past few weeks. Actually, I miss your whole family. Things have been crazy here, but I loved reading your entry. Girl, you had me on the floor talking about your greek teacher. I know you need to leave that man alone! It ain't his fault if he was one of the founders of koine (sp?) Greek. Oughta be ashamed. Ok, is it just me or is this really long for a post? Ok, well my email is christianjp@earthlink.net. But wait, your an awesome cousin, so you knew that already! Woah, this is long, ttys!

Because of His blessings,
Potter (and/or "cuz")

Jeremy said...


I just had to read your blog again! I love your spirit!

Ok, Bye