
Back on American Soil

Well, we are back from Mexico and it feels good.  God was able to use our group to do a lot of good work while we were there but it feels great to be back home.  We spent a lot of time with concrete while we were there.  It was probably the hardest work that I have ever done as far a manual labor goes.  I think the most rewarding thing all week was to see our kids working so hard.  Everytime I looked up I saw our 10th and 11th graders outdoing themselves.  Time after time we had to MAKE them STOP working to go eat but no sooner did they leave the roof they were back.  They blew me away.  One day, they had the choice to go to these Cave's that we were told about or to stay and finish plastering the walls of the auditorium and 28 out of 31 without hesitating said they wanted to stay. The other 3 really didn't have a preference.  What a joy to see God working in their hearts that way.  We also had a 4 1/2 hour blessing time on Thursday and the way the kids encouraged each other just brought tears to my eyes.  The love of God was so evident in their lives.  Mexico was an amazing trip!  God is good!
As far as the relationship that you guys have been praying about for me these last two weeks, things are great.  We are officially boyfriend and girlfriend as of July 16 and I must say I am totally pumped.  Hugh is a great guy and really loves the Lord.   God has truly blessed my life through him.  I can't wait for y'all to meet him!! He has decided to go into ministery and will be going to LCU in the fall which is only 2 1/2 hours away! I can't wait to see what God has in store for us!  Really, ask me anything you want.  Now, I'm gonna filter the questions but I love to talk about him so hit me with your best shot!  Thanks again to everyone  who has been praying!
Work is going good.  It has been a little hard to focus today b/c I have some sort of sinus something and have really just been in a different world.  This too will pass, that's what I am telling myself to feel better. 
Guys, thanks you so much for everything y'all have done for me.  I really truly love y'all and I can't wait to talk to y'all and see you again!
Be Blessed!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mandy, im so gald the Lord has brought us together! I can't wait to see what he has in store for us. You are a true blessing to my life, and I pray always that I can be the guy that you deserve to be with. You are in my thoughts and prayers always