
Ain't Nothin' Like It

Well, two weeks of camp and now back to reality! I was thinking about everything that I have experienced these last two weeks and all the people I have met and the lessons I have learned and I think the thing that sticks out most to me is how incredibly challenged teenagers are these days. I don't ever remember dealing with some of the things the kids in my groups these last two weeks have encountered. That's not to say that they weren't out there but they never knocked on my door. I praise God for being so faithful to wretches like us.

MPulse- Aliens in the World. What a concept for Middle school kids to grasp: It's ok to be different! My MPluse group really didn't seem to get it until our Mission: Rescue where they had to talk our counselors into coming back to Jesus! It was great to see them opening their bibles and recalling information from the week to save their friends! Awesome!

Kadesh-Grace. The thing I learned about grace this week is that it is a never ending study, it's hard to understand and that it is that easy. Just say yes. That was the most difficult point to get across to my group. All you have to do is accept God's grace. High Schoolers live such complicated lives that the idea of just saying yes is impossible to them. It's that easy!

What an amazing two weeks. I told my groups both weeks that I have never been to or taught at a camp where you are challenged so much in one week! What an opportunity they have to really dive into the word of God!

Camp-Ain't Nothin' Like It!!!

Be Blessed!!!

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