
A New Juggling Record

No more Exegesis! I finished my final today and I am so excited! I celebrated with a Dr. Pepper, ice cream and by breaking the old juggling record that I set. 71 times! Broke the record by48 juggles. Maybe not that impressive or exciting to you but for me, an accomplishment!

Tomorrow I turn in my last final and struggle to pay attention through some presentations and then it's off to San Antonio. I am excited about relaxing and spending time with some friends before the Summer job starts.

Tonight is roommate night so I am going to go help cook dinner. After that we are going BOWLING!! Woo Hoo!!! So anyway, I'm out!

Be Blessed!!!

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

I didn't know you juggled. I am amused.

I like bowling. It brings happiness to the bereaved.
