
Two weeks and counting

So this summer I have the unique opportunity of directing the camp i grew up going to. I would have never thought in a million years I would inherit this amazing job but I am so blessed to have the opportunity to do it.

It is a lot of work and as the days count down and camp gets closer I am finding there is more and more to do. It's great to get to work with a team like I have. All the youth ministers and preachers in the area as well as some amazing members of our churches and some old friends. It's great!

I am excited but really busy so this post is mostly to solicit your prayers as this next month promises great things. Thank you for praying for me and the staff of Camp Koinonia and I'll keep you posted!


Anonymous said...

Nice Banner Pic ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and I'm praying for ya :)

Kelly Sessions said...

MANDY!!! Haha didnt know you had a blog...so cool you were the DIRECTOR...didnt know that! I wish I could come back for a week of camp...counselor or soemthing..work stinks though! Miss ya girl...I'm adding you to my blog by the way!:)