
Why I am the greatest...

It's because I have the same phone as Chloe O'Brian on 24. Now granted, she does not have the greatest social skills on earth but her loyalty is out of this world. Not to mention she has THE BEST scene in season 5.

Let me remind you...

Chloe is sitting in the little coffee shop bar thing- because she is wanted by the government for helping Jack- and this guy comes to hit on her. She totally fakes him out like she is interested in him and then ZAPS him with her tazer! You go girl! A couple of minutes later as the guy wakes up she zaps him again! Sweet!

Chloe rocks the 24 world...i mean seriously, without Chloe, Jack would be in some pretty hot water...

and that is why I am the greatest...because Chloe and I have the same phone.

Thank you that will be all.

iPod update: 1697/3514

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