Well, when people haven't blogged for a while there is generally this paragraph at the beginning of the "come back blog" that apologizes for not writing and thanks the readers for continuing to be loyal and read the blog (even though there is nothing there). I will not do this. I will not apologize for not blogging. I will not fall to the pressure to keep you all entertained with my witty words and useless comments on the world that surrounds us...BUT I will say thanks for still reading-you must be a lot like me and have nothing better to do OR be avoiding something you need to do but don't want to do; if you are in one of these positions-enjoy my mumblings.
The Better Life Challenge- This will be the last challenge of the year and will carry me and whoever decides to join me through the new year hopefully creating a habit thus continuing beyond the time period set and developing a better way of living.
Here's the challenge:
Floss once a day: Some of you do this anyway but I have recently become aware of how very important for the well being of my teeth, as well as my wallet, it is to floss. I don't like to do it. It hurts, it takes time, and it makes me bleed but the doctors say "the more you do it the less it hurts and the less it bleeds." Whatever-we'll just have to see-I've been flossing for a week and I still bleed!
Remove contacts 4 times a week: I am one of those people who does EVERYTHING in my contacts. I don't like to wear my glasses so I don't take my contacts out. This is bad. I got an eye infection back in March because of this and have been doing better since then but still-I wear them too long-so I will take them out.
Work out 4 times a week: I like to work out but I'm not consistent so I'm going to try to be. I know 4 times isn't that much for most people but really...do you know me?
Drink more water:I don't drink enough water. Back in the 64 for 64 I felt so good and I think it was because I was so hydrated all the time so I'm gonna try to do better about that.
Veggies, eat them: I'm gonna try, don't judge me. Just for a little history on veggies in my family growing up I will quote my sister-in-law concerning trying to get Jeff (brother) to eat vegetables: "Delicious , it has tons of recipes that all sneak in puréed veggies so kids never suspect the foods they are eating taste good and are good for them. Actually I most excited about this for my oldest child…Jeff:)just kidding:) Who worse then Ty about eating his veggies. He even “fake” eats them trying to trick Ty so he will eat them.…Seriously folks it’s that bad!!"
So anyway, there it is. The Better Life Challenge. It will not officially start until November 1 and it will run until December 31, two months. The delayed start is simply because I will need to make a chart to keep track of all of these things. If you are interested in a copy of the chart so that you may take part in the Better Life Challenge let me know and I will email it to you once I get it finished. So until November 1....
Ethics.....What should a graduate level class centered on Ethics consist of? I have my own ideas and it was nothing like my class so I am interested in whether I am justified in my disappointment. Let me know...
It was good to see some of you that I have seen in a while this weekend...
Chris and Stacey-God's blessings on your continued work in Bryan
Chris and Becky-God's blessings on your work in SA and on you weddings plans and marriage
Bordo-Keep letting God use you at FC. Those kids are so lucky to have you and your family there. He will bless you.
Austin-Work hard and figure out what to do with your life...(I like the skiing thing)
Clint-God's got amazing plans for you and I feel truly blessed to share a friendship with you. Thanks for letting me be a part of your life. Come see me.
Deanna- I love so much what we have and I thank God for you. You are always in my thoughts and prayers and especially as you look for a job. I love you (but not your cat-no offense)!
For all the rest of you...Be Blessed!!!
Vegetarian update...
I failed! I lose! I did not complete the Vegetarian diet and I am proud of it. My body needs meat. I blame it on Adam and Eve.
Be blessed!!!
Be blessed!!!
In Response to an inquiring mind...
Today is day one of Meat Free Week times 2. Yes I know what you are thinking- 14 days Mandy? Seriously is that a challenge? The answer is YES IT IS! I eat meat every day like most people, what I do not eat every day are vegetables, unlike most people. So the goal of this 14 day challenge is not only to abstain from eating meat for 14 days, but also to learn to like some other things like salad and any vegetable that's not corn or green beans.
That said- here I go. If you have any recipes for vegetarian meals you would like to send me you can email them to msnelson06@gmail.com OR leave a comment with it there.
The no meat eating began as of 12:00 a.m. September 4 and will be complete 12:00 a.m. September 18. I already long for that day.
B e blessed!!!
That said- here I go. If you have any recipes for vegetarian meals you would like to send me you can email them to msnelson06@gmail.com OR leave a comment with it there.
The no meat eating began as of 12:00 a.m. September 4 and will be complete 12:00 a.m. September 18. I already long for that day.
B e blessed!!!
The Crafty Shack
Ladies and gentlemen with baby girls:
This just in:
You can buy cute little bows for your baby girls hair for really cheap.
I know this might be a pathetic little plug but I looked at the bows and they really are cute. April Nelson, my sister-in-law, has worked hard on these bows for her baby girl and has decided, after much encouragement, to put them out there in case anyone is interested in ordering them.
Click on the link to the right titled "The Crafty Shack" or just click here to go check them out!
Be Blessed!!!
You can buy cute little bows for your baby girls hair for really cheap.
I know this might be a pathetic little plug but I looked at the bows and they really are cute. April Nelson, my sister-in-law, has worked hard on these bows for her baby girl and has decided, after much encouragement, to put them out there in case anyone is interested in ordering them.
Click on the link to the right titled "The Crafty Shack" or just click here to go check them out!
Be Blessed!!!
A Jersey and a Diamond Ring
I went to the Astros game Friday night with Alison and we had a blast. We were walking around the 4th level concourse (where our seats were b/c I'm a youth minster) and we saw this really cool deck outside. I started thinking and we started talking about how cool it would be to be proposed to at a baseball game. My personal preference would be a 'Stros game but I suppose any team would do (except the yanks!). I told her the guy that proposes to me at a baseball game with an Astros jersey in one hand and a diamond ring (a little one) in the other would win my heart. Like most of you would she laughed at me but nonetheless-it's true.
Besides even if he didn't win my heart I would say yes long enough to get the jersey and run! :o)
On a different note. I only got three suggestions for the next challenge and they were all from the same person and they were all pretty good. For a list of them click on the comments link from the previous post and look at Chris Fields comment. Chris- I think I am gonna try the vegetarian thing but I don't know that I could do it for a month. I might go for two weeks and see where I get. I don't really like veggies so even 14 days will be really hard. I haven't made a decision yet. I am shooting to have the next challenge ready by mid-August so look for details then. I am still taking suggestions so let me know if you have one!
I hope all is going well with every one. Leave me a comment-I would love to know what you are up to and what I can be praying about for you!
Be Blessed!!!
Besides even if he didn't win my heart I would say yes long enough to get the jersey and run! :o)
On a different note. I only got three suggestions for the next challenge and they were all from the same person and they were all pretty good. For a list of them click on the comments link from the previous post and look at Chris Fields comment. Chris- I think I am gonna try the vegetarian thing but I don't know that I could do it for a month. I might go for two weeks and see where I get. I don't really like veggies so even 14 days will be really hard. I haven't made a decision yet. I am shooting to have the next challenge ready by mid-August so look for details then. I am still taking suggestions so let me know if you have one!
I hope all is going well with every one. Leave me a comment-I would love to know what you are up to and what I can be praying about for you!
Be Blessed!!!
Today is the Day!
First I would like to say thank you to those of you who still check and see if I have written. As you have probably suspected I have been kind of busy. The last two weeks I have been at camp Koinonia-The camp I grew up going to and now have returned to with my youth group. It's a good camp. I might write more about that on Convicted later. Anyway-Thank you for still believing that I exist somewhere in this vast expanse.
Now for some very exciting news that most of you already know...My niece was born on July5. She is precious! Here are some pictures.

Her name is Ava Michelle Nelson. She weighed 9lbs. 5oz. and was 21 inches long. She has a full head of hair as you can tell and her big brother loves her very very much. It was fun to go down and see them! Yay for babies!
And the last topic for the day but certainly not the most important nor pressing is the 64 for 64. Today is the last day and I cannot tell you how excited i am. The adventure has been long and challenging but with the help of the Lord God Almighty in Heaven I have persevered. It was harder to keep up with the challenge when I was in town because when you're at camp and you only get one soda a day and that's at dinner, it makes it easy to choose the path of truth and light. But alas, i am not sad to see this one come to an end. Diet Dr. Pepper in the morning is a Mandy necessity. Some drink coffee. Some drink tea. Some eat donuts. I have even know people to go straight to the source and down a couple of packets of pure sugar in the mornings. For me it's Diet Dr. Pepper. Oh tomorrow will be a great great day!
What's next? I have deemed this the year of challenges. I started with the iPod challenge and went to completion. Then came the 64 for 64 water challenge which is almost over. What now? I have an idea but I am open to suggestions. Anyone have a grand challenge idea? Let me know!
Be Blessed!!!
Now for some very exciting news that most of you already know...My niece was born on July5. She is precious! Here are some pictures.

Her name is Ava Michelle Nelson. She weighed 9lbs. 5oz. and was 21 inches long. She has a full head of hair as you can tell and her big brother loves her very very much. It was fun to go down and see them! Yay for babies!
And the last topic for the day but certainly not the most important nor pressing is the 64 for 64. Today is the last day and I cannot tell you how excited i am. The adventure has been long and challenging but with the help of the Lord God Almighty in Heaven I have persevered. It was harder to keep up with the challenge when I was in town because when you're at camp and you only get one soda a day and that's at dinner, it makes it easy to choose the path of truth and light. But alas, i am not sad to see this one come to an end. Diet Dr. Pepper in the morning is a Mandy necessity. Some drink coffee. Some drink tea. Some eat donuts. I have even know people to go straight to the source and down a couple of packets of pure sugar in the mornings. For me it's Diet Dr. Pepper. Oh tomorrow will be a great great day!
What's next? I have deemed this the year of challenges. I started with the iPod challenge and went to completion. Then came the 64 for 64 water challenge which is almost over. What now? I have an idea but I am open to suggestions. Anyone have a grand challenge idea? Let me know!
Be Blessed!!!
I am committed.
I am committed to dutch chocolate ice cream.
I am committed to 24 and Jack Bauer even when the US Government, who owe Jack Bauer the world, is not.
I am committed to my kid in Tanzania (Charles Richard Shahanga)
I am committed to coloring the entire picture once I start it.
I am committed to American Idol.
I am committed to learning something new about one of my kids every time we meet.
I am committed to being confident in whatever it is I decide to put on that day or how I decide to fix my hair.
I am committed to the Houston Astros-to the bitter end.
I am committed to watching the entire season of LOST no matter how rediculous it gets.
I am committed to doing better in graduate school than I did in undergraduate school.
I am committed to staying in contact with my dearest friends from ACU.
I am committed to finishing the Chronicles of Narnia series; to being the best Aunt and Sister I can; to making my parents proud; to making God proud; to following my call to Youth Ministry; to my friends and family and someday I will be committed to a man.
I am committed to never doing anything halfway; to viewing people with God vision; to putting Jesus and others before me; to teaching Jesus and to being Jesus.
I am committed to loving people and finding joy in all areas in my life.
I am committed to never letting Satan rule my life and to doing everything in my power to never let Satan rule the lives of the people I love.
I am committed to my kids, that when I leave this place they will know Jesus better than they did before I got here; that they will love Jesus more than they did before I got here and that they live Jesus louder than they did before I got here.
I am committed. I like to finish what I start but I am learning that in this profession being committed usually means jumping in to the journey God starts, and letting him finish it.
Life is not a coloring page, or chocolate ice cream, or a book, but it is a journey with God to draw near to us. I am committed to being near to God.
I am committed to dutch chocolate ice cream.
I am committed to 24 and Jack Bauer even when the US Government, who owe Jack Bauer the world, is not.
I am committed to my kid in Tanzania (Charles Richard Shahanga)
I am committed to coloring the entire picture once I start it.
I am committed to American Idol.
I am committed to learning something new about one of my kids every time we meet.
I am committed to being confident in whatever it is I decide to put on that day or how I decide to fix my hair.
I am committed to the Houston Astros-to the bitter end.
I am committed to watching the entire season of LOST no matter how rediculous it gets.
I am committed to doing better in graduate school than I did in undergraduate school.
I am committed to staying in contact with my dearest friends from ACU.
I am committed to finishing the Chronicles of Narnia series; to being the best Aunt and Sister I can; to making my parents proud; to making God proud; to following my call to Youth Ministry; to my friends and family and someday I will be committed to a man.
I am committed to never doing anything halfway; to viewing people with God vision; to putting Jesus and others before me; to teaching Jesus and to being Jesus.
I am committed to loving people and finding joy in all areas in my life.
I am committed to never letting Satan rule my life and to doing everything in my power to never let Satan rule the lives of the people I love.
I am committed to my kids, that when I leave this place they will know Jesus better than they did before I got here; that they will love Jesus more than they did before I got here and that they live Jesus louder than they did before I got here.
I am committed. I like to finish what I start but I am learning that in this profession being committed usually means jumping in to the journey God starts, and letting him finish it.
Life is not a coloring page, or chocolate ice cream, or a book, but it is a journey with God to draw near to us. I am committed to being near to God.
The challenge in the challenge
OK so drinking water has been great. It's healthy and really 64 ounces of water a day is not a whole lot-UNTIL you have to drink ALL 64 before you leave the house in the morning.
The water in Belton has gone bad. Maybe it's my overactive taste buds, maybe it's "all in my head," maybe I am actually right but no matter the water in this town is not drinkable. If you are gonna have a glass of water from the faucet in Belton, you might as well go outside, fill your glass with dirt and drink that. DIRT! it all taste like dirt.
Now not all agree with me and most think I'm crazy and/or wrong but not matter I cannot stand the grainy feeling in my mouth after taking a gulp. My solution to this problem up to this point has been to drink all 64 ounces of water before I leave the house in the mornings (it's Temple water-another debate for another day) but I think I have decided to just suck it up and go to wal-mart. I have to get a calculator so why not get bottled water while I'm there?
Be blessed!!!
The water in Belton has gone bad. Maybe it's my overactive taste buds, maybe it's "all in my head," maybe I am actually right but no matter the water in this town is not drinkable. If you are gonna have a glass of water from the faucet in Belton, you might as well go outside, fill your glass with dirt and drink that. DIRT! it all taste like dirt.
Now not all agree with me and most think I'm crazy and/or wrong but not matter I cannot stand the grainy feeling in my mouth after taking a gulp. My solution to this problem up to this point has been to drink all 64 ounces of water before I leave the house in the mornings (it's Temple water-another debate for another day) but I think I have decided to just suck it up and go to wal-mart. I have to get a calculator so why not get bottled water while I'm there?
Be blessed!!!
64 for 64
This is the new challenge and anyone is welcome to join. 64 for 64 is in reference to water. Good ol' H20!
64 oz. of water for 64 days. Here are the rules:
1. You must drink at least 32 oz. of water BEFORE you have caffeine (Diet Dr. Pepper in my case).
2. After your first caffeinated beverage (of up to 44 oz.) you must drink the remaining 32 oz. before anymore caffeine can by swallowed for the day.
3. You can have all 64 oz. at one time and then you are free to drink as much caffeine as you want for the rest of the day.
4. The beginning date is May 9, 2007 and the ending date is July 12, 2007 (if the math is wrong let me know and don't be surprised-I'm bad at math.)
The goal of this challenge is not to drink less Diet Dr. Pepper but to increase the H20 intake of my body. So far so good, day one has been successful. There are two on board let me know if you want to jump in on the challenge. It'll be fun!
Be Blessed!!!
64 oz. of water for 64 days. Here are the rules:
1. You must drink at least 32 oz. of water BEFORE you have caffeine (Diet Dr. Pepper in my case).
2. After your first caffeinated beverage (of up to 44 oz.) you must drink the remaining 32 oz. before anymore caffeine can by swallowed for the day.
3. You can have all 64 oz. at one time and then you are free to drink as much caffeine as you want for the rest of the day.
4. The beginning date is May 9, 2007 and the ending date is July 12, 2007 (if the math is wrong let me know and don't be surprised-I'm bad at math.)
The goal of this challenge is not to drink less Diet Dr. Pepper but to increase the H20 intake of my body. So far so good, day one has been successful. There are two on board let me know if you want to jump in on the challenge. It'll be fun!
Be Blessed!!!
The End is Here!!! AHHHH!!!
No not the end of the world. Not the end of the school year. Not the end of the spring youth calendar. Not EVEN the end of American Idol or 24. What I am talking about has been a much more significant journey than any of these things. A journey some thought would be unsuccessful. Some thought it would take too long but most thought I would give in and not complete the task at hand but I am here to tell you that I can smell the sweet aroma of victory over what seemingly could not be done.

If you have not yet guessed what I am talking about I will tell you now. The iPod challenge. It has been a long road and tiring at many times, especially after 5 versions of Amazing Grace with 5 more to go, but in the words of a great man...IT IS FINISHED. Ironically the last song I listened to in this challenge was Zip-a-de-do-dah! What a great song and a great way to end this odyssey of lyrical talent and not-so-much talent at times.
The journey was littered with my favorite artist, my kids who have recorded things, my friends who have shared their talent with me and those "singers" who I endured for the sake of the cause.
I feel accomplished. What's next?
All is right with the world
If you know me at all or have read any of my blog postings since January you know I am a huge fan of American Idol. I absolutely love that show. I love that show even more now that Sanjaya is off. Praise Jesus!
Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against him personally but he doesn't deserve to be on the show this late in the game. He's creepy, had a weird child molester mustache last week, can't sing country worth a flip and while some might find it attractive-his smile is a bit on the stalker side of life. He isn't attractive-not that that's what it's about but it helps- his hair was a joke to get votes-that worked for a while- he cried last night AND he doesn't have the eyes. Nick Pedro-had the eyes. There are few people who do, at least that I have encountered and Sanjaya is not in the minority. He should have been gone a long time ago and I am convinced that the applause last night was because he was leaving and NOT because Lakisha is staying, but I'm glad she's still around.
Now my whole life doesn't revolve around AI so there are other reasons the world is right today. The weather is great today, makes me want to play outside. The youth calendar is almost done. The sonic lady gave us a good laugh this afternoon. My desk is fairly clean. I finished a good book and started another good book this week. Flew on 4 different planes this week and am still alive. Still don't know what to do with my life but I am loving not knowing.
It's a good day! Hope yours is awesome too!
iPod update: 3,225/3,523
Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against him personally but he doesn't deserve to be on the show this late in the game. He's creepy, had a weird child molester mustache last week, can't sing country worth a flip and while some might find it attractive-his smile is a bit on the stalker side of life. He isn't attractive-not that that's what it's about but it helps- his hair was a joke to get votes-that worked for a while- he cried last night AND he doesn't have the eyes. Nick Pedro-had the eyes. There are few people who do, at least that I have encountered and Sanjaya is not in the minority. He should have been gone a long time ago and I am convinced that the applause last night was because he was leaving and NOT because Lakisha is staying, but I'm glad she's still around.
Now my whole life doesn't revolve around AI so there are other reasons the world is right today. The weather is great today, makes me want to play outside. The youth calendar is almost done. The sonic lady gave us a good laugh this afternoon. My desk is fairly clean. I finished a good book and started another good book this week. Flew on 4 different planes this week and am still alive. Still don't know what to do with my life but I am loving not knowing.
It's a good day! Hope yours is awesome too!
iPod update: 3,225/3,523
Being happy
I love to be happy. I have been pretty happy lately. I enjoy the company of people who are happy and like to laugh.
I think God likes to be happy too. If he didn't he wouldn't have made monkey's because let's face it, hardly anyone can look at a monkey and not at least smile.
I talk in my "Convicted" blog about how sometimes I feel like God is smiling on me, thinking of me, and loving me. In theselast few weeks here are a few of the things I feel like God has specifically put in my life for me to be happy and enjoy...
- Disney movies with a group whose average age is probably around 28
- Hearing the moans of a groan man in pain :o) (pun intended)
- Breakfast with the boys
- Dinner with the OTHER boys
- A kid falling back in his chair while trying to eat a chip (he wasn't hurt)
- Free Astros tickets
- Going to the game with a great guy
- Walking a million miles to and from the car next to a kid with a bum ankle
- Rain
- High School kids and paint
- Girls night out
- Late night phone calls
- Text message conversations
- Perfect weather
- Shopping
- Bad Weather
- Postponements
- Friendships
- Hugs
...just to name a few. I love life.
Be blessed!!!
iPod Update: 2499/3523 (some songs were added..i know bad plan)
I think God likes to be happy too. If he didn't he wouldn't have made monkey's because let's face it, hardly anyone can look at a monkey and not at least smile.
I talk in my "Convicted" blog about how sometimes I feel like God is smiling on me, thinking of me, and loving me. In theselast few weeks here are a few of the things I feel like God has specifically put in my life for me to be happy and enjoy...
- Disney movies with a group whose average age is probably around 28
- Hearing the moans of a groan man in pain :o) (pun intended)
- Breakfast with the boys
- Dinner with the OTHER boys
- A kid falling back in his chair while trying to eat a chip (he wasn't hurt)
- Free Astros tickets
- Going to the game with a great guy
- Walking a million miles to and from the car next to a kid with a bum ankle
- Rain
- High School kids and paint
- Girls night out
- Late night phone calls
- Text message conversations
- Perfect weather
- Shopping
- Bad Weather
- Postponements
- Friendships
- Hugs
...just to name a few. I love life.
Be blessed!!!
iPod Update: 2499/3523 (some songs were added..i know bad plan)
One thing that I have come to realize in the last couple of weeks is that it seems one of the biggest fears we have a humans is to be forgotten. You hear it in songs like the one by Carrie Underwood titled "Don't forget to Remember Me" and we see it in the things we do when people leave, such as giving gifts and throwing parties.
I have begun to wonder if we say good-bye because the person is leaving or because we want to be remembered and it is our last chance. I suppose the sentiment is right regardless but it has been on my mind lately.
I want to be remembered, not because of myself but because of Christ. I know some of you are probably thinking "how cliche` Mandy" but it's true. I want people to see Jesus when they see me and I want them to experience Jesus when they are with me. I want to treat people like Jesus would and more importantly I want to love people like Jesus. There are times when I have truly felt the love of God in my life. Those are the times when I look up at the beautiful blue sky while laying in the grass listening to music and think-God is smiling on me. If you have never felt like God is smiling on you I hope and pray that one day you do.
On the days you feel like no one will remember you, look up to the sky and know that I will, and that God will and he is smiling on you.
I have begun to wonder if we say good-bye because the person is leaving or because we want to be remembered and it is our last chance. I suppose the sentiment is right regardless but it has been on my mind lately.
I want to be remembered, not because of myself but because of Christ. I know some of you are probably thinking "how cliche` Mandy" but it's true. I want people to see Jesus when they see me and I want them to experience Jesus when they are with me. I want to treat people like Jesus would and more importantly I want to love people like Jesus. There are times when I have truly felt the love of God in my life. Those are the times when I look up at the beautiful blue sky while laying in the grass listening to music and think-God is smiling on me. If you have never felt like God is smiling on you I hope and pray that one day you do.
On the days you feel like no one will remember you, look up to the sky and know that I will, and that God will and he is smiling on you.
A Poster Child
The rumors are true and I have come to accept my fate of being the current poster child of ACU I don't know why I am on the flyer, or why it's all over campus or why they felt the need to make a campus center banner out of it (which I have only heard about and cannot confirm it's existance) but I have moved from being completely freaked out to thinking it's kinda cool. So for those who have not seen it and for those who just can't get enough of my school spirit-here it is!
Be blessed!

iPod Update: 2127/3514
Well, our group went to Mexico for Spring Break and I have come back more refreshed then I have been in a long time. It it less and less of a wonder to me as I get older, why Jesus went away to pray. Grant it, I wasn't in Mexico alone but there is something amazing about being in a different place with no distractions and the only thing on the agenda being to serve God in anyway.
I have learned a lot of lessons since graduation and I have avoided learning lessons as well. God worked on me in Mexico and to be perfectly honest he made it very clear some of the things I needed to see. People, conversations and observations were all injected with a huge dose of God and grace.
Just a taste of what we did in Mexico:
-Tripled the size of the Medical clinic
-Built a play scape
-Put a fence around the entire property
-Spread about a million piles of dirt (which is more work than it sounds like
-Poured a concrete floor for the part of the building we added on to
-Got up at 5:30 every morning :o)
All in all it was a wonderful trip and God really did some amazing things in my life and in the lives of those around me.
I want a life full of God. I want to be around people filled with his Spirit. I want to overflow the joy of the Lord to those who know me and even to those who don't. Praise God from who ALL blessings flow!
Enjoy the pictures!

Why I am the greatest...
It's because I have the same phone as Chloe O'Brian on 24. Now granted, she does not have the greatest social skills on earth but her loyalty is out of this world. Not to mention she has THE BEST scene in season 5. 

Let me remind you...
Chloe is sitting in the little coffee shop bar thing- because she is wanted by the government for helping Jack- and this guy comes to hit on her. She totally fakes him out like she is interested in him and then ZAPS him with her tazer! You go girl! A couple of minutes later as the guy wakes up she zaps him again! Sweet!

Chloe rocks the 24 world...i mean seriously, without Chloe, Jack would be in some pretty hot water...
and that is why I am the greatest...because Chloe and I have the same phone.
Thank you that will be all.
iPod update: 1697/3514
Walking Wisely
This weekend we had our Middle School Spring Retreat: Walking Wisely. We talked about what it means to seek wisdom in decision making and how to make good decisions. Here are some snapshots of the weekend WITH caption because some people just HAVE to know who the people in the pictures are. Enjoy!

Hannah, Candace and Kelsey

Greg, our speaker for the weekend
Steve with the Talking Hat kicking off our meeting/planning time.
Drawing in the Sand....like Jesus did :o)
Sarah, Ashlie and Suzannah on the Hay Ride
I feel good today. I have a fresh feeling over me, like when you are baptized and come out of the water a new person. That's how I feel, baptized.
God shows up when we need him most and when we close our eyes he shines brighter. God blessed me with good conversation yesterday and encouraging company.
I am grateful for the people God has allowed my path to cross while I have been here in Belton and I am beginning to feel the anticipated sadness of having to leave in a few short months.
But not yet. For now I am here. I am all here and God is all good!
God shows up when we need him most and when we close our eyes he shines brighter. God blessed me with good conversation yesterday and encouraging company.
I am grateful for the people God has allowed my path to cross while I have been here in Belton and I am beginning to feel the anticipated sadness of having to leave in a few short months.
But not yet. For now I am here. I am all here and God is all good!
Song Update
I will write more tomorrow but an update on my iPod song listening is here. I am on
1,359 of 3514.
There is an explaination there were songs on my iPod that weren't actually there-meaning, the title was there but there was no music SO with those songs deleted there are on 3514 instead of 3529 or whatever it was before.
Happy Listening!
1,359 of 3514.
There is an explaination there were songs on my iPod that weren't actually there-meaning, the title was there but there was no music SO with those songs deleted there are on 3514 instead of 3529 or whatever it was before.
Happy Listening!
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