
Walking Wisely

This weekend we had our Middle School Spring Retreat: Walking Wisely. We talked about what it means to seek wisdom in decision making and how to make good decisions. Here are some snapshots of the weekend WITH caption because some people just HAVE to know who the people in the pictures are. Enjoy!

Emily, Hannah, Sarah and Suzanna before the retreat kick-off
Kylie joined in on the Knock-Out game!
Hannah, Emily, Kelsey, Andrea, Chris and Drew supportin' the Aggies in the Corner game
The Cheese Stands alone! Ashlie standin' her ground in the Corner Game
Drew, Ranger and Gibbs sharing their "Daily Decisions" list


Hannah, Candace and Kelsey

Ranger and Gibbs

Greg, our speaker for the weekend

Steve and Denver



Cute little Girlie Girls!

The Meeting Time

Steve with the Talking Hat kicking off our meeting/planning time.

Me with the talking hat

Denver with the talking hat

The girls in a Deer Stand

The girls

Drawing in the Sand....like Jesus did :o)

The group on the Hay Ride

Sarah, Ashlie and Suzannah on the Hay Ride

The Back of our T-Shirts

iPod Update: 1,384/3514

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Hello Mandy! Looks like your job is going awesome. Hope you are doing good!