
The King of Wishful Thinking...

Well, I'm not a king, not really even royalty but in this song it's just a metaphor anyway so for now call me Queen Mandy.

I went on an Oldies craze last weekend and found a bunch of songs I hadn't heard in a while, one of them being, The King of Wishful Thinking. If you don't remember the tune I can't help you but maybe the words of the chorus will ring a bell...

I'll get over you..
I know I will
I'll pretend my ship's not sinking
And I'll tell myself
I'm over you 'cause
I'm the king of wishful thinking
I am the king of wishful thinking

This song typically is talking about a relationship, and while there are times when I feel like I am continually telling myself "I'm over him" or "I quit him" I still, deep down, think "maybe someday.." I don't think that's bad. I guess if you allow your "wishful thinking" to distract you or take away from relationships that grow elsewhere then maybe it's not such a good thing, but in my case I feel like it's ok to be a wishful thinker. I do 'quit' feelings a lot so maybe I should just admit that I am a wishful thinker and get over myself. Maybe someday..But for now, I'm happy and lovin' life the way it is.

I think our attitude effects our wishful thinking. Like I said I don't think it's always bad. If we never think wishfully what's the point. Story time...
Last night after sing song practice we had a girl ready to thrown in the towel. It's only been a week. She was frustrated and ready to quit and give up! I tried to talk to her and I listened to her tell me about her day. My conclusion was she had a not so great day and she hadn't gotten any sleep...thus she needed to sleep and get rested before making a decision to quit. Well, I generally think of myself as a happy person but as she kept talking I realized that regardless of how little sleep she got or how bad her day was, it doesn't merit her less than positive attitude. We talked about that for a second, her realizing her attitude stunk, and then as I got ready to leave the words no sing song director, or club/class member, wants to hear..."I don't know why we try. We're gonna lose anyway!" Wow! That's disheartening. She kept going, I could hear her until I started the music in my car. I don't necessarily care as much about winning as I do about having a good time, but no one wants to lose. Where's the wishful thinking? That was rough. On that note I told to go home and sleep and we'll talk at practice tomorrow (today).

Wishful thinking...It's a good thing. Happy thoughts!!!

Be Blessed!!!

P.S. Even if we don't win, we are sure gonna give everyone a run for their money!!!


Anonymous said...


I'm rooting for you guys. Kaios should have won sing song last year, and I know that you have the talent to get it done this year. Best wishes. See you tomorrow

Anonymous said...

i like the new layout :-)