When I was younger I read the Box Car Children books. To be perfectly honest I cannot remember what they were about but I remember owning a ton of them and reading them-not all the time but on a fairly consistent basis. I also read from the Babysitters Club and Sweet Valley High books.
Now my reading consist of books titled, Real Sex, The Ministry of Nurture, Blue Like Jazz, Velvet Elvis and so on. While these books are amazing and have taugh

The books I missed out on when I was little were the Chronicles of Narnia Books. I have seen the new movie, twice now. I want to read the books. I ask for them for Christmas but they are kind of expensive to get the whole series. For New Years lunch we went over to a friends house and the little boy and his mom were reading through The Lion Witch and the Wardrobe. I wanted so badly to begin

I want to read them all. I have not enjoyed reading for a long time but since last summer I feel like I am always reading a book; by choice.
Reading is good for you. If you want me to recommend you a book let me know. I've got a few you can check out..."but you don't have to take my word for it." :o)
Be Blessed!!!
Read The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe first. They're meant to be read in publication order, not necessairly chronological story order. ;-)
Love, Lindsay
Boxcar children were about 5 kids living with grandpa and going on adventures and solving mysteries around the places where they were... ahhh, good times and good reads...
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