

Well... I have finished the class part of my short course. I wish that all of you could take this class. The title might have been Sexuality and Personal Issues of Sexuality but the content was so much more than that. While some of the class had to so with sexual issues and eroticism, the bulk of it had to do with relationships outside of sex. A lot of self reflection and confrontations went of.

The biggest reality check, for me, was learning to ask myself the question, "what does this say about me?" It was the realization that if I don't like someone, or if I get upset about something then I need to look at myself first and ask myself what is going on with me that this upset me or makes me feel a certain way toward a person.

This week was about facing my demons and re-evaluating my opinions. It was an amazing class. In some ways I feel like my friends and I might have misrepresented it only talking about the awkward moments in class, i.e. staring into someone's eyes for one minute, hugging someone for one minute, holding someone's hand for 2 minutes, along with many other interesting moments. It was was weird, awkward and uncomfortable but in my opinion it's about time.

Why don't we talk about sexuality in our churches? It is a part of society and a part of growing up, and for goodness sakes the Bible is littered with sexuality and eroticism. If we ever expect our children to get the right idea about what God intended sex and sexuality to be like then we have to teach them. It is my prayer in the future that we will make our friends and family uncomfortable for a little while; and once the discomfort has passed, we will be able to see the beauty and good intentions in sex between a husband and his wife.

Ok Ok. I know this is out of the blue but I have just been thinking about it since I spent a week in class about it. Hope it wasn't to weird for all of you. Feel free to ask questions. I love talking about the class, Mark Clancey is a victim of that.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Be Blessed!!!

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