
White Christmas

I know for a lot of you snow on Christmas is a common occurrence but here in good ol' Alvin Texas it has never happened in recorded history so in about 29 minutes it could be the first time it has ever snowed on Christmas. It has been snowing for about 6 hours now- just a little at a time but none the less it is sticking to the ground. I video taped it just in case you don't believe me.

We have had a great holiday so far. My birthday went great on Wednesday. We went out to dinner for mine and mom's birthdays last night and that was a lot of fun too. Ty is so so cute. We opened presents tonight and he was adorable. I will never understand why little kids like the wrapping paper more than the present but it was cute watching him play.

I hope that everyone has a great Christmas! Be Blessed!!!


Birthday Countdown

One hour and counting and I will officially be 21. That means that the next really big birthday to look forward to is "Over the Hill." Yes!!

But really, today was mom's birthday and it was a lot of fun tonight. We entertained mom with aerobics. My sister and I busted out the Jane Fonda VHS Work-Out. I am tired- and we didn't even do the whole thing! I need to work-out more!

Everything is going great! hope everyone has a great holiday season!
Be Blessed!!!



Cousin-Jeremy Potter Be Blessed Friends!!! Be Blessed!!!

Praise God

What a great morning. I must say that I am not accustom to getting up at 8:15 on a Saturday morning but this morning it was well worth it. This morning members of our congregation got up and met to deliver food to people around Alvin. Our car/truck delivered to 9 families and there were lots of other people who took lots more food. What a great feeling to help people in the name of the Lord.

My family and I watched a movie Thursday night entitled "Time Changers" It is really a good movie with a good point. Grant it, some parts are really cheesey but hey, it gets the message across. It talked about giving credit where credit is due. Let me explain. For so long people have been saying it's wrong to steal and it's wrong to kill and it's wrong to lie etc. This movie addresses the question..."Who says?" It talks about giving God credit. When we explain to children that it's wrong to steal we need to also tell them that it's wrong to steal because God says it's wrong, not just because it against the law. I recommend watching it at least once. There is also a lot of good "preaching material" in it (I won't be surprised if I hear it mentioned from the pulpit in the next couple of weeks).

Other News: Things are really going swell. My grades turned out just fine and dandy and I finished "The Five People you meet in Heaven." I have been avoiding the made for TV movie of the book until I finished the book so now I am anxiously awaiting the next time it airs. Family is good. Cousin was here and the left- stinker! He'll be back soon I think.

I don't have a job this Christmas break- things fell through so I am keeping occupied by doing nothing. It's nice to relax after an 18 hour semester but I'm done relaxing- I wish I had something to do! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Well, I hope all is going well where you are and I look forward to hearing about how your break is going. Let me know!

Birthday countdown: 4 days! (December 22 for those of you who are counting challenged)

Have a Merry Christmas and Be Blessed!!!


Project Finals COMPLETE

Just a quick update:
Finals: Finished! Praise God!
Sleep: Still Lacking
Camp Shakinah: 100!!!

Hope y'all have a great day!
Be Blessed!!


Cool little exercise

Found this on another blog. Certainly an interesting exercise
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your own blog...Along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around and look for the "coolest" book you can find.Do what's actually next to you.
6. Reflect on the sentence, if you can.
Page 123- fifth sentence from the book: The Five People you Meet in Heaven

"I don't understand."

You know I have been saying that a lot in my Greek class lately. I would like to make so cool relation of this sentence to my life but really, I just don't understand Greek! At this point I am thinking, "SOMEONE ALREADY DID THE TRANSLATION!!!" Anyway! Enough about that.

In Other News: I turned in Camp Shekinah today! Wasn't able to put as much into it as I wanted just because I would have needed a couple more months for that, but I am pleased with how everything turned out and I would love to show anyone who is interested as soon as Robert gives them back to us.

Life is good! I have said it before but I want to say it again, when I look around and see everything that God has allowed me to do in my life and the people he has blessed me with, I can't help but to be grateful for the life he has given me. God is good!

Hey, I hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to looking for the 5th sentence on everyone's blog. Be Blessed!!!


I don't know what he's talkin' about!

So I have discovered the one downfall to your dad being a preacher- the past haunts you. Today at church my dad told a story about me from when I was like 5 or 6. How dare he! It was a funny story and it for sure got everyone laughing, but at my expense! When dad started talking he didn't tell everyone one which daughter it was so when people turned and looked at me all I said was "I don't know what he's talking about!" I'm a liar! Is it a bigger sin to lie in the church building? Beats me!

Well, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I did! We ate at the Mosely's house and there were about 20 people there at one point in time! It was fun! LOTS of food and even more Pie. I think we probably had enough pie for everyone to have their own-pie that is! You know people always talk about the food at Thanksgiving being the best thing, and although I must agree, generally the food is better than at other times of the year, the best thing about Thanksgiving is definintly the company. Whether it's just your family, or if it's your family and 16 other people, the laughs and stories and fun is way better than the food! Just for kicks though- what is your favorite Thanksgiving food? Sweet Potato whatever it was on your blog, or turkey or in my case Chocolate Ice Cream Pie, which I made by myself this Thanksgiving and it was outstanding if I do say so myself! Let me know your favorite food! If I get too many responses- which always happened on my comments box- I'll clean them out so everyone gets a chance!

Cousin got a new car!

The drive back today was nice. I listened to a lot of country music. BY THE WAY!!! I got the new Brad Paisley CD, 'Mud on the Tires', for $10 bucks at Wally World. I have re-ignited my flame for Brad. I know it's very teeny bopperish to be in love with a music/tv star but hey- 'll take that chance. I know he's married and all that junk but he is still that coolest country music star out there, not to mention he has amazing character. So if you have been wrestling with what to get me for my birthday- which is in 24 days- a meeting with Brad would make you my new best friend!

No but really! Everyone have a great week. I look forward to hearing about your Thanksgivings. Talk to you soon! Be Blessed!!!


Stinkin' Cold

Well it's that time of year when everyone around you is getting sick. You always think that if you get a shot or if you take proper precautions that you won't get it, but alas, the inevitable will happen and you will get sick. If anyone goes through this winter and doesn't get sick let me know I will send you a "congratulations you didn't get sick" card (that I will make myself b/c Hallmark doesn't specialize in those). I am already a victim of this Winter Bug I'll call it (a cold).

Enough about that. Today at church Joe Almanza spoke. He is the new Community Outreach minister at Highland. It was amazing to hear his story! I can't believe that I am going to church with a former member of the San Antonio Almanza Mafia-Big time drug dealers! It's nuts! It was really good though. We also went to Russell Street today. This was the first time I have been able to go in the last month because I have been out of town every weekend. So it was nice to see everyone. Ryan, Ms. Maggie ask how you were doing. I told her you were fine I guess but that I hadn't talked to you in a while so I don't have much new information! Hint!!! Hint!!
Everyone on Russell is doing good it seems. There is a new family that moved into Rudy's house. There are like 800 of them so I don't think we have met them all yet.

Um other news...Valerie is here- my sister, for those that don't know who that is. She is funny! She flew up here. It was her first time on a plane so needless to say there have been some funny stories. My favorite goes something like this. "Well, we got on the plane and we started going up and I was thinking, 'Ok, that's high enough!'" She's cool, everyone should meet her.

Other News: It's been raining in Abilene for like 300 years now! Not that I am complaining but it would be nice not to drive home in the rain on Tuesday. I only have one class this week and it's on Tuesday morning, I think I am going to skip it though and go home early so I can have more time to spend with my nephew.

What else...Seems like there was something I was gonna say. OH! Wednesday night we had officer elections at club. You are reading the blog of the 2005 Alpha kai Omega (which will be abbreviated AKO so the club has decided) Secretary. I am so excited! It'll be WAY fun. My roommate Deanna is the new Historian so I am excited about that too.

I suppose that's all for now! Y'all have a great Thanksgiving and be safe! Call the people you haven't talked to in a while and update them on how things are going in Tennessee- or where ever you are! Be Blessed!!!


Camp Shakinah: Unshakable Faith

Thank you to all who have participated in the "Name That Camp" contest! What happened was those that submitted entries, Cousin and Ryan, will be receiving in the mail a letter of appreciation accompanied by $25,000 in the next week!!! YEAH RIGHT! If I had that kind of money I would give it to you BUT I don't so I guess you will have to settle for a coke next time I see you both! The title of camp for those that skip the titles of my blog is "Camp Shekinah: Unshakable Faith" I am really pretty much in love with this title so if you hate it-keep it to yourself and if you love it let me know! Cousin email me some history on Shekinah if you have any. And Ryan, I love the idea of unshakable faith! Thanks again guys! I am really excited about this camp-now if I only had a youth group to do it for!

Other News: I got back this afternoon at about 4:30 from the First Colony Fall Retreat. It was a great refreshing weekend. The three of us interns, me Joel and Sarah, drove down there together along with Landon and Justin (Sarah's BF) Friday night. The five of us loaded the Blue Dragon, which is cool kid lingo for the periwinkle colored mini-van, and took off for Sugar Land. We got to SL Friday night in time to hit up the last two hours of The Backdoor. When we got there we were kind of disappointed that there were only like 8 kids there, but we did have fun with those eight. Landon stayed at his house Friday night and the rest of us bunked at the Davis' and that was fun. We all decided that it was like going home. We had fun with them. Matt got up and made us breakfast Saturday morning and we went up to the church at about 7:50 a.m. We left at about 8:45 for the camp grounds. We took the Mini-van so we could leave from the camp grounds today and JCo rode with us. The four of us in the back, JCo, Landon, Joel and Me had a good talk about our break-ups. The three of us basically informed Jen of what happened. It was fun even though I was hearing everyone's story for the 2nd or 3rd time and telling mine for the billionth time. As far as the rest of the weekend, it was so good to see all the kids. The more time I spend with them the more I fall in love with them. I am so excited about going into ministry. The chance to impact the lives of kids in the name of Christ is the coolest opportunity I think God has ever presented me with. We all worked with the Jr. High kids this weekend and I can't tell you how much fun Jr. High kids are. Joel and I were group leaders together and that was a blast. It was the first time that we got to work together in a group setting as far as small group leadership goes. It was fun! Free time was great too, there was canoeing and archering. That was a blast. The first time I had ever shot a Bow & Arrow. I decided that is I was gonna do an Olympic sport I would do that b/c it's just so much fun.

The trip back today was enjoyable. Joel, Justin, Sarah and I played the question game for about 2 hours on the way back and that was a lot of fun. Other than that we kinda took turns sleeping and trying not to get knocked off the road by 18-wheelers, which did almost happen.

And here we are. I am at work, which is where I always do my blogging. I am listening to my new CD's! I love them! I am also trying to recover from the weekend. My voice took a beating this weekend and being out in the cold most of the time doesn't help you in anyway to be healthy so it's the good guys vs. the bad guys in my body right now and the fear of enemy defeat is slowly becoming reality.

Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and I look forward to the comments that continually flood my blog. Have a great week and Be Blessed!!!


It's a contest!!!

Ok here's the deal! I need a name for my camp that I have to plan. If you can come up with something that I like and can use, you win! I don't know what but I'll come up with something. Here's the content: Camp______ will be about being bold in your faith. We will look at different old testament characters who were bold in their faith i.e. Daniel, Shad, Me and Abend; Elisha etc. There will be a different "bible time hero" for each of the four days of came. The camp if for ages 5th through 8th grade so keep it appropriate-Cousin. What I have been able to com up with assistance from locals is "The Bold and the Beautiful" and "Courage: Do you have what it takes?" I like those but I feel that there is something better out there and you might be just the person to help me find it!

Other News: Today we had the Richland Hills COC Youth Staff visit our Foundations class. There are a lot of amazing things going on in that church and God is working in so many amazing ways. Even more then them coming, Melanie Blanks, a good ol' camp buddy and family friend, was with them and that was awesome. I got to chat with her and went to dinner with her and the other staff members tonight. It was just a lot of fun to see her again.
School is going really good right now. Not a whole lot of action except ANOTHER Greek test next week and this camp project that I am trying not to procrastinate on. So school is good. I am getting to sing in chapel tomorrow and I am pumped about that-makin' you proud Ryan! I have become accustom to Dr. Mattis' calls at 10:30 p.m. Thursday nights for me to sing on Friday but this time he called at like 6:00. I am very impressed- you know what that means right? I'm not just the bail out alto anymore! "Movin' on up..." Ahh Yeah!!! ANYWAY!!

Weekend plans: This weekend is the First Colony Fall Retreat and Joel, Sarah and I will all be making our way to Sugar Land tomorrow about 5:00ish. We have a couple of tag-a-longs, Landon and Justin. So there will be 5 of us in the minivan! I am so excited! I think it is gonna be a great weekend and it will really be great to get to see all the kids again and catch up with Joel and Sarah.

Um....I am running for Secretary for club. I am really excited about it. I got nominated for Chaplin too and I would enjoy that but I really really want to do secretary. So if you're in club and reading this, VOTE FOR ME!!! If you don't want to vote for me then vote for my roommate Deanna, she wants it too!!!

That about wraps it up for now. I need to read!!! OH WAIT!!! I got an 2 Acappella CD's and an AVB CD this week and I have been listening to them non-stop. If you don't know who they are then you are missin' out and if you do-praise the Lord!!!

Ok but for real I need to go read!! Have a great weekend and Be Blessed!!!


What happens at the Ladies Retreat, STAYS at the Ladies Retreat!!

This weekend I had the privilege of leading a bunch of wonderful ladies in singing for the Annual Alvin Ladies Retreat. Ms. Nell Burns corrected our terminology this morning in her talk and told us we should call it the Ladies Recharge because that's what we do out there. No matter what you call it though the Lord is glorified. The theme was Amazing Love and we had 4 amazing speakers that shared their hearts with us and showed us what it is to be filled with God's amazing love. Amidst all the worship and fellowship, we did have free time and free time was full of fun and games. From all kinds of food and eating utensils in our bed to cheese on our toothbrushes, to crazy games of Nertz and 1:30 a.m. games of Phase 10, from 4 hours of karaoke to U2 the fun never ended. I am so glad that God has blessed me with incredible role models who know how to laugh. For those of you that are wondering what U2 is, well maybe one day you will know, but today is not that day. The only thing you need to know is that what happens at the Ladies Retreat, STAYS at the ladies retreat! And for all of you who are members of U2, hold your heads high and walk with confidence! You have accomplished the not-so-impossible!!!

For real though, here are some amazing things I got from this recharge:
Rosalind -"We can never believe that we have God figured out, that's when we get into trouble"
- "Sometimes we just have to believe what the Bible says"
Cherryl - "Look at those who are younger than you, watch how they love."
- "I am so much happier with less, because I really have more."
Ms. Nell - "Turn it over to the Lord."
- "if you don't know where you're going, get there before it's dark!"

Here's a question to ponder on, respond with your thoughts if you would like. I am interested in what you think. Are we the body of Christ based on what we do in our worship or are we the body of Christ because of what Jesus did on the cross? Which do our churches suggest?

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend!! Be Blessed!!!



Ok so for those of you that don't know- I love President Bush and because he won, I won!!! Me and George are like this (picture with me if you will, my fingers crossed and reread the last sentence!) So I am super pumped that he won the election. I am also impressed at the good sportsmanship the Sen. Kerry showed when he realized the he lost. Good election day to all those big name politicians who read my blog.

In other news: My reflections group service-learning project is finished but we have decided to continue our work through the end of the semester.

I finished my race relations paper for African Americans in the Restoration Movement class. It was a lot of fun doing this paper. I had to go to the library and read three articles on microfilm. It was so cool!!! Everyone needs to experience the microfilm machine at least once in their life. I had never used it before so the lady showed me what to do then left me there with the guy sitting next to me minding his own business. The magazine started in January and I needed to get to August and I moved the knob to FF and it started rolling forward and then before I knew it, it was scrolling faster then I wanted it too and making this freaky high pitched noise and then I was freakin' out and the guy next to me was laughing at me and then he made it stop going so fast and I could breath again. If you didn't the full effect of that experience, go back and read this paragraph again but faster! It was so crazy and lots of fun. I may go back and pretend I have another project to do just so I can use that machine again.

As far as everything else goes, I am heading to Alvin tomorrow to lead worship for the Alvin Ladies Retreat. I am really excited about it.

I heard this song on my way home last weekend and there was a phrase in it that just really made a lot of sense to me. It said "For every moment that I live and breath, is a moment made for worshipping." How cool to think of life like that. I can't help but praise God when I think that every moment of my life was given to me by Him. Wow!

I hope everyone has a good safe weekend! Be Blessed!!!


Mandy for President

Vote for me! What if I ran for president? I wouldn't but what if I did? Could I count on your vote? See I would take the Jesus approach to leading and forgive our debts!! WOO HOO!! Then I wouldn't owe Old Navy a penny!!!! No, but really! I am waiting in anxious anticipation to see the results of the election.

Other things in life: Confusement, still is the state I reside in. We have 837 electoral votes for Bush here! School, has slowed down a lot here. After 3 papers and 4 test the last two weeks it's time to breath. It's nice to just go to class this week. Um...I'm starting to save money for Stream in the Desert next year. I am really excited. I think two of my roommates and another friend are going to come this year. It'll be fun!

Well, that's about it for now! Go Bush!!! Be Blessed!!!


A State of Confusement!!!

It's a word I assure you. Being in a state of "confusement" is basically being confused but as it would refer to a state of mind. Ms. Music, my high school choir teacher, coined this phrase and to be perfectly honest it is a great phrase. This is how I feel right now. I don't really know what to think. My heart says one thing and my mind says another. This conflict is driving me nuts! Keep me in your prayers!

Outside the state, things are pretty normal. Went to Alvin this weekend. Jeff and April brought Ty to see the family so it was nice to have everyone there. As much as I love babies, I am really glad that Ty goes home with Jeff and April. What a huge responsibility to have a kid. I can't imagine having one at this time in my life. Kudos to Jeff and April. Church is going good. Mark Wofford led singing this morning and it was awesome. He has such a gift.

The drive today was long. The same "CMT Top 20 countdown USA" was on every station so I heard the same song like 387 times. I resorted to talk radio but that was a short lived victory for my father, sorry dad. I just can't sit there and listen to two angry men talk politics for more then 10 minutes.

I got home at about 11:15 and it's 11:41 now and I think I am gonna go to bed! Keep me in your prayers, and Hugh too. Thanks!

Have a great Monday and Be Blessed!!!


Things Change

Things change. Sometimes very quickly. Some of you know exactly what I am talking about others don't. No matter, everyone's life will change, maybe in minutes, maybe days maybe months or years. It'll happen though. When it does remind yourself that God is good, you'll be ok and that you are beautiful! And you are; beautiful that is.

Other news: My lesson last week went very well. Me and Deanna did ours on the same day and our professor told us that our lessons have raised the bar for the rest of them. That's cool.

I am going home for fall break this weekend. I can't wait to see my room, my mom took over!
Pray for everyone that will be traveling. ACU has been through enough tragedies this semester already so if we could have an uneventful weekend that would rock!

Hope you all have had a good week so far! Be Blessed!!


What time is it?

Well, friends, I know it has been seriously a week since I last blogged and I apologize for that but I have been busy. This weekend was great. Got to spend time with my boyfriend. This was the last weekend until Thanksgiving that I got to see him so we had a ton of fun. We went to chapel Friday and to the musical Friday night with hugh's cousin and one of her friends. Played a whole game of monolopy, and yours truly won- but I still love ya babe :o) I think I just got lucky b/c he is certainly a better player then me. Anyway. Saturday I went to Alpha kai breakfast and then came home and we went to the parade. That was neat. Our girls had the best float that AkaiO has ever had. We even won a prize, "Best Use of Purple" WooHoo!!! After that we hung out with Ashley and Aldon at the house for a while then when they left we watched TV and both ended up falling asleep in the living room. We ate pizza for lunch then Hugh took off so he could get back to Lubbock and get some stuff done this weekend. What a great boyfriend!

Sunday I missed church. I know I know! I did figure out that if you set your alarm but don't turn it on, it won't go off. Needless to say, I will be turning my alarm on for sure from now on.

What else happened this weekend? Oh, Deanna and I went and saw the musical Sunday afternoon so I missed neighborhood walking which I am really sad about b/c I will be out of town the next three weekends :o( I will be praying for them though.

Today I got up and got ready for chapel. It was pretty good today. Then I came home, finished my papers for tomorrow, registered for classes and all the jazz and then went to tutor at Colonial. That always brightens my day! It was meant to be just for this semester but I am really considering doing it in the spring too. Depends on what my schedule looks like.

And so goes life. I talked to one of my dear friends on AIM earlier this afternoon. I hadn't chatted with him in a while so that was a good talk. Just wish I had had more time. Oh well.

Life is good. Hugh and I are reading in Genesis right now and it is really interesting all the ironies we have come across. One that I found really interesting, and typical of females- not to stereotype us or anything but, Sarah tells Abraham to sleep with Hagar and then blames Abraham for all the despise Hagar has for Sarah. Just thought that was interesting.

You guys know of any ironic Genesis stories?

Have a great week and Be Blessed!!!


A Chance Worth Taking

That's the title of my object lesson that I am presenting tomorrow. I am excited about it but a little bit anxious about how everyone will act. I say that because we are presenting our lessons to a room full of college students that are suppose to be acting like a room full of Jr. High students and Jr. Highers can be pretty cruel sometimes, especially 20-23 year old Jr. Highers. I think it will go well though. I'll let you know!

This weekend was great! Very relaxing! Hugh and I went to grub Friday night and that was so fun! I always love seeing everyone dressed up. There were some very creative costumes. Hugh and I were a jailer and a 'get out of jail free' card. There was also a heads up, seven up costume and a barrel of monkeys costume which, I kid you not, could probably have held 3-4 girls in it! It was great!! Saturday we literally did nothing but watch TV and movies and eat! That was the relaxing part. Then Sunday was church and hangin' out until I went to work and Hugh went back.

Today, reality met me face to face. I have three test this week and this presentation tomorrow and I don't really want to do any of them. I guess that's life. I will be glad when this week is over, even though next week doesn't look any more promising then this one. Next week I have a project due, a paper due and a book report due! YES!!! Praise God for school!!!

Anyway. I need to get back to studying for all these wonderful, exciting test! Love y'all!

Be Blessed!!!


Greek! Greek! Greek!

It is time once more for a Greek test. If you'll allow me to step up onto my soap box for a moment I will dispense my feelings towards Greek! I hate it! I'm glad I'm learning it and when I actually translate a sentence right or parse something right I get super happy. But those time, as joyous as they are, are few and far between. Test are the worst because you don't have the charts infront of you. With the chart it would be so much easier and I would probably do a lot better. I tried to talk my prof. Into letting us use the chart on our next test but the attempt failed and ended in laughter. Not just a little chuckle but a "I can't believe you really just ask me that" kind of laughter. I am finished.

I hope that everyone has a great weekend! Alpha kai Grub is this weekend and I am totally pumped. My boyfriend is coming into town for it! It'll be fun!

SPEAKING of my boyfriend. They were supposed to go to Colorado next weekend to sing but that trip got cancelled so it looks like just maybe he will get to come back and do the whole Homecoming thing with me. That'll be fun!! I would go back to Lubbock that weekend, b/c I really like it there, but I have obligations to club for Saturday.

Anyway! I gotta get back to studying for my Greek test! Love ya!

Be Blessed!!!


Paradise in the....Desert!

Well, it's not quite Paradise as we envision it, nor would I say that it is really a desert but in Lubbock Texas there is a lot of sand, a lot of cotton, a lot of flatness and a lot of fun! This weekend I went to Lubbock to see my boyfriend and for homecoming weekend/parents weekend. It was so much fun. I love all of the people I met. The director of Best Friends, Warren, is totally a guy that I would put in my box. Everything was great. The Admissions people, who sponsor Best Friends, are awesome, the campus is really pretty and Best Friends sounds awesome. I'll let y'all know when their CD comes out so everyone can buy it. They aren't recording until December though so it will be a while.

I loved Lubbock! Hugh and I had a lot of fun this weekend with his parents and all of the homecoming events. Today we went to church at South Plains early service-8:00A.M.- and then to breakfast with his parents. After that we went and hung out at the Simons house for a while- for you Alvin folk that know them, they are doing great! After that we went shopping at Old Navy and got my boyfriend some winterish clothes and I must say, he looks hot in his new clothes! Still got the wranglers though, he'll always be a cowboy! ;o) I love cowboys! Then we ate lunch at the park and then I left. It was a great weekend!

This week of school is going to slow down a little bit I think. I have a test on Thursday in my Af. Am. in Restoration class. That should be interesting. Other than that things are pretty lite this week.

I hope that everyone's weekend was as great as mine! Have a wonderful week and Be Blessed!!!


What a day!

Today was overall a good day. I feel like most of my days are good days when I reflect at the end of the day. It's a blessing from God to have another day, another good day. Despite the news of Meg's dad passing away this morning after a 10 year struggle with liver problems, and being super busy this afternoon God has given me reason to smile over and over again today. Everything is set for me to go to Lubbock this weekend and see Hugh in Best Friends' first performance-totally pumped about that. I have a paper due in Greek on Wednesday over a book that I am reading titled "Using New Testament Greek in Ministry." It should be a pretty easy paper, mostly opinion- and I have one of those, ask mom and dad. The hard part will be getting the book read. I really just want to sit and do nothing, but alas, no time for that.

Sorry this is such a short post but, as mention a few lines above, I have to read. I hope everyone has a great week!

Be Blessed!!!


Just Another Manic Tuesday?

You know what is really really cool. It's cool when you have friends that care about you and love you and you care about them and love them. I know it's only Tuesday but this week has already been a little bit crazy. I have a paper due Thursday that I wasn't able to find any research info. on until today! I finally was able to get into the Center for Restoration Studies and get the book I needed. It seemed like there was only one book on Annie C. Tuggle and it was in the CRS and every time I went yesterday it was closed! So today I was going to skip my last class and go to the library but my conscience wouldn't let me and I went to class anyway. It turned out to be a good thing that I went to class because my teacher cancelled class so that we could all go to the library and research-what a cawinkie-dink: I don't know if that's how you spell it, help is invited!

I think one thing that has made today a long struggle is that I have been coughing all day. It's that violent man-cough that comes when you are almost done being sick. I, in that respect, am glad I am coughing, however comma the lack of sleep from this weekend and last night is leaving me a bit sluggish. That's what naps are for I suppose!

Back to the friends thing at the top. I have been blessed this week to get to talk with a couple of fellas I haven't talked to in a while and that was refreshing for me. I love my friends. God truly has blessed me with great people in my life.

Before I go a little update on Hughster- I made that up just now :o) He's great. He had a test Monday, feelin' good about that, and he has a presentation tomorrow so it's a big week for him. He also has his first Greek test Monday so be praying about that, I am.

I hope everyone has a great week. God is good. If you get a chance click the link to my cousins blog (Cousin who has a blog he never told me about! Punk!) and read the entry entitled "Dirt Poor..." It's a good one!

Be Blessed!!!


Jesus Is Cuter

Oh yes! It was bid-night weekend! Just in case you were wondering what we did, "Jesus is Cuter" ;o) It was a ton of fun and I am excited about pledging this year.

Hugh came this weekend. I was really glad to have him here and I am really excited about going to Lubbock in 2 weeks to see him perform! It's gonna rock the house!

Freshmen Follies was also this weekend I don't know how it went but I got to see some of the Alvin folk and that was fun! Met Brock's girlfriend-she's cute Brock.

Went to Russel street this afternoon. Karla and Terri are doing well. Shelby is awesome. She's loving school so that's super cool. The Wright family is doing well. Everyone was basically asleep when we got there so we didn't stay long but there were no complaints so I assume things are good. Ms. Maggie was looking very good today. She had on a pretty red dress and she looked healthy. Her kids left about 2 hours before we got there so I think they gave her a little boost! So Russel street is alive and kickin'. There is a new family that move into Rudy's house this week and they have kids so that's exciting. We are going to meet them next week I think!! Be praying that the Lord bless us with a relationship with them.

Hope everyone's weekend was as good as mine! I am feeling really good right now and I hope you are too! Have a great week! Love y'all!

Be Blessed!!!



When you are sick it seems like all you do is blow your nose. You can blow and blow and blow and think that you got it all but then, then it comes- "the SNEEZE!" "The sneeze" is what I am calling the "repeat factor." You see when you sneeze what you are doing is bringing more of the gunk in your nose to the surface and you begin the steps of clearing out your nose all over again. Once you have passed this level of sneezing and blowing you get to "the cough!" Here it seems like you cough at only the times when it is most important for you NOT to cough i.e. "the cough" attacks during the prayer in chapel or a class, "the cough" attacks at the best part of the song or "the cough" attacks at the most important part of Days of Our Lives and you have to ask you roommates later what happened only to find out that Stepheno is behind the whole Salem Stalker incident. Sorry about that, but really mom- did I call that or what! So in conjunction with "the cough" you have what we refer to as "drainage" which is really annoying because it makes you want to spit and frankly- I don't like to spit, it's gross. I say all that to say this, I really hope I get better before I see my boyfriend on saturday!

Have a great weekend!
Be Blessed!!!


Sick Indeed

Sickness has hit my body. The stuffy nose and pressure headaches all of it. I can honestly say that today was the first day that I really didn't want to go to my classes and yet, my perfect attendance thus far would not allow a little cold to get in the way. So I went to class and with each one praying that it would be cancelled only to be unsuccessful, until tonight! It was a bitter sweet moment when a stranger walked into our class and told us that class would not be meeting tonight because our professor was not feeling well. Normally I would not be that concerned but this professor is the oldest professor on the ACE campus and frankly him not feeling well worries me a tad. Pray for him.

I hope everyone has had a good start to their weeks so far! Tomorrow's Wednesday! Let's Rejoice.

Be Blessed!!!


Back to the Hood!

Well, today was the first time I have walked the neighborhood, or Russel Street rather, since I have been back at school. I was so refreshing to get to see everyone. They are all doing well. Rudy has lost his job and is moving across town with his sister so if you think about it pray that he is able to find work. Miss Maggie is doing well. She has seen a lot of the Doctor lately which is something she does not like to do. She seems to be in good spirits though and is looking better. The Wright family is doing well. They are still coming to church on Wednesday nights and the kids went to another church this morning so that's awesome. We didn't get down to see Terri and Carla this week but from what I hear there have been some amazing conversations with them lately. Praise God for what he is doing on Russel Street.

Church was good this morning. It was kind of weird going by myself though I must say. Since I have been back at school I have been with Hugh either here or at a church out of town so today I went alone, it was weird. Hugh is doing well by the way. Keep praying for him and Best Friends. Their first performance is coming up here in a few weeks! I can't wait. He will be traveling here this coming weekend and we will be going to Temple Saturday to switch cars hopefully! I may FINALLY get my car back! Praise God! Anyway pray that we have a safe trip.

I need to let everyone know about my special friend Ty. He lives in Crockett and is the coolest guy I know. He's super and I miss him! Ty Rocks!

Hope everyone is doing well.

Be Blessed!!!


Oh it's going...and fast!

Yeah it's going, school that is! It's in full swing. I took my first test and turned in my first 5 page paper this week. Paper was over my philosophy of Christian Spiritual Formation- sounds smart huh! I thought the same thing when I found out I was writing over that! Test was in Greek. Second year Greek! It stunk! I think I probably passed it but I don't like to just pass things I like to do well on them so this test was kind of a bummer. Oh Well! Other news from school, Rushing has begun for clubs. Last night we cut 25 girls and it's only gonna get worse. I am excited about pledging though. I think it will be a lot of fun to be on this end of everything- at least I'm hoping.

Other life news. Last weekend Hugh and I went and met my parents in Arlington for the weekend. It was a lot of fun. We got to see some of my families life long friends and I got to go on a date. Our first real date since we came to school so that was nice. For those of you that are interested today is 2 months for us! Very cool and very exciting. Hugh was gonna come this weekend but a Best Friends practice was called so I we won't get to celebrate until next weekend which is also bid-night weekend! It will be interesting! Things are going well for Hugh, school is in full swing up in Lubbock too.

You know in my Reflections class we are writing case studies about this summer and it has really caused me to reflect on this summer and look into the cracks that I may have missed while I was there. I think I am starting to realize the importance of theological reflection in my life. Not only does it help you pull out lessons from experience but you remember so much more of your experiences if you reflect on them.

Well, I suppose I should get to work, by that I mean go reply to the 10 emails sitting in my inbox! Love y'all and I can't wait to see you again!!

Be Blessed!!!


God is Good

God is so good!! I had a great weekend. I went to Austonio with Hugh to see his family. When we got there we found out his sister, brother-in-law and niece, Darcie, were going to be there for the weekend too so that was really fun getting to meet them and play. I got to see a tree get pulled over by a tractor too! That was fun! Hugh has a great family and the more time I spend with them the more I enjoy them.

As for everthing else, I'm tired. We drove in from Alvin this morning. We went to Alvin last night about 6 and left this morning at 8. It was a long trip and was full of construction zones, small towns, speed zones, state troopers, a wrong turn, and rain rain rain, but it was still the best weekend I have ever had. I hope that those of you that have not met Hugh will get to meet him soon! he is an amazing man of God and is dedicated to serving him. He's awesome.

I have a lot of classes tomorrow and I'm not really sure how much sleep I will get tonight but I hope it's enough to sustain me for tomorrow! I hope everyone has a great night and week!

Be Blessed!!!


Computer Lab Technician

Computer Lab Technician- yup thats me. Now you all know that I am not the Queen of technology so you are probably wondering how I got a job in the computer lab at ACU. Well, that's easy, my roommates dad is in charge of it! What can I say- I got the hook ups. As far as my job description...currently it consist of sitting at a desk minding my own business & not letting anyone take food or drink into the lab. Thats about it. It's a good place to get my homework done! So as I sit here at the enterance to the once again empty computer lab I decided to take you on an adventure through the first week of school.

It satarted on Monday. Pretty easy day for me. I only have one class, Greek. Man was I in for a surprise. You see I had every intention of keeping up with my Greek over the summer, but like most of you my summer went so fast I really have to think to recall it. I say all that to say- I did not finish- or really even start- my summer reader and thus I found myself almost completely overwhelmed by the Greek New Testament that we started reading on the first day. It was a blessing from the Great Lord above that things started to come back to me as we were reading but to be perfectally honest- If I had to take a test and write out the Greek alphabet right now- I would fail it. I suppose I should study huh?

Tuesday was my first real day I suppose. I have 5 classes on Tuesday including a night class on the Gospel of John. My professor in this class is the oldest professor at ACU. He started teaching BEFORE my dad was born!!! Are you kidding me??? He has to sit down to teach- it's cool. He really is pretty cute. For those of you that know about my box- I would put him in it. My other classes are pretty cool too. I have David Wray for Education Ministry of the Church. I actually read a whole chapter on the history of education in the churches of Christ and found it interesting! Go figure. I have Reflections with Guilde, Reese (the woman), and Oglesby; Foundations with Oglesby and Participation of African Americans in the Restoration Movement with Robinson- he's a professor for the box too. It's cool that they are offering this special topic class this semester for lots of reasons but MOSTLY because it takes place of my Church History class! Praise the Lord. Funny thing, Mary Foster is in this class. Is it bad when your own child won't take you class because she thinks it's too hard??? Probably.

Anyway! That is basically what my schedule looks like. Monday & Wednesday 1 class and chapel Tuesday 5 classes and Thursday 4 classes and Friday 0 classes. All I gotta worry about on Friday is getting up for Praise Day in Chapel. I love Praise Day!

More News in my life. I am part of a 6 member team who has been recruited to teach the 8th grade class at Highland on wednesday nights. It's really kind of exciting. I can't wait to see what direction the Lord leads us in. If you would keep that in your prayers that would be awesome!! My other teammates are Randy and Jennifer who will be leaving in March to do mission work in Brazil, Chris Lair, Heather Randall, and Clint Askins. I think it's gonna be a great year.

Boyfriend news! He's great! We are going home for Labor day trying to work it out where our families will be able to meet- that would be cool! Pray that we have a safe trip next weekend!!

Everything else is great! God has really blessed my life lately! Praise God for his generosity.

Be Blessed!!!


Back to Life, Back to Reality!

Well it's back to school in a day and some hours!! It's been crazy! I have been here for 2 weeks and I still can't believe I have a house!! It's a little bit overwhelming to know that I am an upperclassmen in college but I enjoy it!

We just finished welcome week tonight! It was so much fun. I met a lot of new people and I got to know a lot of people a lot better! It was so much fun to be part of the planning of the week and I can't wait until next year to do it again!

An update on my boyfriend. He has been at LCU for about a week now and has auditioned for and made the singing group called Best Friends. He is one of two new guys that they took into the group and now he's gonna get to perform every where and be on a CD!! I'm so proud of him.
Anyway- I gotta go!!

Be Blessed!!!


Little Moments

I love that song Little Moments by Brad Paisley. It's on the radio right now. I can't wait until tomorrow!

Last night was a ton of fun. The Intern Farewell Party was great and a little bit sad but for some reason it didn't really hit me until I was leaving last night and said good-bye to one of my Freshmen guys. Sometimes you really don't know if what you have dedicated you time to doing for so long has actually had an effect on anyone until they tell you. That's how it was for me last night. I feel like I have done my job all summer and I know that this is the kind of job where you don't necessarily get to see the fruits of your labor but last night I got to and I felt like God has really worked in this church this summer. God is so good. .

Well my dad is here to chat with me so I'm gonna jet!

Be Blessed!!!


How 'Bout the Country

Well, my visit to the country was nothing less than amazing. Mostly because my boyfriend was there and I got to spend the whole weekend with him but I also really enjoyed everything. I love the small town atmosphere where everybody knows everybody. We seriously didn't go anywhere and not run into someone that Hugh didn't know. It was great. I have pictures documenting my visit to Austonio/Crockett. OH!!! I got to ride on the tractor!!! How totally cool! I have a picture of that too. So the country was everything I expected it to be plus some. Before I left Hugh took me on one of his walks and we prayed and it was the most amazing experience ever. There weren't a whole lot of starts out and a lot of cars drove by but there is nothing like walking in the dark with the light of the moon shining down and talking to God that will really convict your heart. I feel so blessed!

Everything else is going well too. This is me last official day on the job and I have worked harder today then I have all week. I am trying to get the song books done before tonight so that I am not rushed to do them tomorrow. There are 75 books left to do. I must say I am a little bit sad about leaving but I really don't think the reality of this being my last day has quite set in yet. Maybe that's because I have things to do until Saturday morning and maybe because right after I get done here I start welcome week stuff. Either way I don't feel like I am leaving yet. It's weird.

I'm gonna go help the girls cut the songbook covers! Hope everyone has a great day!

Be Blessed!!!


Goin' to the REAL Country

I can't tell you how excited I am to be going to Austonio/Crockett this weekend.  I have never been to the "real country" for an extended period of time.  I'm gonna take pictures so I'll share the stories with y'all when I see you next.  Aside from all the excitement of getting to see all the cows and chickens I also get to see my boyfriend, which I might add is the most exciting thing about the weekend.  I also get to meet his parents which I am totally pumped about.  Yay!  Can't wait!!  I leave tomorrow and come back Saturday night.  Pray that I have a safe trip if you think about it.

As far as the job goes things are winding down and yet are so incredibly busy.  Next week our plate is completely full every night.  Mon-Fri we have a different activity with a different age group.  I am really excited about it but in all the excitement I am really sad that I have to leave.  I have discovered why I love this job so much.  There are actually a lot of reasons but one of them is that the reward, though many times small, is so sweet because the victory is not for yourself but for the Kingdom of God.  I get this amazing feeling when I think about the angels rejoicing because another believer was baptized.  I get this overwhelming feeling of blessing when I think about the way the spirit moves in peoples lives and seeing the fruits produced by the teens that I get to work with and challenge and who challenge me daily.  God is so good!

I am sad to leave but I am excited to go back to school and see everyone.  I have to brush up on my Greek.  I'm afraid I'm not gonna get my summer reader done.  I still have a couple of weeks but I don't know.  It's just extra credit so I don't have to do it but how cool would it be to start my class with extra credit?!

I gotta get back to work! Have a great day!

Be Blessed!!!


Back on American Soil

Well, we are back from Mexico and it feels good.  God was able to use our group to do a lot of good work while we were there but it feels great to be back home.  We spent a lot of time with concrete while we were there.  It was probably the hardest work that I have ever done as far a manual labor goes.  I think the most rewarding thing all week was to see our kids working so hard.  Everytime I looked up I saw our 10th and 11th graders outdoing themselves.  Time after time we had to MAKE them STOP working to go eat but no sooner did they leave the roof they were back.  They blew me away.  One day, they had the choice to go to these Cave's that we were told about or to stay and finish plastering the walls of the auditorium and 28 out of 31 without hesitating said they wanted to stay. The other 3 really didn't have a preference.  What a joy to see God working in their hearts that way.  We also had a 4 1/2 hour blessing time on Thursday and the way the kids encouraged each other just brought tears to my eyes.  The love of God was so evident in their lives.  Mexico was an amazing trip!  God is good!
As far as the relationship that you guys have been praying about for me these last two weeks, things are great.  We are officially boyfriend and girlfriend as of July 16 and I must say I am totally pumped.  Hugh is a great guy and really loves the Lord.   God has truly blessed my life through him.  I can't wait for y'all to meet him!! He has decided to go into ministery and will be going to LCU in the fall which is only 2 1/2 hours away! I can't wait to see what God has in store for us!  Really, ask me anything you want.  Now, I'm gonna filter the questions but I love to talk about him so hit me with your best shot!  Thanks again to everyone  who has been praying!
Work is going good.  It has been a little hard to focus today b/c I have some sort of sinus something and have really just been in a different world.  This too will pass, that's what I am telling myself to feel better. 
Guys, thanks you so much for everything y'all have done for me.  I really truly love y'all and I can't wait to talk to y'all and see you again!
Be Blessed!!!



Hugh is coming back into the State of Texas today after being in Mexico a week! I am really excited. I won't get to see him until tomorrow and then my group leaves for Mexico on Sunday so it'll be a quick visit but I am just glad that we will get to hang out.

I am really excited about our trip to Mexico and very anxious at the same time. I don't really know what is going to go on down there. It's very much a play it by ear trip, the kind of trip that makes me uncomfortable. It is way out of my comfort zone to not have a plan. There have been a lot of things like that this summer. Someone mentioned to me that maybe God is trying to teach me that I am not in control even when I think I am and that I should learn to just depend on him. At first I wasn't sure about that but the more that happens this summer the more I think God is totally teaching me that lesson. It's weird b/c even though I feel like that's what I need to learn- it's so hard! It's so hard to COMPLETELY depend on God and give it all up.

If you think about it pray for me this week as I travel to Mexico with no plan of action. Also keep Hugh and me in your prayers- that God show us what direction we need to go in our relationship. You guys are awesome and I am so thankful that God has given me friends like y'all. Have a super weekend!

Be Blessed!!



Hugh is in Mexico so it has been a long week but he's doing awesome work for God down there. We are getting some stuff done for church this week b/c next week we will be in Mexico. Anyway! I am really excited about going down there. It's gonna be great. so anyway I'm out! Gotta get ready for rEal and the Backdoor tonight!

Be Blessed!!!


God's Timing is so much Sweeter!

Howdy do? It has been a great week for me very much in part due to a blessing that God has put into my life in the form of a guy. A wonderful Christian man. We have been on two and a half dates and they were incredible. I was talking to my roommate last night and I discovered that I really couldn't figure out how to explain the emotional roller coaster that I am on. I really really really like him- I think it's more then like. I wish there was a word that meant more then like but not love. Anyway. As I was talking to her last night I realized that it has been 4 years since a guy has kissed me or held my hand or even shown interest in me and there were a lot of lonely times in those four years, but then I thought how worth it, it has been. Hugh is an amazing Godly guy and is so sweet and really treats me like the most important thing in the world and that is so much sweeter then and bum would have been in these last four years. I guess what I am really saying is that God's timing is so much sweeter then mine could have ever been.

If you think about it be praying for me and Hugh these next two weeks. We are both going to Mexico at different times and decided to seek out God's guidance in where this relationship is going. I know what I want but I really want to do what God wants so I need prayers to really open my heart to hear God.

I hope that everyone is having a great summer.

Be Blessed!!!


The Grave No Longer has a hold on Him!

Just when you think you have experienced enough "big stuff" for the summer tragedy strikes. This morning one of our 7th grade girls mom passed away. It was very sudden and very traumatizing for the youth group.

It's crazy to think that one day everything is going fine and dandy and the next day a parent dies. Or maybe a teacher or friend or other family member. It really puts things in perspective. I think about all the people I haven't talked to in a while and all the people that I might be upset with or holding a grudge against and it all seems so stupid all the sudden.

I worry about my friend. I wonder how this will effect her. Will this shake of her faith cause her to cling to Christ or to fall away from him? I'm praying for her. Being 13 and losing your mother. I can't even fathom it. If you think about it pray for her too.

There is a bright side to this. As with Christ on the third day when he was raised from the dead and then as he ascended into the heavens so to will this Godly women sit at God's throne for all eternity. The grave no longer has a hold on Christ nor on Mrs. Anderson. Praise be to God for his son!

Be Blessed!



So I'm going to the Dentist today to get some cavities filled- YUK!!! Pray for me and Be Blessed!!!


Ain't Nothin' Like It

Well, two weeks of camp and now back to reality! I was thinking about everything that I have experienced these last two weeks and all the people I have met and the lessons I have learned and I think the thing that sticks out most to me is how incredibly challenged teenagers are these days. I don't ever remember dealing with some of the things the kids in my groups these last two weeks have encountered. That's not to say that they weren't out there but they never knocked on my door. I praise God for being so faithful to wretches like us.

MPulse- Aliens in the World. What a concept for Middle school kids to grasp: It's ok to be different! My MPluse group really didn't seem to get it until our Mission: Rescue where they had to talk our counselors into coming back to Jesus! It was great to see them opening their bibles and recalling information from the week to save their friends! Awesome!

Kadesh-Grace. The thing I learned about grace this week is that it is a never ending study, it's hard to understand and that it is that easy. Just say yes. That was the most difficult point to get across to my group. All you have to do is accept God's grace. High Schoolers live such complicated lives that the idea of just saying yes is impossible to them. It's that easy!

What an amazing two weeks. I told my groups both weeks that I have never been to or taught at a camp where you are challenged so much in one week! What an opportunity they have to really dive into the word of God!

Camp-Ain't Nothin' Like It!!!

Be Blessed!!!



Grace is freedom. This week I was at Kadesh Life Camp at ACU and the theme for the week was Grace. I must say that this was one of the most emotionally and spiritually draining weeks I have ever had. This week a lot of things were shared with me that I really didn't know what to do with but God provided so much support for me through my friends like Casey and Greg and Bob that this peace really overcame me this morning on the drive home.
One of the things that was mentioned at camp was by Reg Cox and he told us that it frustrates him so much when people look at the cross an the whole crucifixion and completely miss it. They look at the pain and they look at the torture. They look at the roman guards or the wailing women or Simon or this or that but they completely miss the point of Grace. Did he die for me? YES!
Besides that, I was able to enjoy a great week of worship. Ryan did a wonderful job leading our teenagers on a spiritual journey through praise and singing to God. What a blessed person and so gracious to use his gift for God in every way he can! Thanks Ryan.
I am going back to Abilene tomorrow. We are taking our Jr. High kids this time. MPluse is the camp at ACU for our younger teens and it is a very different camp then Kadesh. I am really excited about it!
I gotta jet but I hope that everyone has had a great week and that all is going well!

Be Blessed!!!


Nertz for Jesus

We are leaving for Kadesh tomorrow. I'm very very excited and a little bit nervous. I think it's gonna be a great trip but I have no idea what to expect. I do know however that I am in charge of making sure that we have everyone when we leave any where and that the part that makes me nervous. Counting heads! Pray for me!

So last night we were supposed to have our big Summer Spalsh Off but for anyone from the Houston Area you could probably guess it was cancelled-rain. Yeah, it rained and rained and rained but it was so fun. We played some Ultimate for a while before the rain started so we still got in about an hour and a half of fun in and afterwards- when news came that it was cancelled for real- The other interns and myself were invited to the Cates house to chill with the 8th graders!

What a blessing that was. We got to teach them how to play nertz (the card game). It was this card game where I realized how much they (the youth group) watch and listen to how we talk and what we say and our actions. Example, I like to say "amen" to start off the game, typically I say it softly but the girls heard and they said "WHY DO YOU SAY AMEN?!?! THAT'S DUMB" I just told them "I like to bless the game before we play." Of course thy laughed at me and said it was stupid but the rest of the game when someone said "go" they said "amen." Now most likely they were just making fun of me but regardless, they heard me and listened.

What a mighty tool God has allowed me to be. Who would have thought that I, little ol' Mandy, would be a mighty tool used to help build up the Kingdom of Heaven? What an honor!

Be Blessed!!!


Gotta Love them Friends

I have been blessed by my friends. I love them, I cherish them and I am grateful for their constant support. My prayer is that I may the kind of friend to them that they have been to me!

Be Blessed!!


Working for what's gonna last!

Two days in a row! Crazy I know! I promise it really is me though! Promise! I've talked a lot since yesterday. I needed some answers yesterday and although I don't necessarily know that there is a correct answer to my questions, and by no means is there an easy one, I do know that I have some amazing mentors and friends and role models in my life and I praise God for them. As I had a chat with God this morning I ask him to prepare me for the conversation I don't want to have but may soon be thrust into. I ask for the right words and the right attitude. I don't like this position and at times I feel like I put myself here but I think it's because I care what happens. I care about the kids and my family. My church family. I don't know why things that seem so simple to some are so impossible, or appear that way, to others. I just don't know. But God is truly good and will last forever!

On sort of a different note, I was talking with my other intern friend Sarah and her friend from Pepperdine, Kris last night and we were talking about how much effort people put into worldly things and this is how Kris phrased it- and I love it. He said "We work so hard for things of this world all the time but why? Those things are going to be gone so why don't we work for the things that are gonna last?!" Amen Kris! The things that last- if only our mentality could be that way every minute of every day!

Lord, bless this day. Bless my friends and the work that they do. Bless our efforts to work for the things that last!

Be Blessed!!


Hard Friendships

It's really hard to tell the people that you love that they are wrong. Maybe not so much wrong but that it's the attitude that they take on, the negative attitude, that really shows in their ministry and in the day to day life. Really, how do you tell someone that if they would focus on how far things have come and on the future that they might possibility be a happier person and have a more alive ministry? How do you do that if they are sensitive and you know it will hurt them? How do you do that if you have not been there to witness the activity but it's all you hear about when you talk to the members involved? I am so grateful that the Lord has blessed my life and has given me the ability to see the good in people. I am thankful that it is easy for me to look at the positive and although I can see the negative it is a blessing to not be a person that dwells on that. Thank you God for the good things you have done in my life and I pray for my friends attitude! May it be one of Christ!

Be Blessed!!


"Uncle" Ryan says:

Howdy Do?? Well, mom took my book that I was reading so I have anything really profound to share with you all today- sorry about that- I'll work on it!

I do however have a semi-update about my internship. We have been really busy this last week and this week promises to bring more work. Right now our goal is to finish our MMM Bop music video before Wednesday nights rEal. It's gonna be sweet! We are gonna be gone for 2 weeks at camp here soon so you won't hear anything for a while but when I get back I'm sure there will be plenty to tell you about.

Just one prayer request: Our Neighbor friend Chelsea Wright from Abilene was in an accident a few weeks ago and is doing ok. "Uncle Ryan" said that she didn't quite have her normal energy but that she seemed to be recovering well. Pray for the long term effects the damage to her head may bring and for her family. Every one have a super week!! Love Ya!

Be Blessed!!!


And I'm home...

It's been a few days huh? Ahh well!! I'm home now- finals are over! Praise the Lord!!! Got my grades back too-not too bad! So on to what I really want to talk about.

I've been reading a book these last few days that was given to me by Brad Carter. It's called Emerging Worship by Dan Kimball. It talks about the restlessness and pacing of the emerging generation and what the church is doing or not doing to help engage this generation into a relationship with each other, with the church and with the Lord.

The question in today's reading was can you relate to the generation that is growing restless as it relates to the emerging church and worship service.

Being at ACU I have been able to experience a kind of worship that I have yet to find in another place. Thousands of college students gather together daily to praise and honor the Lord. This is the picture of an emerging generation and the worship atmosphere that is pro-active in adapting to the growing restlessness of the body while still maintaining traditional values in worship style. When I came home it was like a jolt back into reality. My home church seems unaware of the need to engage the 18-30 years olds. The challenge that the people in this age group- me included- face is the struggle to fit in. To find that nitch where they, where we can serve and still ourselves be challenged. To worship God in a way that we are really able to focus our hearts on the words that we are singing. To continue our learning and experience God even though the Ph. D.'s aren't around to challenge our faith.

It's crazy! As I was reading I found myself agreeing with what Kimball had to say much of the time. It's a tuff reality to face but what an eye opening experience it can be to look around and really notice the restlessness and pacing of the church.

Be Blessed!!


Movin' on Out!!!

Today I moved out of the dorm. All that's left in here is my computer and my bed stuff. There is this new rule in the dorm this year that you can't check out unless there is no trash in the hallway around the trashcan or anyone's stuff in the hall way? Are you kidding me? So me and Deanna and a girl across the hall spent 15 minutes playing janitor tonight so that she could check out then we could check out in the morning. We also took the liberty of hanging sings informing the other residence that if there is stuff in the hall you can't check out! Crazy! Anyway. I'm going to bed! I'll be home soon!
Be Blessed!!


It's broken?!?!

So you know what is the most frustrating thing in the world? I'll tell you in a minute right now I suppose I have some explaining to do as to why I haven't blogged in a while.

Well it all started about a week ago now. My internet got cut off. At first I thought it was just the ACU network, they often turn it off for some reason or another but alas, I had a virus. The good thing about being on a network is that if you have a virus they can tell you. The bad thing about being on the ACU network is that if you DO have a virus they turn your internet off and then run 2 million scans and not find anything then decide the day before you unhook your computer to turn your internet back on! Craziness!!!

I know I'm complaining too much but just one more. The most frustrating thing in the world... I think that it has to be when you get something from someone, something they really like and really wanted, and they open it and it's broken. That's frustrating! The redeeming factor in this situation, you can take it back and get another one! Alright!!!

Today was my last Wednesday at Highland for this school year and it was awesome. I really enjoyed the Oasis dinner, hanging' with the kids from Russell and worshiping with my walking team. God is so Good and really blessed me today.

I also took my last final today. Amen! Praise Jesus! Throw a Party!!!

There are people that touch your life in a way that you can't really explain. Not to someone else, not to that person and not even to yourself. Those are the people you miss that most when you depart.

Be Blessed!!


An Awesome God day!!

Well. just been another awesome God given day so far! In about 30 minutes I will be going to walk Russle Street at Highland. Walking the street and talking to our neighbors every Sunday has become one of my weekly highlights. I have always been amazed at how God takes our ministries and turns them into things that bless our lives and Neighborhood Walkers is no exception to that. I have been so blessed by this ministry and I get sad thinking about this summer and not getting to see anyone for three months.

I hope that your Sunday has been as amazing as mine so far! Be Blessed!


It hates me!

Still trying to figure out how this works!! That comment thing hates me! I'll just wait until I get home- then you can do it! :o) Be Blessed!


my First Blog thingy! YEAH!

This is my first Blog thingy. Brock told me I needed to start doing this because it will help with my writing skills, which obviously need improvement after the 79 on my metaphor paper. The result of that paper drives me to question whether or not bad writing skills is a horrific gene passed down from my dad considering that before I turned it in my FATHER told me it was a great paper! Hummm, dad?

Anyway! Maybe I will get better at this the longer I do it but for now I hope that this was both entertaining and grammatically correct. Be Blessed!