We are leaving for Kadesh tomorrow. I'm very very excited and a little bit nervous. I think it's gonna be a great trip but I have no idea what to expect. I do know however that I am in charge of making sure that we have everyone when we leave any where and that the part that makes me nervous. Counting heads! Pray for me!
So last night we were supposed to have our big Summer Spalsh Off but for anyone from the Houston Area you could probably guess it was cancelled-rain. Yeah, it rained and rained and rained but it was so fun. We played some Ultimate for a while before the rain started so we still got in about an hour and a half of fun in and afterwards- when news came that it was cancelled for real- The other interns and myself were invited to the Cates house to chill with the 8th graders!
What a blessing that was. We got to teach them how to play nertz (the card game). It was this card game where I realized how much they (the youth group) watch and listen to how we talk and what we say and our actions. Example, I like to say "amen" to start off the game, typically I say it softly but the girls heard and they said "WHY DO YOU SAY AMEN?!?! THAT'S DUMB" I just told them "I like to bless the game before we play." Of course thy laughed at me and said it was stupid but the rest of the game when someone said "go" they said "amen." Now most likely they were just making fun of me but regardless, they heard me and listened.
What a mighty tool God has allowed me to be. Who would have thought that I, little ol' Mandy, would be a mighty tool used to help build up the Kingdom of Heaven? What an honor!
Be Blessed!!!