It's really hard to tell the people that you love that they are wrong. Maybe not so much wrong but that it's the attitude that they take on, the negative attitude, that really shows in their ministry and in the day to day life. Really, how do you tell someone that if they would focus on how far things have come and on the future that they might possibility be a happier person and have a more alive ministry? How do you do that if they are sensitive and you know it will hurt them? How do you do that if you have not been there to witness the activity but it's all you hear about when you talk to the members involved? I am so grateful that the Lord has blessed my life and has given me the ability to see the good in people. I am thankful that it is easy for me to look at the positive and although I can see the negative it is a blessing to not be a person that dwells on that. Thank you God for the good things you have done in my life and I pray for my friends attitude! May it be one of Christ!
Be Blessed!!