
Praise God

What a great morning. I must say that I am not accustom to getting up at 8:15 on a Saturday morning but this morning it was well worth it. This morning members of our congregation got up and met to deliver food to people around Alvin. Our car/truck delivered to 9 families and there were lots of other people who took lots more food. What a great feeling to help people in the name of the Lord.

My family and I watched a movie Thursday night entitled "Time Changers" It is really a good movie with a good point. Grant it, some parts are really cheesey but hey, it gets the message across. It talked about giving credit where credit is due. Let me explain. For so long people have been saying it's wrong to steal and it's wrong to kill and it's wrong to lie etc. This movie addresses the question..."Who says?" It talks about giving God credit. When we explain to children that it's wrong to steal we need to also tell them that it's wrong to steal because God says it's wrong, not just because it against the law. I recommend watching it at least once. There is also a lot of good "preaching material" in it (I won't be surprised if I hear it mentioned from the pulpit in the next couple of weeks).

Other News: Things are really going swell. My grades turned out just fine and dandy and I finished "The Five People you meet in Heaven." I have been avoiding the made for TV movie of the book until I finished the book so now I am anxiously awaiting the next time it airs. Family is good. Cousin was here and the left- stinker! He'll be back soon I think.

I don't have a job this Christmas break- things fell through so I am keeping occupied by doing nothing. It's nice to relax after an 18 hour semester but I'm done relaxing- I wish I had something to do! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Well, I hope all is going well where you are and I look forward to hearing about how your break is going. Let me know!

Birthday countdown: 4 days! (December 22 for those of you who are counting challenged)

Have a Merry Christmas and Be Blessed!!!

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