I am committed.
I am committed to dutch chocolate ice cream.
I am committed to 24 and Jack Bauer even when the US Government, who owe Jack Bauer the world, is not.
I am committed to my kid in Tanzania (Charles Richard Shahanga)
I am committed to coloring the entire picture once I start it.
I am committed to American Idol.
I am committed to learning something new about one of my kids every time we meet.
I am committed to being confident in whatever it is I decide to put on that day or how I decide to fix my hair.
I am committed to the Houston Astros-to the bitter end.
I am committed to watching the entire season of LOST no matter how rediculous it gets.
I am committed to doing better in graduate school than I did in undergraduate school.
I am committed to staying in contact with my dearest friends from ACU.
I am committed to finishing the Chronicles of Narnia series; to being the best Aunt and Sister I can; to making my parents proud; to making God proud; to following my call to Youth Ministry; to my friends and family and someday I will be committed to a man.
I am committed to never doing anything halfway; to viewing people with God vision; to putting Jesus and others before me; to teaching Jesus and to being Jesus.
I am committed to loving people and finding joy in all areas in my life.
I am committed to never letting Satan rule my life and to doing everything in my power to never let Satan rule the lives of the people I love.
I am committed to my kids, that when I leave this place they will know Jesus better than they did before I got here; that they will love Jesus more than they did before I got here and that they live Jesus louder than they did before I got here.
I am committed. I like to finish what I start but I am learning that in this profession being committed usually means jumping in to the journey God starts, and letting him finish it.
Life is not a coloring page, or chocolate ice cream, or a book, but it is a journey with God to draw near to us. I am committed to being near to God.
The challenge in the challenge
OK so drinking water has been great. It's healthy and really 64 ounces of water a day is not a whole lot-UNTIL you have to drink ALL 64 before you leave the house in the morning.
The water in Belton has gone bad. Maybe it's my overactive taste buds, maybe it's "all in my head," maybe I am actually right but no matter the water in this town is not drinkable. If you are gonna have a glass of water from the faucet in Belton, you might as well go outside, fill your glass with dirt and drink that. DIRT! it all taste like dirt.
Now not all agree with me and most think I'm crazy and/or wrong but not matter I cannot stand the grainy feeling in my mouth after taking a gulp. My solution to this problem up to this point has been to drink all 64 ounces of water before I leave the house in the mornings (it's Temple water-another debate for another day) but I think I have decided to just suck it up and go to wal-mart. I have to get a calculator so why not get bottled water while I'm there?
Be blessed!!!
The water in Belton has gone bad. Maybe it's my overactive taste buds, maybe it's "all in my head," maybe I am actually right but no matter the water in this town is not drinkable. If you are gonna have a glass of water from the faucet in Belton, you might as well go outside, fill your glass with dirt and drink that. DIRT! it all taste like dirt.
Now not all agree with me and most think I'm crazy and/or wrong but not matter I cannot stand the grainy feeling in my mouth after taking a gulp. My solution to this problem up to this point has been to drink all 64 ounces of water before I leave the house in the mornings (it's Temple water-another debate for another day) but I think I have decided to just suck it up and go to wal-mart. I have to get a calculator so why not get bottled water while I'm there?
Be blessed!!!
64 for 64
This is the new challenge and anyone is welcome to join. 64 for 64 is in reference to water. Good ol' H20!
64 oz. of water for 64 days. Here are the rules:
1. You must drink at least 32 oz. of water BEFORE you have caffeine (Diet Dr. Pepper in my case).
2. After your first caffeinated beverage (of up to 44 oz.) you must drink the remaining 32 oz. before anymore caffeine can by swallowed for the day.
3. You can have all 64 oz. at one time and then you are free to drink as much caffeine as you want for the rest of the day.
4. The beginning date is May 9, 2007 and the ending date is July 12, 2007 (if the math is wrong let me know and don't be surprised-I'm bad at math.)
The goal of this challenge is not to drink less Diet Dr. Pepper but to increase the H20 intake of my body. So far so good, day one has been successful. There are two on board let me know if you want to jump in on the challenge. It'll be fun!
Be Blessed!!!
64 oz. of water for 64 days. Here are the rules:
1. You must drink at least 32 oz. of water BEFORE you have caffeine (Diet Dr. Pepper in my case).
2. After your first caffeinated beverage (of up to 44 oz.) you must drink the remaining 32 oz. before anymore caffeine can by swallowed for the day.
3. You can have all 64 oz. at one time and then you are free to drink as much caffeine as you want for the rest of the day.
4. The beginning date is May 9, 2007 and the ending date is July 12, 2007 (if the math is wrong let me know and don't be surprised-I'm bad at math.)
The goal of this challenge is not to drink less Diet Dr. Pepper but to increase the H20 intake of my body. So far so good, day one has been successful. There are two on board let me know if you want to jump in on the challenge. It'll be fun!
Be Blessed!!!
The End is Here!!! AHHHH!!!
No not the end of the world. Not the end of the school year. Not the end of the spring youth calendar. Not EVEN the end of American Idol or 24. What I am talking about has been a much more significant journey than any of these things. A journey some thought would be unsuccessful. Some thought it would take too long but most thought I would give in and not complete the task at hand but I am here to tell you that I can smell the sweet aroma of victory over what seemingly could not be done.

If you have not yet guessed what I am talking about I will tell you now. The iPod challenge. It has been a long road and tiring at many times, especially after 5 versions of Amazing Grace with 5 more to go, but in the words of a great man...IT IS FINISHED. Ironically the last song I listened to in this challenge was Zip-a-de-do-dah! What a great song and a great way to end this odyssey of lyrical talent and not-so-much talent at times.
The journey was littered with my favorite artist, my kids who have recorded things, my friends who have shared their talent with me and those "singers" who I endured for the sake of the cause.
I feel accomplished. What's next?
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