Well, it was a little different going to church today. If you have been reading the blog you know that for class Jonathan and I have been challenged to attend different worship services. So far we have a Catholic service and an evangelical service under our belts. Today was the Mormon church. We took Lauren with us b/c frankly she knew how to talk to Mormons who are dead set on converting you. I'm glad she was there. We sat towards the back, sang the songs, listened to the testimonies and were going through service just fine. We did have an Elder sitting next to

If you don't know anything about how they do this, it's basically open mic for anyone who wants to come talk and sure enough the lady behind us felt moved to. I was a little taken back by what she said. "I was sitting back there and I noticed we had some investigators with us. Some Visitors." She called us investigators.. "WHOA!! Investigators? Sounds so secretive, so stealth, so James Bond! Yes! I was an investigator!" Then the reality set in...she just called us out in front of an entire congregation of Mormons. Sure maybe people didn't know it was US at first, but she put all doubt to death when she located her seat and people followed her back to her seat with their eyes as she patted each of us on the shoulders and told us she was glad we were there. Might as well turn on the neon lights. Anyway!! She t

It was a different experience and there were definitely some things I am not fond of but one thing I did like was all the kids. Grant it, they were loud during the service but they were just so cute the noise was dismissable. There was one little boy with a little bow tie- precious!
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I would like to say that my accomplishments today are many but alas, I have only successfully finished a book that I have been reading since July, and made Cinnamon/Sugar Unleavened bread. It's not to bad for my first loaf. That said- it's time to be productive!
Way cool pictures to accompany the story. I like visuals. Is that suppose to be a mormon church up above? You are a blessing!
It's the Mormon Temple in San Antonio.
I shared my report of our investigation with some of the guys on the hall last night. It was such a surreal experience. A whole different world.
Keep up the good work Inspector Mandy.
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