
God is good!

That's what I am telling myself after a frustrating evening. I had such a great day, waking up refreshed and ready, getting some homework done before school this morning, enjoying my time in my classes today, singing with four great guys in a break between classes, watching a video of Dr. Mac rapping in Lynay, eating dinner with a friend, getting more homework done at Java City with Brophy and Lauren and getting periodic updates on the Cowboys from Jonathan- they won by the way.

Then the sing song meeting tonight. Everything about it was frustrating and should not have taken place. Things are not all worked out for the conference this weekend. It was a frustrating evening for sure and I did my share of venting- thank you Chris and Clint and Lauren and Jonathan for listening in some form.

But alas, life is not about sing song, or conferences it's about God and God is still good!

Be Blessed!

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