
The Grave No Longer has a hold on Him!

Just when you think you have experienced enough "big stuff" for the summer tragedy strikes. This morning one of our 7th grade girls mom passed away. It was very sudden and very traumatizing for the youth group.

It's crazy to think that one day everything is going fine and dandy and the next day a parent dies. Or maybe a teacher or friend or other family member. It really puts things in perspective. I think about all the people I haven't talked to in a while and all the people that I might be upset with or holding a grudge against and it all seems so stupid all the sudden.

I worry about my friend. I wonder how this will effect her. Will this shake of her faith cause her to cling to Christ or to fall away from him? I'm praying for her. Being 13 and losing your mother. I can't even fathom it. If you think about it pray for her too.

There is a bright side to this. As with Christ on the third day when he was raised from the dead and then as he ascended into the heavens so to will this Godly women sit at God's throne for all eternity. The grave no longer has a hold on Christ nor on Mrs. Anderson. Praise be to God for his son!

Be Blessed!



So I'm going to the Dentist today to get some cavities filled- YUK!!! Pray for me and Be Blessed!!!


Ain't Nothin' Like It

Well, two weeks of camp and now back to reality! I was thinking about everything that I have experienced these last two weeks and all the people I have met and the lessons I have learned and I think the thing that sticks out most to me is how incredibly challenged teenagers are these days. I don't ever remember dealing with some of the things the kids in my groups these last two weeks have encountered. That's not to say that they weren't out there but they never knocked on my door. I praise God for being so faithful to wretches like us.

MPulse- Aliens in the World. What a concept for Middle school kids to grasp: It's ok to be different! My MPluse group really didn't seem to get it until our Mission: Rescue where they had to talk our counselors into coming back to Jesus! It was great to see them opening their bibles and recalling information from the week to save their friends! Awesome!

Kadesh-Grace. The thing I learned about grace this week is that it is a never ending study, it's hard to understand and that it is that easy. Just say yes. That was the most difficult point to get across to my group. All you have to do is accept God's grace. High Schoolers live such complicated lives that the idea of just saying yes is impossible to them. It's that easy!

What an amazing two weeks. I told my groups both weeks that I have never been to or taught at a camp where you are challenged so much in one week! What an opportunity they have to really dive into the word of God!

Camp-Ain't Nothin' Like It!!!

Be Blessed!!!



Grace is freedom. This week I was at Kadesh Life Camp at ACU and the theme for the week was Grace. I must say that this was one of the most emotionally and spiritually draining weeks I have ever had. This week a lot of things were shared with me that I really didn't know what to do with but God provided so much support for me through my friends like Casey and Greg and Bob that this peace really overcame me this morning on the drive home.
One of the things that was mentioned at camp was by Reg Cox and he told us that it frustrates him so much when people look at the cross an the whole crucifixion and completely miss it. They look at the pain and they look at the torture. They look at the roman guards or the wailing women or Simon or this or that but they completely miss the point of Grace. Did he die for me? YES!
Besides that, I was able to enjoy a great week of worship. Ryan did a wonderful job leading our teenagers on a spiritual journey through praise and singing to God. What a blessed person and so gracious to use his gift for God in every way he can! Thanks Ryan.
I am going back to Abilene tomorrow. We are taking our Jr. High kids this time. MPluse is the camp at ACU for our younger teens and it is a very different camp then Kadesh. I am really excited about it!
I gotta jet but I hope that everyone has had a great week and that all is going well!

Be Blessed!!!


Nertz for Jesus

We are leaving for Kadesh tomorrow. I'm very very excited and a little bit nervous. I think it's gonna be a great trip but I have no idea what to expect. I do know however that I am in charge of making sure that we have everyone when we leave any where and that the part that makes me nervous. Counting heads! Pray for me!

So last night we were supposed to have our big Summer Spalsh Off but for anyone from the Houston Area you could probably guess it was cancelled-rain. Yeah, it rained and rained and rained but it was so fun. We played some Ultimate for a while before the rain started so we still got in about an hour and a half of fun in and afterwards- when news came that it was cancelled for real- The other interns and myself were invited to the Cates house to chill with the 8th graders!

What a blessing that was. We got to teach them how to play nertz (the card game). It was this card game where I realized how much they (the youth group) watch and listen to how we talk and what we say and our actions. Example, I like to say "amen" to start off the game, typically I say it softly but the girls heard and they said "WHY DO YOU SAY AMEN?!?! THAT'S DUMB" I just told them "I like to bless the game before we play." Of course thy laughed at me and said it was stupid but the rest of the game when someone said "go" they said "amen." Now most likely they were just making fun of me but regardless, they heard me and listened.

What a mighty tool God has allowed me to be. Who would have thought that I, little ol' Mandy, would be a mighty tool used to help build up the Kingdom of Heaven? What an honor!

Be Blessed!!!


Gotta Love them Friends

I have been blessed by my friends. I love them, I cherish them and I am grateful for their constant support. My prayer is that I may the kind of friend to them that they have been to me!

Be Blessed!!


Working for what's gonna last!

Two days in a row! Crazy I know! I promise it really is me though! Promise! I've talked a lot since yesterday. I needed some answers yesterday and although I don't necessarily know that there is a correct answer to my questions, and by no means is there an easy one, I do know that I have some amazing mentors and friends and role models in my life and I praise God for them. As I had a chat with God this morning I ask him to prepare me for the conversation I don't want to have but may soon be thrust into. I ask for the right words and the right attitude. I don't like this position and at times I feel like I put myself here but I think it's because I care what happens. I care about the kids and my family. My church family. I don't know why things that seem so simple to some are so impossible, or appear that way, to others. I just don't know. But God is truly good and will last forever!

On sort of a different note, I was talking with my other intern friend Sarah and her friend from Pepperdine, Kris last night and we were talking about how much effort people put into worldly things and this is how Kris phrased it- and I love it. He said "We work so hard for things of this world all the time but why? Those things are going to be gone so why don't we work for the things that are gonna last?!" Amen Kris! The things that last- if only our mentality could be that way every minute of every day!

Lord, bless this day. Bless my friends and the work that they do. Bless our efforts to work for the things that last!

Be Blessed!!


Hard Friendships

It's really hard to tell the people that you love that they are wrong. Maybe not so much wrong but that it's the attitude that they take on, the negative attitude, that really shows in their ministry and in the day to day life. Really, how do you tell someone that if they would focus on how far things have come and on the future that they might possibility be a happier person and have a more alive ministry? How do you do that if they are sensitive and you know it will hurt them? How do you do that if you have not been there to witness the activity but it's all you hear about when you talk to the members involved? I am so grateful that the Lord has blessed my life and has given me the ability to see the good in people. I am thankful that it is easy for me to look at the positive and although I can see the negative it is a blessing to not be a person that dwells on that. Thank you God for the good things you have done in my life and I pray for my friends attitude! May it be one of Christ!

Be Blessed!!