
The Neighbors

Jason is off all day today, which naturally means he would be up all night playing games or watching movies. And, that's exactly what was happening (so I'm told) until about 1a.m. Around that time he heard some music and quickly discovered it was coming from the neighbors. He went out to ask them to turn it down in an attempt to prevent Jeremy or me from waking up prior to our 5 a.m. alarms. Turns out the music was coming from the car and the girl apparently has today off too and wanted to stay up and do her thing. After a little discussion about the music she turned it down or off and then began to attempt to put the car in the garage or closer to the house. I'm not really sure b/c I didn't get all the details.

none the less, she couldn't start the car b/c the battery was dead. Jason ask her if she needed jumper cables and she responded that her roommate was getting some and he would be back. So Jason comes back inside and watches through the window as the girl tries to move the truck around the car tearing up the yard- on their side. OUR SIDE IS FINE MOM PLEASE TELL DAD THERE IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT.

Eventually she comes to the house and ask Jason if they can borrow some jumper cables. I'm guessing we are at 1:30-2 a.m. at this point. Jason has some and take them over and help the roommate jump the car and they get it started. At that point they invited Jason to play darts in the garage, knowing he is off today considering they have had plenty of time to talk. Jason accepts and the girl goes inside at some point leaving Jason and the guy, whose name I believe is Jason also, stay outside and talk.

Amazingly the conversation turns toward God. My Jason responding to a question. He tells the guy he talks to God everyday. Jason 2 is feeling lost and stuck in his job and says he's been praying about what to do. My Jason tells him maybe God is trying to tell him he should move on.

The conversation progresses into My Jason telling Jason 2 about my and Jeremy and our church. My Jason said no one has it all together but if we let God in he will work on us. He also told him about American Idol at our house tonight.

I don't know if they will come but I think we are gonna take measures to build on the door God probably opened a long time ago and that Jason finally walked through for all of us.

Jason was so excited he stayed up until 5 when I got up and told me this morning. After that he promptly passed out. lol That's my boy!

Thank you God for late nights and jumper cables.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

i like this story.