
Life starts on Sunday

Well, life actually is a continual process but when I say it starts on Sunday I mean that a new chapter of life will begin on Sunday. A chapter that will be full of joys, pains, fun, happiness, challenges and much much more.

I am excited about going to Belton but I am sad to leave behind my life for the past four years. I love my friends and I am sad that seeing them on a daily basis will no longer be an option. I enjoy soaking in the knowledge my professors would dispense and I am sad ab
out not being able to experience the ups and downs of being in class with them 2-3 times a week.

God has blessed me with great people in my life the last four years and no words I could think of would do justice to what all of the people have meant to be but for those who I w
as closest to you will be missed. Clint, Jonathan, Lauren, Rachel, Lance, Deanna, Ashley, Alan...you all are so dear to me and best wishes until we meet again!

Be Blessed!!!

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