
Nothing to do

I'm sure everyone got lots of great things for Christmas. I love the stuff that I got, especially my brown and pink luggage! It's so cute! I think my favorite thing however is my black P-coat. I love it!

So here the question...what is your favorite thing you got for Christmas?


My Grandaddy

Sometimes it is so very obvious to me that God is God.

Last night was one of those times. An event that may seem little and unimportant to most of you but for me it was 2 seconds of time that quickly shot to the top of my most faithful moments in my life. As I was driving home last night around 11:00, I turned the radio on to a country station that I fequent. While turning and curving with the road, a song played that I have not heard in months but one that means so much to my life. Written below are the words to a song that I heard for the first time after my Grandad died last December.

In the midst of all the things going on in my life I managed to put off thinking about the one year anniversary event for a while but last night as I drove and this song played there was no escape. I was glad. I cried as hard as I have cried before for my Grandad and as I sang the words along with the radio I smiled in anticipation for the day I would again see my Grandad.

As I was smiling and singing and crying the coolest thing happened. I looked up at the sky only to be met by the brightest shooting star I have ever seen. I laughed and thought what a wonderful sign from God that things are gonna be ok and that he loves me.

When I Get Where I'm Going (click the song title to go to my myspace and hear the song)
By: Brad Paisley feat. Dolly Parton

When I get where I'm going
on the far side of the sky.
The first thing that I'm gonna do
Is spread my wings and fly.

I'm gonna land beside a lion,
and run my fingers through his mane.
Or I might find out what it's like
To ride a drop of rain

(Chorus:)Yeah when I get where I'm going,
there'll be only happy tears.
I will shed the sins and struggles,
I have carried all these years.
And I'll leave my heart wide open,
I will love and have no fear.
Yeah when I get where I'm going,
Don't cry for me down here.

I'm gonna walk with my grandaddy,
and he'll match me step for step,
and I'll tell him how I missed him,
every minute since he left.
Then I'll hug his neck.

So much pain and so much darkness,
in this world we stumble through.
All these questions, I can't answer,
so much work to do.
But when I get where I'm going,
and I see my Maker's face.
I'll stand forever in the light,
of His amazing grace.

Yeah when I get where I'm going,
there'll be only happy tears.
Hallelujah!I will love and have no fear.
When I get where I'm going.
Yeah when I get where I'm going.

May your life be blessed!!!


My Prayer

My prayer is to want to want what God wants.

Let it Snow!

Stuck in Abilene for one more day. It's snowing, the roads are icy and the temperature is only supposed to reach 30 degrees today. If I didn't have a paper to finish, I would plug in the Christmas tree, put on some Christmas music and dance and play all day! Everyone enjoy the last day of November!


Some Days

Some days are better than others. In my week, Tuesdays are long. Meetings all morning lunch with the staff which is always great conversation and fun. With all of the events of the day, I don't usually get to start working until 2ish. Seriously!

I say that to tell you this. Today was one of those days. Long and tiring. I feel the most exhausted when I haven't been productive all day. Today when we got back from lunch-remember this is around 2- I got on the phone with Dell because my computer wouldn't load my profile settings. That is bad news. I have two papers due in the next 15 days and all my stuff for them is on my laptop. So this one hour phone conversation ended with good news and bad news. Good news was we were able to restore my profile and I was able to access all of my files and get the stuff I need for my papers. The bad news is after I back up all of my files I have to reformat my harddrive. Lose everything by choice in order to gain full function of this machine back.

Craziness. I am fully aware that this post is less entertaining than usual. I'll try harder next time


Christmas Music

Since it has been the topic of a side conversation via the comment area of my blog, I'm gonna just go ahead and throw it out there. When is it ok to begin playing Christmas Music?

I originally went with Nov. 1. After Halloween is over it's time to get into the holiday spirit. Because the weather of our great state generally does not allow the seasons emotions to hit full force typically until after the holidays have past, I think the earlier the better. This in no way undermines Thanksgiving. Many people have persecuted and accused me of forgetting the holiday without chance to explain. Thanksgiving is part of the holiday season. Christmas music helps with Thanksgiving too. Really it does! Besides it's not like there are a lot of Thanksgiving songs out there to get you in the mood- if you know of any please submit them.

No matter. I have become aware of just how offensive this can be to people- playing music starting Nov. 1 that is. That said I have changed my idea of when I think it's ok. I now claim that It is ok to start playing Christmas music when all of the following three things happen.

1. When you see the first commercial selling Christmas decorations and accompanied by a Christmas song.

2. When you decide to get the Christmas decoration down while putting up the Halloween decorations because you don't want to get back in the attic.


3. When Sonic has switched over to the "Holiday Cup" which ever so sneak-i-ly advertises what a GREAT idea it is to give someone a My Sonic card for Christmas (which by the way is a great idea).

Considering these three things (and being immune to number 2)-I now deem it ok for myself to play as much Christmas music as I want!!!

Be Blessed!!!


Director's Spot Filled

So I might have a potential director for my movie. I am really thinking that someone needs to step up and decide to write my script because We need to get started making this movie if it's gonna come out in October.

Also, there have been no official commitments but I believe we may have a leading male actor as well.

Y'all have a great day and Be blessed!!!

(check out the new post MIRACLES)


I have been bothered by something lately. Miracles. We read about them in the Bible, we believe them because we have faith, we pray for them when people are sick, we pray for them people have "gone astray" and we even pray for them when people's spirits have been burned. If we don't believe it why do we pray for it?

I have come to see something for the first time concerning miracles. We believe it can happen BEFORE it does, we believe it happened when it's OVER but where the heck is our faith in the midst of it? I'm not talking about the sick person who over night seems to be getting better, it's easy to believe God is part of that because we can write it off if we need to. A miracle disguised in natural processes. I'm talking about the people pray specifically for someone to be free from a certain sin when there is no explanation as to why anyone should know about the sin in that persons life. I'm talking about the people who seem to always be in the right place at the right time to save people. I'm talking about believing what we pray for. Having an expectant faith.

If we would have an expectant faith, would we then be more of a people who see the bread breaking as the 5,000 are being fed, who see the footprints on top of the water as Jesus is walking out to us and who watch the woman at the well spread the word of Christ, or would be still be the people we are, who pray but do not believe until the result is showcased?

I don't know where I fall into all of this. I fear that skepticism has taken over expectation for far too long in my life. What I am finding now, is that in the midst of a miracle my passion for people to believe in Him and my desire to expect God to complete something he has started in the people I care about has fed my spirit in a way that fires me up about my faith! Our human nature drives us to the cynical prayers. No doubt those prayers will always be around but how long do we go on sitting and letting Satan jog around our faith, every now and then poking at it planting seeds of doubt and skepticism in our lass than expectant faith. I'm done with it. For now I will stand strong in the expectant faith God calls me to and I will have no doubt in my mind that God will fulfill his promises in my life. I will expect God to finish what he started.


Calling All Writers

I'm ready for Christmas time! I want to play the music, I want to wear sweaters, I want to drink Hot Chocolate on a regular basis! I want Christmas.

Because of this desire to warp time I have come up with a plan. I need someone to write a script for my movie. It will be released in October and will be the "Movie of the Year" The critics will rave about it, everyone will love it and all the money can go to Tanzania for Christmas for the kids there. Sound like a plan?

The only thing I have is a tag line to promote the movie. No script, no director, no actors just a tag line. Here it is:

"It's NEVER too early for Christmas!"

Like it? I do. Suggestions on if it should be a comedy or a drama?

Help! Anyone?


The Truth About Guys

Let's face it. Guys are weird! We all know it-even the guys know it. This weekend Chad Eastham spoke at the Revolve Tour and said something that I really liked. He told the girls to ask themselves what their sign says. Are they a Treasure or are they a Target.

All girls want to be treasures. You would be hard pressed to find a girl that desires to be taken advantage of. No girl wants to be a target; yet more often than not that's what our signs say. We say one thing and then dress, talk and act in ways that only confuse guys making them see our target and not the treasure.

Maybe it's just because I'm a girl but I got some power from his talk. We are beautiful. We are treasures and we need to believe it and act like it. We are a little piece of the bomb!

Basically the message was, girls, you have to believe you are a treasure and treat yourself like that. Only then will a guy see that you truly are a treasure and treat you likewise.

Amen Sista!

Be Blessed!

For real

The word for the day is authentic. I love this word because it's so freeing. Be who you are, whereever you are. Be real. If we were real we wouldn't ever have to worry about trusting each other. We could know that what someone tells us is the truth and that what they tell us lines up directly with how they act and treat us.

I want to be real. I want people to know that I am who I say I am. Not only that but I am who HE says I am. HE says I am beautiful. HE says I am loved. HE says I am worth it and I believe him. I want to act that way in all aspects of life. May you be so blessed this week that you will believe what HE says and in that, find a way to be free; for real!


New Blog

Hey everyone. I just wanted to let you all know that I am starting a new blog. I will continue this one because it has become a sort of release for me, however, I have been convicted of some things recently that I would like to throw out there. I am going to invite my Youth group kids, and all of you, to read it and comment as often as you want. It is more on the serious side but I think it will be a great avenue to use to see what my kids think about some topics God puts on my heart. Take a look if you like. It's under the links section titled Convicted.

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Be blessed!!!

New Blog

Hey everyone. I just wanted to let you all know that I am starting a new blog. I will continue this one because it has become a sort of release for me, however, I have been convicted of some things recently that I would like to throw out there. I am going to invite my Youth group kids, and all of you, to read it and comment as often as you want. It is more on the serious side but I think it will be a great avenue to use to see what my kids think about some topics God puts on my heart. Take a look if you like. It's under the links section titled Convicted.

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Be blessed!!!

I have AIDS

Well, I don't but a girl named Olivia in Africa does. I stepped into her life this weekend. For 20 minutes I listened to the sounds of Olivia's world and experienced some of her emotions. I waited for the results of the blood test and I was stamped with the 'X.' I have AIDS. Olivia has AIDS.

For 30 seconds I experienced hopelessness. No friends, no family, only an 'X' and a quarantined bench to sit on. I waited. I waited for a "clean" person to reach out and offer hope. Hope came and so did the tears. I listened to how Olivia's life turned out. She has chosen the road less traveled and has become an advocate for AIDS Awareness. She has started a support group in her own community.

My heart cried for her and so many who are like her living in the humiliation of this disease. Sin has caused such great pain for the children of God. I believe in the cause now. I only regret that it took me so long. Pray for the many many out there who struggle daily to see how a God who is good and loving can allow family member after family member to die in front of them of this awful disease.


For Clint...

While I appreciate the kudos for a great run of games, I could have done without the sarcastic 150 games comment. Lucky for you, dear one, I call you friend, thus entitling you to 12 sarcastic comments about the Astros a year. I am pretty sure your total has been exceeded but since I didn't start counting until right now you have 11 left. So my word to you young grasshopper, is spread them out, use them wisely and make them good.

See ya in a week!


Crunch Time!

Well, it's coming to an end. We can still do it, it is technically possible. For those of you who don't bee-lieve, shame on you! With the classics on the field it can happen! Don't give up hope yet! I'm not!

On a different note: A Minor offense! My family went to the game Tuesday night for my sisters birthday. They lost but that's ok. The minor offense occurred after a 12 mile trek. My cousin and I were searching for an Astros shirt with a name and number on the back. What better place to get one then the park right? WRONG! There were plenty of them in XL! The smallest shirt (like the one I was looking for) in the whole park was an XL. Whatev! So I bought ice cream in one of those little helmets instead!


A Day Like Today

What do you do on a a day like today? Some people want to talk about what happened 5
years ago. Some don't. Some would be content watching the television all day and hear the
news. Some want to be as far away from a TV as they can get. Some want to be with their families. Some can't be with their families. Some are praying, others a crying, some have forgotten but most remember. Some never knew-what are they thinking? Some are too
young to know, some are so old they remember this and more. Some are fighting and
remember why, some have fought and not made it out. Wherever you are, whatever you
are doing, say a prayer, because even if you aren't hurting anymore, a lot are, and they need
the comfort of Christ.

When I sit and think my mind tends to wonder towards songs. The words of songs peirce
my heart and reach down into my soul. Today I think of all the songs that are written about 9/11 but my mind keeps playing a song over and over that was written before 9/11. One
that I have know for as long as I can remember and one that has established itself in my
heart as a song of hope.
Here are the words:

If tomorrow all the things were gone
I'd worked for all my life,
And I had to start again
with just my children and my wife,
I'd thank my lucky stars to be living here today,
'Cause the flag still stands for freedom
and they can't take that away.

I'm proud to be an American
where at least I know I'm free,
And I won't forget the men who died
who gave that right to me,
And I gladly stand up next to you
and defend her still today,
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God Bless the U.S.A.

From the lakes of Minnesota
to the hills of Tennessee,
Across the plains of Texas
from sea to shining sea.
From Detroit down to Houston
and New York to L.A.,
There's pride in every American heart
and it's time we stand and say:

I'm proud to be an American
where at least I know I'm free,
And I won't forget the men who died
who gave that right to me,
And I gladly stand up next to youand defend her still today,
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God Bless the U.S.A.

God bless you all.


New Age

Well, it has finally happened. The machines are taking over. I went home this weekend for Labor Day only to find my mother, now employed by Macy's, fascinated with the newest thing in the store. I'm not talking about a new clothing line or a new hairstyle on the manikins (although those are worthy of their own blog). I am talking about a machine that will cut your purchase time in half.

This machine sells you IPods and IPod accessories. It is an IPod VENDING MACHINE!!! You put your credit card in, tell it what you want and an arm comes out and grabs it off the shelf! WHAT??? It's true! Made me want to buy one just to see it work.

The world is being take over! It's true and it's starting at Macy's!



Just in case you are one of those folk who kindly protest award shows because you feel that those who receive the awards already get enough recognition by all the people of the world and there is no reason anyone should own a trophy that cost more than your house and car put together let me be the first (or maybe not) to inform you that Keifer Southerland and the crew of 24 went home happy. They took home two trophies (best actor in a drama series, and best drama series) that proudly proclaim that even though they killed off half the original crew in season 5 they can still maintain domination over the united states of america! Jack Bauer will remain number one. Chuck Norris better watch out. His place in history is being jeopardized as we speak!


The Government

I hope that our government is not as messed up as it in on 24. However, if it is I hope there's a real Jack Bauer out there.


Float Trip

We are taking our Jr's and Sr's on a float trip this weekend. If you think about it say a little prayer for our safety and for God to work through our encouragement of them this weekend.

Be Blessed!!!


Robbing God

Yesterday in staff meeting Allen read something that has stuck with me since then. I was a testament from a violin maker who claims that God needs him. He says, God has commissioned him to help Him buy giving him the ability to make violins. He also says that if he is not doing his best to make the violins then he is “robbing God.”

Have you ever thought about that? God has commissioned you. The gift he has given you is not just for you to enjoy. The gift is God asking you to help Him with His mission. What would it look like if we truly believed this statement: If we are not doing what it is God has given us to do, and doing it the best we can, we are robbing God. Wow! I do not want to rob God. I want to use the gifts that God has given me. I want to challenge the kids that I meet. I want them to reflect on their beliefs and I want them to make a faith of their own and if I am not striving to do that on a daily basis then I am no doing any favors to anyone, AND I am robbing God.

If I believe this, then how can I stand in the way of others who are using their gifts to glorify God? Who am I to tell you that you cannot do something that God has gifted you to do? Who am I to rob God for you?

Maybe I’m preaching, maybe not. Maybe you completely disagree with me. I don’t even know that my brain has completely thought through all of this but I do know that I do not want to rob God and I do not want anyone else to rob God because of me. Just thinking….


Summer is done before it's done

Well, school starts Monday for Belton ISD and I presume this start date is not too far off from those in your area. It's crazy that summer is already over and kids are now feeling the rush of finishing their summer reading in time and all that jazz. What I really don't get though it the fact that summer ends about two weeks before it actually ends. What I mean is, The band kids, football kids, swimmers and so on and so on actually start practices 2 weeks before school starts. What is with that? As if school isn't enough stress on it's own, let's go ahead and make the extra stuff longer! Whatever man! I'm out!


Although school is starting and people already feel like they are back we were able to have a great time with our high schoolers last Sunday evening. There is a girl in our group who is in the hospital from a car accident, in ICU, and we went up there and spent time talking with her mom and sister and then we sang and prayed with them. Now if you know me, you know my heart is easily touched by the words and melodies of songs and last Sunday was no different. As we were singing I was watching Sabrina (the mom), and I looked around the waiting room. The man watching TV got up, turned the TV all the way down and bowed his head. Maybe he was praying maybe he was just listening but either way he was hearing God. The two ladies in the corner were holding hands praying with each other and the family in the hall stopped in the doorway and joined in the singing. God was working and moving in people. I was great to be reminded of God supreme glory and everlasting faithfulness.


I have had a good week. We have been really busy this week but I have been encouraged by people this week. Lots of good conversations, lots of tough conversations but lots of God in all the conversations.

I want to mention one thing really quickly. Most of you know I am doing a Youth Residency in Belton Texas. I am living with a family from the church here and I don't think I have mentioned a whole lot about them. Let me take a sec to tell you about them. The Dad works up at the offices and does a great job of keeping things in order. He is the glue that holds things together around here. The mom stays at home and does a wonderful job of looking out for her family, for me and for all of her friends. I rarely meet people who are so proactive in their relationships with other people and it has been neat to watch her intentionally develop those this summer. The daughter is a a Jr.. in High School and she is lovin' life. She's one of the Drum Majors and has worked a lot of Band this summer. She has a great heart for people and to minister to people where she sees a need. God is going to use her in great ways these next two years I know. And The son. I don't even know where to begin. Most of you will understand the phrase "The little brother I always wanted." Well that's him. He keeps me on my toes that's for sure! I have enjoyed my time beating him up and such and I'm sure he has equally enjoyed pushing my buttons. No matter, he's a great kid! This family has been such a blessing to my life this summer and even though I will move out in a couple of weeks, I will still call it home, and it will always be in a way.

Be Blessed!!!



My brother has said some the the best things I can think of. He has a gift for talking before he thinks and that gift is put to great use in his attempts at story telling. It is not uncommon for Jeff to say things like:

"How do the deer know to cross there?" After seeing a deer crossing sign.

A gift.

This gift has had it's 15 minutes of fame in the past but I would venture to say that it was magnified to it fullest and thrown in the spotlight this last week.

Jeff and I were eating lunch together Monday while he was in Belton. He started talking about his teeth and told me he had a filling that fell out. As he wondered if fillings were lifetime guaranteed and if he could go back to the dentist and get another one without paying, I laughed a little bit understanding the desire for things to be done the right way the first time.

As he continued I heard something come out of my brother that I thought I would never hear. This is what he said.

"I would just like to go back to that dentist office and tell that guy, 'hey Mr., you gave me a bad filling years ago."

Now if you didn't laugh about that, go back and read it outloud. It's hilarious. If you still don't laugh at it then go look at the pictures on Ryan's blog of his new apartment because I got nothing left!

Have a great day and Be Blessed!!!



Ok so I found three camers in my car and decided to get them developed having no clue what was on them. Here are just a few I'd like to share. Enjoy!!!

This is me and my roommate Deanna at our club's Christmas social. Yay! Roommate! She's gonna kill me!!

This is from a pledging activity this last fall. I was not a pledge I was an officer. Hardly seems fair that I'm blind folded don't you agree?

This is a picture of Reid, me, Kaitlin and Wade at our clb grub this last september. The theme was "Prefect Pairs: Can't have one without the other!" Kaitlin and Wade were Fred and Daphne and Reid and I were Jack and Jeanene Reese. Out outfits came complete with name tags, mask taken from a photo of the real Jack and Jeanene, a BIG Bible and a piece of luggage. You had to be there! It was fun.

Be Blessed!!!



Well, a lot has gone on in my life in a very short amount of time. The last week of June and the first week of July was Camp Koinonia. This is a camp I grew up going to but returned this year for my first two weeks as a Staff member. Yes I was adorned in the White STAFF polo! Only 19 more years as a staff member before I graduate to the Blue polo. Hum...

Anyway. Camp was a great experience. The theme was "Follow Me: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus." Our lessons came out of the Sermon on the Mt. and out of the gospel of John. Daily themes were "No Excuses," "No Fear," "No Doubt," "No Reserve," and "No Retreat." I think my favorite phrase of camp came from the No Doubt day when we boldly proclaimed that "Jesus is EXACTLY who he says he is, and he will do EXACTLY what he says he will do!" I love that. Camp ended well and we finally go everything put back into sheds and such (today).

After Camp was over, most of you know I took a spontaneous trip to Houston to grieve and comfort some of the people that are so precious and dear to my heart. Thank you all for your prayers for myself and for my kids in Houston. As we learn more about the murder more emotions rise so please continue to pray.

Upon returning from Houston, I took off with our Middle School kids to Ft. Worth to work at the Fortress Church of Christ for a couple of days. We had a lot of fun and there was service for the Lord that took place there. Our kids were great and worked hard. Yesterday we rewarded those kids with a trip to Hurricane harbor for the majority of of the day and then we headed back to Belton.

So as you can see my last month has been jam packed with God stuff and has encompassed most emotions the body is capable of experiencing. I have caught up on sleep- at least I hope I have, and my body is beginning to heal emotionally, spiritually and physically.

Thanks you all for keeping up with me this summer via my blog and please continue to check for updates.

Be Blessed!



Ashton Glover

I just wanted to request your prayers for the First Colony Youth Group, church, family and friends of Ashton Glover. Ashton was one of my first youth group kids my first two internships of college. She went missing friday night and her body was found Monday morning and confirmed Monday afternoon.

I am currently in Houston right now doing whatever I can to help. There are tenative plans for a funeral but we are still waiting on the confirmation of when it will be.

These kids are so dear and precious to me and to see them hurting and dealing with this pain hurts my heart so please be in prayer for the kids, the ones that are on my mind are Steve, Bryan, Kat, Sara and Kenna.

If you want to read more about what is going on you can go to www.click2houston.com and it will either be on the front page or you can search Ashton Glover.

Somehow and someway may you all be a blessing.


a few pics

Check the slide show on the right for some pictures of New Orleans. You can go to myspace to see the pictures bigger. The link is on the right.


Nawlins Reflections...

Well, we are back from our trip and I can honestly say that this last week was the hardest manual labor that I have ever done. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find on of the guys on this trip that would not agree with me. Tearing down a house is no simple task and when you add on top of that, heat, humidity, and no bathrooms it's even harder.

I cannot even begin to describe the impact June, Suzy, Harold and Brenda had on my life. Working side by side people who lost everything. Here are some things I wrote down in my journal last week while we were in New Orleans (pronounced Nawlins by the natives).

"I wish I could describe to you what it's like here. It's aweful. Nobody has anything. The houses are destroyed. Water flodded so many people's homes. People were picked on only to be dropped off on a bridge and left for 3 days.

Every time we drive around I think, 'God where were you when these people were drowning? When they were looking for shelter? Where were you when these people showed up one and two months later and saw their home completely saturated?'

These questions haunt me because as a Texan away from all of it I can say 'Well, God was there when the boat showed up before the house went under. God was there in the warnings and evacuations. God was there through the FEMA, Red Cross, Hilltop, Project Blessing and countless other organizations that now call New Orleans ground zero.

Being here, taking a sledge hammer to walls, fishing for burried memories and gazing into the faces of June, Harold and Brenda I feel God. He's not just a presence but God is hope. God has raised up his army and has sent them to New Orleans, LA.

Once a thriving city now littered with piles of trash as high as the house it came from. Among the trash pictures of grandkids and parents. Scarves, statues and a million more memories from thousands of people. Where is God? In us. In the hope that we bring to the June's of New Orleans who only want to find a statue of Mary and Jesus. God is in the hope we bring to the Harold's who were able to save their 91 year old mothers from being swept away by water.

God is in the people who continually call us angels. The people who have been praying for someone to come demolish their house. The people who at the end of the day have littled compared to before the storm and still praise God.

It really is a different world. It's not the thriving New Oeleans I came to years ago, but you know what? It's home. For some it was home for 2 months and for some it was home for 60 years. It's home. Tearing down to build up."

The last house we did was the house of a couple who had 9 children, all grown and one still living at home. 10 Rooms, 5 Bathrooms and a shed full of old pipes because the man was a retired plumber. The daughter who was still living there was a musician so it only seemed fit that our last house would be the place of the most powerful devo I experienced all week.

"This is Holy ground. We're standing on Holy ground and I know that there are angels all around. Let us praise Jesus now. We are standing in his presence on Holy ground."

God, may I never forget what I saw, smelled, heard and experienced this week. Forever change my heart to be more likes yours and bless your people in New Orleans. May they shine their light in the dark city. Amen


Tearing down to build up....New Orleans: Day One

That was the hardest work I have ever done. The heat, humidity, smell and everything else you can imagine along with the emotional instability of the home owner was almost too much to handle. We "Mucked a house" today. Basically that means that we went through all the stuff in the house and saved what we could and trashed everything else. We also had to tear out the sheet rock and basically just clear out the house of everything.

The deal now in New Orleans is that if these people don't have their houses gutted in the next three months, the city puts a lean on their property and they lose it. Some are trying frantically to get things done while others have given up hope of saving anything.

I fear I would be one of those people who would give up. With what we did today I don't know that I could stand in the back ground while a bunch of kids took sledge hammers to my house. Now grant it, these people signed up for this, but my first thought would have been to bulldoze it and start over.

June and her husband Craig were grateful for the work we did today but as June and I talked throughout the day I found myself fighting off tears she had cried many many times. Today, I experienced a ministry I have never encountered.

"Tearing down to build up." Easy to say, hard to swallow. Ripping down a life time of memories to begin to build new ones while harboring a fear that your new ones may last only a very short time.

Remember how blessed you are an Bless others.


Since last I blogged...

which wasn't too long ago. memorial day proved to be as fun and unpredictable as you would expect. We had cloud cover, a pretty mean rain and then 90+ degree heat. On the lake all day, attempting the wake board for the first time- unsuccessful- and taking my turn on the tube of death.

Tube story: as some of you may be aware of, I am the most graceful person on the face of the planet. My attempt at jumping on the tube the first time resulted in the bruise you see here and further proof that no one looks as good as I do missing the tube and whacking my leg on the propeller (it was off don't freak out). I am very proud of the array of color that now adorns my leg. kinda pretty I think. :o) I had a blast. I got to hang out with my precious nephew, I lost my phone, I got a new one and I had the day off. I haven’t really worked long enough to need a day off but I took it with no complaints.

On a different note, I saw something today that I fear very few will ever see in their lives. A limo pulled into sonic in front of me. I thought at first it was an accident but as I followed it around the drive I realized this thing was here to stay. As it pulled into the parking spot to order I though it too good to pass by so I took a picture! Enjoy!

I hope everyone is feeling as good about life as I am. I’m busy but I can’t help but to thank God for the opportunities he has given me this summer. I am working with a youth minister who has an amazing leadership of encouragement about him. My fellow intern/resident is a great man of God and amazes me at every turn with his spiritual leadership. The ministry assistant is a wonderful lady who loves to laugh as much as me! It’s gonna be an awesome summer and we are hitting it at full speed!

Be Blessed!!!

Go Mavs!


First Logos

Here's the first logos I made on the logo creator. What do you think?

ten2one is the new thursday activity we are doing with the jr. High group. We are going to alternate thursdays doing an activity like putt-putt one time and cleaning up a park the next. It will be great!

Here's the other one.

Chick Chat if the High School girls lunch and prayer time we are doing on tuesday's.

So what do you think of my first attempt at logo making? Is the logography in my future?

Be Blessed!!!


The beginning of the first...

Well, I am proud to present to you my first BCOC Student Ministries paraphernalia. I am fully aware that most people who post things they are proud of include pictures, as have I. I am also fully aware that most of the things are living and breathing, or tend to be events or emotions. While this sweatshirt is not a living breathing thing, nor was it some grand event accompanied by a parade and music, I am proud to be the new owner of this sweatshirt (this is actually a stand in, the original was tired and worn out from the move). Nevertheless, you can bet that once the weather gets even a little cool, or if I just feel like it, this will be the first sweatshirt broken out to fight the dropping temperature!

Be Blessed!!!



Well my first official day in the office proved to be a good one. I had a lot of fun meeting the staff and learning how to use everything and where things are. It's also bee fun officing--is that a word?--with Bryan. We have started planning our trip with the 6-9th grade to Fortress this July. It's called Metro Mission Trip. It's gonna be fun. The best part-we are staying at North Davis! Yay!!!

Yesterday was a great introduction to the church. I spent the class time with the 8th graders who were great. One girl even thought I was just another student. I don't quite know what to do with that but ok. Then I spent the evening with the High School kids. We had a "Big Red" party. I found out what this was last night. They all brought stuff to the party for me that was red. Amongst my favorite gifts were the sticks of Cherry Laffy Taffy and the Boy's Doubles 1st Place Consolation Tennis Trophy I got from one of the guys. The kids are great and I am really looking forward to a great summer and a great school year!

Here's to Belton, Tx!

Be Blessed!!!


Life starts on Sunday

Well, life actually is a continual process but when I say it starts on Sunday I mean that a new chapter of life will begin on Sunday. A chapter that will be full of joys, pains, fun, happiness, challenges and much much more.

I am excited about going to Belton but I am sad to leave behind my life for the past four years. I love my friends and I am sad that seeing them on a daily basis will no longer be an option. I enjoy soaking in the knowledge my professors would dispense and I am sad ab
out not being able to experience the ups and downs of being in class with them 2-3 times a week.

God has blessed me with great people in my life the last four years and no words I could think of would do justice to what all of the people have meant to be but for those who I w
as closest to you will be missed. Clint, Jonathan, Lauren, Rachel, Lance, Deanna, Ashley, Alan...you all are so dear to me and best wishes until we meet again!

Be Blessed!!!


Let the Celebration Begin!!!

So I officially graduate in 21 and 1/2 hours! I am totally pumped! People are coming into town, people are moving out of town, people are setting up tents and big huge blow-up things in the middle of campus. It's gonna be a great party! I can't wait! Happy Graduation to us!!!



There are so many things I want to blog about and reflect on but time, and the desire not to do too much at one, will hinder me from pouring my heart out tonight. I do however want to share with you what I wrote during church this morning.

This is in reflection of the charge that Jerry Taylor issued to us this morning. One thing I will forever remember is his reflection of Joshua and the Wall of Jericho. He marched! It wasn’t his job to explain away the reason they were marching he just had to march, God did the work. God does the work. We need to get busy marching!

“We are leaving. We are going out to join God in his work. He has a vision and we are in it. We can go and be a part of His plan. With His help we can change the world. We can change the world is we see the vision. We have to leave this place with our Kingdom goggles on.

Sometimes our goggles will be dirty, caked with mud, foggy or even broken but the reality of the good news is that there is one who can fix them. He can clean them. He can repair them because he made them.

If we will commit to wear them we will never be blind. I pray that all of my friends will leave this place with kingdom goggles on. I pray they will seek out opportunities to join God’s work. I pray for divine appointments at the right times. I pray God will fill there hearts with overflowing joy and love and that the words that pour from their mouth reflect the promise and hope of eternal life.

I pray that my friends will leave this place wearing kingdom goggles and that they will see people as Jesus does. I pray as they work they will encounter a new kind of Jesus, a different Jesus.

Praise God for a new chapter in our lives. Let us be change agents. Let us leave here Changed agents.”


My Vocation is love

First I just wanted to say we won our softball game today.

Today I submitted a 12 page paper on three people who had an impact on Christian Spirituality. Believe it or not this was my favorite paper to write all semester. I love reading the writing of the three authors I chose.

First I wrote about Bernard of Clairvaux and his four degrees of love. My last writer was Dietrich Bonhoeffer who I thoroughly enjoyed writing about and reading about his life. The second person I wrote about was Therese of Lisieux. She was my favorite.

I love Therese’s view on the world. She was very young when she died, in her mid-twenties. Through all the struggles in her life, the death of her mother and emotional turmoil, Therese wrote some very profound words in her autobiography. These are some of my favorites.

Here Therese is talking about how it was shown to her why some people suffer and others don’t, why some are rich and some are poor, why some make it and others don’t .

“the splendour of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of its scent nor the daisy of its simple charm.”

Just because people experience different things does not mean they are less love by God.

This is from a section titled “My Vocation.” Therese is struggling with what to do and to be. She has so many professions that she wants to do and all of them to bring glory to God. She finally came to this realization:

“I realized that love includes all vocations, that love is all things, and that, because it is eternal, it embraces every time and place….I cried, ‘Jesus, my love! At last I have found my vocation. My vocation is love! I have found my place in the bosom of the church and it is You, Lord, who has given it to me. In the heart of the church, who is my Mother, I will be love.’”

I love this. “I will be love.”

I pray that everyday I live, with every breath I take and every step I walk my vocation will be love. May I glorify you in everything I do and everything I say. I will be love.



I will not give him the chance...

Satan pulled a number on me today. Lousy test score, bad attitude about it, long confrontation, lost volleyball game, lost soccer game and a friends lost soccer game. All minor things in the big picture but for today these things were life and Satan used them to color my heart.

But tonight I was reminded of real life. A life that proclaims God as sovereign and supreme. A Life that will not allow Satan to have a foothold and denies him the chance to even penetrate the heart. Praise God for friends who I can worship with, laugh with and pray with. Praise God for this reminder of the awesome nature of free life in Him. Praise God for this community that acts as a shield against the powers that be.

On the way home I heard this chorus by ZOEgirl:

I may be misunderstood cause I wouldn't ever fake it
You're the only one who understands my pain
It doesn't matter what they do, what they think, what they say
At the end of the day I'm okay anyway
Cause Lord, You get me.

At the end of the day I'm ok. Praise God for the end of the day!

Be blessed!!!

New Song

Just a side note: We won our first softball game yesterday-the other team didn't show up :o)

Song for right now. If you click on the song title it will take you to the page where you can listen to the song. Here are the lyrics.


You feel like a candle in a hurricane
Just like a picture with a broken frame
Alone and helpless
Like you've lost your fight
But you'll be alright

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand, Then you stand

Life's like a novel
With the end ripped out
The edge of a canyon
With only one way down
Take what you're given before its gone
Start holding on, keep holding on

Everytime you get up
And get back in the race
One more small piece of you
Starts to fall into place


I really like this song. The message of this song is powerful. The bridge at the end is what really gets me. I have never really thought about what it means to your character when you persevere. I have always admired people who have been through great adversity and come out on top but I never thought about what that means for me. When I am faced with trials, big or small, pushing through them builds my character. I feel stronger. Things fall into place. I fall into place. I like this song. I will always stand!

Be blessed!!!


Too small...

...so I had a whole post written out but now I'm frustrated that it got erased.

hope you have a good day and may all your post be published successfully!

Be Blessed!


The Sentinel

This is a still shot from Kiefer Southerland's new movie The Sentinel, co-starring Michael Douglas. I went to see this movie last night with a couple of friends and some guys from the youth group at Highland. We had fun eating and watching the movie. I think the general consensus was it was an Ok movie but it was no 24.

regardless of the movie, we had a lot of fun hanging out. There is a picture further down of all of us before we ate. I have no explanation for the men in this picture.

In other news, life is going well. Graduation is about 3 weeks away. I'm excited
about it but also cherishing the times I get to spend with my friends. We have had a lot of fun the last four years and have experienced life together so these last three weeks are going to be important to spend together.

Life is Good. God is good. Love God and love his people.


How can it be?

Life as an undergraduate student is almost over. How can it be that the life ahead of me can be so exciting and so scary at the same time? I can't wait to go to Belton and meet new people and allow God to guide me as I embark upon a new group and a new adventure. I'm nervous about life beyond college. What will it be like with out all of my friends around all the time? What will it be like to only hear about the relationships they develop and not get to observe them and encourage them in those? What will it be like to move past the "college desires"i.e. a relationship, a mentor, late nights with roommates, etc.? Scary. What does the world hold for me? What does God have in store? I don't know. I'm excited. I'm scared! It's gonna be a grand adventure, life. I can't wait!

Be Blessed!!!


2 Down 5 to go...

What a great book. I just finished The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the second book in the Chronicles of Narnia series. It's like entering a whole different world when you start reading these books. I often find myself caught up in the action of the words on the page, as if it were this grand adventure that I have been invited into. Traveling with the characters and experiencing the unknown as they do. Maybe you think I'm being silly, but I would invite you to read the book. If you will let yourself you could also experience the world of Narnia as if you were a little kid hearing of the Great Lion and the White Witch and the Kings and Queens and the rivers and mountains and battles and so much more. Try it....

On of the great things about this book, in my opinion, was the conversation between Lucy and Susan toward the end. After they won the battle with Aslan's help, and after Edmund had been healed, this is what the girls say...

"Does he know," whispered Lucy to Susan, "What Aslan did for him? Does he know what the arrangement with the White Witch really was?"

"Hush! No. Of course not," said Susan.

"Oughtn't he to be told?" said Lucy.

"Oh, surly not," said Susan. "It would be too awful for him. Think how you'd feel if you were he."

"All the same, I think he ought to know," said Lucy.

If you are not familiar with the book, or the movie, then you might not understand this conversation. You see the girls are talking about Edmund and whether or not he should be told that Aslan gave himself in Edmund's stead.

This book is littered with biblical references but here is one that, for whatever reason, connected with me this morning.

If you didn't know the story you wouldn't understand the sacrifice. How much more important is it then for us to tell the story. As Christians we preach the sacrifice of Christ on our behalf, but with no background, no history, no frame of reference the meaning is faded and lacks impact. We have to tell the story for those who don't know to understand.

At the same time, we have to tell of the sacrifice. For Edmund to have known Aslan gave his life on his behalf makes the victory that much sweeter. It brings the story to life and makes it personal. The story that we tell connects to the sacrifice and together the two halves make a sweet song.

Be Blessed today!!!


Bits and pieces

Well I'm in class holdin' up the D row alone. Don't you worry. I got it! We are talking about Therese of Lisieux. I like her. She wants it all. I'm down with that.


We lost our game last night. It was a good match up. We went into Rally Scoring in the middle of the 2nd game. If you know anything about Volleyball rally scoring usually happens in the first 5 min of the 3rd game if you get that far. It was fun but disappointing.


I got new pictures of Ty in my email this morning! PRECIOUS! I love that baby boy! I have been working on slide for my Lynay Senior Speech today and I have the cutest slide of Ty Baby! If you have any pictures of me with you or a group of people send them to me! I would love to have them. Also the slide show has been updated.


Shower of Blessings...

Thursday afternoon and evening easily made it into the top 5 best days of my life. It was such a joy to share stories and games, to love and be loved on, and to simply enjoy some great moments with friends and professors. This Senior Blessing experience has truly shown me that ACU is the best place I could have gone to school. Senior Blessing was the ACU difference. Calling Professors by their first names, playing games and sharing stories of successes and mishaps in ministry. Reading letters that brought tears to my eyes and hearing stories that did the same. I am so excited about life right now. I am living with this grand anticipation of what God is doing in the lives of my friends. So many great dreams and goals were shared and I love to see and hear how God is working. With this graduating class I know the kingdom is going to be blessed.


I got to talk with a good friend last night. It had been a while but I loved hearing his story and his future plans. His story only added to the many I heard on Thursday. He will be spending the majority traveling around Europe and in Africa having fun and serving the Lord with one of his best friends. Please keep these two in your prayers as they prepare to be a modern day Paul and Silas.


It was a race and I forgot about it. Go check out the lyrics of the song My Wish on Jonathan Paul's blog. I hope they will bless and encourage you as they did me.

Be Blessed


Never was a Cubs fan...

...until Tuesday. I got the pleasure of watching Ben Mills play little league baseball a couple of days ago. What fun it was to see the sea of blue uniforms scurry around the field not quite sure where to throw the ball, and assuming they did know where to thrown it, not know if the time spent playing catch with dad would prove muscle enough to get the ball across the field. They were precious. There are some pictures in the slide show to the right.


Last night in our 8th grade class we hit a hard topic. Abortion. This is our second time to discuss this topic-sort of an annual thing. It went really well. We had a small group of girls and they ask some really good questions. The whole point of talking about it is to prepare their hearts, minds, and speech for difficult situations that may not be a reality now, but as they go to High School and get older it will be very real. I got to engage in some role play with the girls a little bit. I was the friend who was going to have an abortion and we just conversed over how they would react to that situation. They are smart girls and I could tell they were thinking about it.

God, as these girls enter into a world that is so tainted with worldly decisions and the consequence they bring, keep our kids safe. Protect them from the temptations of Satan and shield them from situations like this. God I pray that if you do chose to allow them to be in this sort of situation, be the words they speak and the love they show. Give them the courage and faith to do the right thing and the strength to endure the race. Thanks you for your love God and help them to show that love to all their friends no matter what situation they find themselves in. Amen


TMB made my day! Senior Blessing later! It doesn't get better than this!

Be Blessed!!!


Game Stats:

We played hard we got close but didn't pull it out this time! We'll get them next week.

Game 1
Kai-O: 12 Kojie Pink: 15

Game 2
Kaio-O:15 Kojie Pink: 17

I hurt my neck so pray that it's just a little pull and will get better really soon.

Be Blessed!!!



What a great weekend. Got to see a bunch of awesome teens that I hadn't seen in a while in Arlington, got to watch Bree's team in a playoff game for soccer, got to hang out with Elizabeth for a while, got to see my summer family again, got to spend some time with my new friends fellowshipping and praising God, got to take part in an awesome devo, got to play some volleyball with some great girls and finally, I got to see God in a hundred different ways this weekend! Here's two things from this weekend that really resonated and continue to surface in my thoughts:

"Sometimes we sing our theology better than we say it and live it." -DP

I like this because I have always thought that music says things we can't find the words to say. One song in particular that I think about is Shield About Me. I love the imagery in the line "your my glory, your the lifter of my head..." I love the picture of me sitting in God's lap and him taking his mighty hand and gently lifting my chin up, looking into my heart through my eyes and sending his love.

The other quote is: "Jesus had dirty feet." -JP

So simple but so loaded with truth.

What a great day to be alive!

Be Blessed!!


What a great day!

I have absolutely nothing at all to complain about today. Woke up early and got ready for a test, which may have turned out alright. I don't really know. Hung out with Clint in MacZ and watched the GSP guys on The Price is Right. That was so cool. Went to chapel and was blessed to see some great friends and by the music of The Ministry! Man those kids can sing! Lunch with Reid and now work. The weather is awesome. The pod is playing and God is good! What a great day!

Be Blessed!!!


Happy Bubbles...

Quote of the day...

Dad: Why are you late for work Carolon?

Mom: Well, I was happy and I just didn't want to get ready!

I love my mom!


That's what I am doing. Waiting. This morning I got the privilege of experiencing my first Thursday Morning Breakfast with the University Youth Group. It was fun to get to see some of the kids from the retreat and to meet a lot of new faces in a casual setting. I am grateful to the girls for inviting me and I hope to be able to come consistently until I graduate.

So what does that have to do with waiting? Well, for a long time I have waited for God to present me with an opportunity to meet new people and sort of spark a new fire in my life. At lunch with some friends on Tuesday the question was proposed, What does being on fire for God look like in your life right here and in the now? What a great question to process and answer. In the last two weeks I have felt like I have been very intentional in looking for opportunities to minister and God has been faithful in delivering these times. With the UCYG kids, with Soul Force and even in my group of friends I have had the chance to process, fellowship and love. I still feel like I'm waiting though...

I don't know what for. Maybe it's personal, maybe it's just between me and a friend, maybe it's public. I don't know but this sense of anticipation and urgency has come over me in the last couple of days and I don't exactly know what to do with it. Have you ever felt that? Man!

So here I am waiting on something to happen. God, whatever I am waiting for prepare me for it.

Be Blessed!!!


Soul Force

As most of you know yesterday ACU was visited by a group called Soul Force. You can go to their website: www.equalityride.com and read up on their visit here and their journey so far.

Personally I was encourage and heartbroken for a good chunk of the day yesterday. I forgot the Equality Riders were going to be here and so I was thrown in to a minor frenzy when I walked into the campus center after my 9 o'clock class. There was no protesting or rioting like some anticipated, but there was a lot of talk. People just chattering about the presentation. Some in agreement and some not but it was definitly the talk of the campus.

In an impromptu decision I decided to go to the 10 o'clock presentation. I was glad God put it on my heart to go because it helped prepare me for what happened next. But first the presentation.
It was all about violence against homosexual, transgender and bisexual by Christians. It was heartbreaking to see and hear these stories of people, real people who align themselves with Christ, beating and mocking and killing. No one deserves that kind of ridicule, no matter who you are. I do not agree with the beliefs of the Soul Force group but I do believe that they deserve the same respect that any other human deserves. Anyway, the presentation was to raise awareness on the violence issue.

After the presentation I made my way to chapel stewing over some of the things that were said by soul force and by our administration here at ACU and when I got to chapel I met Dr. Mattis and chatted for a minute before he introduced me to his friend, Jaime. Jaime was a rider. I didn't really know what to do at first because, well, I was kind of thrown into the conversation, but I am so grateful I was. I was able to meet Jaime and talk to her about their journey. I got to hear about her life a little bit and some of the struggles she is having. Most of the conversation wasn't even about being gay it was about struggles as a human. Praise God for showing me in a very real way how to love someone so very very different from me. You can read a little bit more about Jaime here>
Jaime St. Ledger. In our 20 minute conversation I never felt the need to "confront" anything. All I knew what that she was struggling and putting herself out there to a total stranger who she knows disagrees with her, and that I needed to love her like Christ would love her.

What a blessing for us as Christians to be confronted with the hard issues. I am thankful that our campus handled this situation with tact and class and I hope and pray that the violence will stop and that as Christian brothers and sisters we can begin to have peaceful conversations about what the Bible says about the issue at hand.

If you have any questions about my experience yesterday I would love to talk to you so leave me a message and let me know. The feelings of yesterday cannot be described in words very well at all but I hope you were able to catch a glimpse of the conversation and are maybe evening mulling over these things yourself.

Be Blessed!!!


About time!

This weekend was amazing! Things were planned to a T. Times, places, devos etc. and yet nothing happened the way it was supposed to. I say nothing, what I really mean is that things got shifted back and forth and thrown out completely in the course of the retreat. Our work with Central Dallas Ministries fell through Friday afternoon and so we were stuck with nothing planned for 4 hours of our trip, but that did not stop God from revealing himself.

The goal of the trip was to see something bigger. To see ministry in different lights. To see God working in the rich and poor, in the well off and the struggling. To see more. There is more.

These kids are precious. They have hearts of gold and real struggles and real pains and in the midst try to serve God and others. One of the girls this weekend really got it. Her words were, "it's just so unbalanced." She saw the message of God revealed this weekend. I pray that as the kids talk and reflect on their experiences in impromptu prayer they will all see a glimpse of this message.

I think I got as much out of this weekend as the kids did. I got to hear all of Buddy's motivational talks and they really pumped me up. As I talked with my mom and my friend last night I got excited about life and about the direction God is leading me. It had been a long time since I have met a whole new group of people and this weekend was a fresh start for me. I was glad to be there and in the midst of the learning and the lessons.

Saturday night was my own personal throw down with God. I call it a throw down because that's what it was. My head buried in my pillow and my mind being frustrated and at times just mad at God. It was no holds bar between the two of us and I am so thankful for that freedom and the liberation felt Sunday morning when I work up knowing that I was finally 100% real with God and that he could now begin to settle my frustration and really lead me.

I don't know if you have ever felt that or if you ever will. I don't know if I shared too much or not. I do know that God has refreshed my heart and my mind. He has refocused my vision to align with his. I have seen how God is in control and I am thankful for that.


On a separate note but of the same color, I got to spend some great time observing an old friend doing what he was made to do, and doing it well. I got to get to know a great guy who has college and the world ahead of him to mature his spirituality and to continue to lead kids to Christ. I got to view an amazing woman of God in a new environment, though you would never know it, doing everything she knew to do to love and lead. I got to meet a youth minister who loves God with his whole being and radiates his glory. So many others who I now know and call friend came out of this trip and I praise God for his work in to=hose relationships as they continue.


For fear that there are only 5 of you who made it this far in the blog, I will quit, but tomorrow I am going to write about a great experience I had a chapel today with a friend Jaime who is here with Soul Force on their Equality Ride.

Be Blessed!!!


Tower Experience

Well, on Tuesday in class we talked about Thomas a Kempis and Martin Luther. I was really engaged in class for the first time in a while and something that really caught my attention was Martin Luther's Tower Experience.

Luther lived as a monk trying to do all the eight things. He practiced all the spiritual disciplines and lived his life dedicated to serving the Lord but Luther didn't find fulfillment. Luther didn't find fulfillment until he realized that he could never do enough. He found freedom in realizing that God's grace. This tower experience of his changed his life. My favorite quote from his writings we read is "A Christian is the most free lord of all, and subject to none; a Christian is the most dutiful servant of all, and subject to everyone."

I love it!


I love Remember the Titans!


Be Blessed!!!


It's a good day...

I woke up this morning refreshed and ready to conquer the day. Maybe because I went to bed early last night but I think mostly because God provided me good friends to hang out with yesterday and rest for my soul.

I am totally pumped about the UYG retreat this weekend. Meeting new people and spending time with some good friends getting to know them and watch God work all over the place! I can't wait.

I woke up this morning to a song called "It's a Good Day" Here are the words:

However long our feet have walked on this world
We've all lived long enough to know
That sometimes life will go our way
And other times it won't
But still I've got this joy inside of me
With each new dawn I do believe to

Say hey, it's a good day
Even if things aren't going my way
Jesus is Lord and I am saved
So, say hey, it's a good day

Circumstance and situations change
You know life can turn on a dime
But there's a constant hope and peace
That I have come to find
And it's all because of who God is
And that He is live and I am His, so

We are all as happy as we make our minds up to be
I have just decided that nothing's gonna take this joy from me

I love the Lord and this attitude he has given me this morning! Praise God!

Have a great day and Be Blessed!!!


Unexpected meeting...

This was the title of one of the chapters of the book I just finished. In the Magician's Nephew (the first of the Narnia series) the kids are trying to obtain the fruit Aslan sent them after when they run into the Witch, a woman they knew well at this point. Unexpected meeting. I felt like that last night. Maybe it was a mixture of the tiredness of my body and the passion I feel in music but regardless, I unexpectedly met my feelings last night. Upon hearing a song I had heard many times before and allowing my mind to reflect on times spent with my Granddad, I felt as though I was fighting a war to keep the river of emotion from flowing out of my eyes.

I was with people, we were driving home, I didn't want to cry. Luckily God sent laughter into my life at just the right time to hold off the tears momentarily. I called a time out in life last night (I also called my mom), retreated from my current atmosphere for a minute and allowed my body to cleanse itself as it so eagerly desired to do.

Cleansed but not refreshed. Not yet at least. God speaks to my heart through his music and he has reminded me of something lately.

You are mine, you are loved
You have always been thought of
When you hurt I feel it every time
You are mine, you are loved
And I'm never giving up
Till I've dried all the tears you cry
Long before you took a breath
I took your pain upon my chest
I knew your name, I heard you call
It was worth it all
It was worth it all
You are worth it all

This is the chorus of a new FFH song called Worth it All and it's written to be sung from God to us, to me. Last night God sung this song to me.

Thank you Lord for drying my tears, taking my pain and loving me. Cleanse me. Cleanse my heart and my soul. Rest my body and refresh it. Help me to wake up each morning and sing to you. It is worth it all. -Amen



Watched the A&M and Syr. game tonight with Mark and Dave. They were hilarious! A&M won in case you were wondering. I think I would watch a lot more bball if the people I watched with acted like those guys! That was fun!


Baby Face...

I promised them and here they are. The faces of Ty.

This is Silly Ty

This is Crazy Ty
You can't see it but he is wiggling his legs and arms too.

This is Cheesy Ty. When you tell him to say cheese for a picture this is what you get.

This is Scary Ty. Imagine him rolling his eyes back and forth and then laughing. This is the least scariest face I have ever seen. It's precious. If you do this face back to him he laughs. It's cute.

So there you have it. Here are the faces of Ty. Here's one last one that doesn't have an official name but it's just so cute I had to include it.


So I am back at school now working and sleepin' and trying to get ahead on school while I have the chance. I miss my little Snickerdoodle but I will see him again soon enough. I am getting really excited about going to Belton. And I am even getting excited about going to Grad School which I honestly never thought would happen. Speaking of Grad School I need to finish my application essay so I can turn it in on Monday.

Have a super evening everyone! Be Blessed!!!


I know nothing about soccer!!!

Ok so funny story of the night was at the soccer game. I went to watch Drew play with a bunch of church people. It was his birthday so we went out there with a sign and a banner. I realized that I know nothing about soccer because 3/4 of the time I had no idea why the ref blew his whistle. Hum... The best part of the game, outside Drew's score, was the kid on the other team who kneed the ball into his own face!!! If you will just close your eyes and imagine this cocky high school kid kneeing the ball into his face I'm sure you would laugh. It was great. I also enjoyed the dramatic line judge (I guess that's what they call um). Every time he threw up his flag it was with passion and vigor!


So I have been home the last couple of days visiting the family. Jeff and Ty are here and I have throughly enjoyed hangin' out with my little snickerdoodle. I love calling him that because he will say it back to me and it comes out less than perfect. That's what I love about Ty right now. He can't always say the whole word or phrase but what he says is so much cuter than what you tell him to say. It's precious. Right now Ty has these faces that he does. There are four and at some point I will post them. We have, Crazy Ty, Happy Ty, Smiling Ty and Scary Ty. They are too too cute!


The Chronicles of Narnia. I am half way done with The Magician's Nephew and I love it. I want to finish it before I get back to Abilene so I can read The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe before Spring break is over.


Easter. Mom wants me to come home and sing again. This will be the third year in a row. I don't know who with or what song but I'm sure she will tell me with two weeks to learn it and perfect it. Last year was fun. Remember that? Takin' the keyboard out to Will Hare park and watching the sunset while learning this new song! So many things about that trip were awesome! (Easter shorts) I am so grateful to God for giving me awesome friends to make incredible memories with. Life is good! Praise God for that!

I think it's time to call it quits. It is my mine and my dads nightly ritual (when I'm home) to watch Law and Order: CI or SVU until there are no more to watch, then go to bed! It's on!

Goodnight friends!!!

Be Blessed!!!



Not that "right here waiting for you," Richard Marx, waiting on your love waiting. This is that, huddled in a corner in a dark room, alarms going off, army men strolling the halls with guns sort of waiting.

Now I am well aware of the over dramatization of that previous statement, but I do however feel as if I am waiting for a bomb to go off. The timer is set for 3:00 p.m., place Bible Room 103, 2nd chair, back row, left side (looking at the room of course). The test will not be an easy task and promises to be a forceful attack with the enemy pulling out all the stops. Advantage: We get to use the play book! Praise God for that, and for the lessons learned about open book test in the past. For this I am thankful and for the essay portion this soldier feels adequately prepared. It's the 50 people and 30 identifies I am struggling with-this part is not open book.

Waiting.......and waiting.............and studying.............and waiting.

Be Blessed!!!


The First Test

Believe it or not, I will soon embark on my first test of the semester. It's gonna be a doosey! It's a Jeff Childers Christian Spirituality test. We studied last night, it was a lot of fun. I don't really know if those words, study and fun, should go together but none the less, we combined the two in a rousing 2 hours of Spiritual camaraderie. Test is Thursday!

Be Blessed!!!


I Got It: Belton 2

Well, like I said the interview went really well and I felt really good about it. Jordan called me Monday and confirmed that the group I interviewed with felt the same way and they offered me the job so I will be spending the next 15 months at Belton Church of Christ and I couldn't be more excited!! I know God is going to do awesome things there and I am humbled that he has given me the opportunity to be a part of them.


It has been a great week here in Abilene. The weather if BEAUTIFUL!!! In the 80's and 90's! I know crazy!! I love it!!


Tomorrow in Come As You Are we are celebrating Lent and are going to do some really cool things with the worship. The song list is awesome. Friday we are singing in Chapel again and the songs are gonna be awesome. God is so good! Everywhere I turn I can see him working! I love the times when I am carefree! Praise God for these times of peace!

Be Blessed!!!


Belton 1

Well, I am in Belton. I came in last night to interview tomorrow for the 15 month residency at the church. I am really excited about everything and a little nervous. That's normal right; to be nervous? I hope all goes well. I am trusting God to guide my words and answers to questions. He's come through for me so many times so I figure he's a good guy to lean on.

I wish I wasn't sick. I am feeling so much better now than I have felt all week but I still and stuffy and borderline tenor so not back to full functionality yet. I am praying for a miracle tonight. I have to teach class in the morning and answer a lot of questions all day tomorrow. Can you imagine the shock all will experience if they see me then hear me talking like a man? WEIRD!!! So if you get a chance say a prayer for my voice-I need to sound like a woman tomorrow!

I just got off the phone with Jordan Hubbard, the youth minister here at Belton. He is leading singing tomorrow and sounds worse than me. Welcome to my world Jordan! At least you're a man!

Well, while the nerves settle for the night I think I will join Mac and Kathleen in a movie.

Be Blessed!!!