After church on the 22nd I went to Sugarland to spend the night and the next day with Lauren. We had a fun night not getting to sleep until well after 3 o'clock. We saw a movie called Family Stone. It was pretty good but a definite emotional roller coaster. I laughed and cried in the same movie. Then we did what we do best and drove around for a while. Lauren is a good friend.

The next morning we woke up somewhere around 9:30ish and got ready for the day. Little did I know that my friend Clint was coming to town to spend the day with us. I was totally surprised and so excited that he was able to come and hang out. We left to go to lunch at Fuddruckers and when we got there to my utter surprise, a bunch of first colony youth group kids were there to give me a party. It was so fun! My first surprise party ever! It was great.

Soon after this I left to head back to Alvin for the 800th annual Nelson Family Open House. It was a lot of fun and I got a huge cookie cake and an awesome keyboard stand and bench for my keyboard. I am so pumped about it.

The next couple of days were awesome because I got to hang out with my nephew while everyone was out of the house. While I wouldn't say that I am quite ready for children, which is good because, I'm so far away from that, I did enjoy the time I got to spend with him. He knows my name and even preferred my comfort over Granni's at times-which is a big

On Christmas Eve we had a little changed of plans. We normally go to Mike and Cathy's open house, then go Christmas light looking, then go home and open presents. This year, we opened presents at 2 o'clock and then we went to open house and we skipped the whole Christmas light looking all together- which was sad because I don't remember a

We had a lot of fun. Just another reason I love my family so much. The holidays were great. I hope you all had a merry Christmas and have a happy new year.

1 comment:
800th Nelson Open House? Really?
Word on the streets is that the nelsons really knew how to party in ... 1206. Pretty sure there must have been some jousting. I am even more sure that the bad-snowflake-maker would have lost his head... well, atleast tarred, feather, and drug around behind a pooping horse.
PS - Mommy loves Ty and Ty loves... DUUUKE!!!!
You rock my warts off cuz!
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