

It was scary today. Our neighborhood walk experience on Sundays has neglected to put fear in my heart until this afternoon. We knocked on Jim's door and were greeted not with the usual "Hi kids" but with shouting and cursing and anger. Jim yelled at us and cursed at us and demanded we get off his property. It was scary. Our place of refuge was Ms. Maggies. She comforted us and prayed with us about Jim and Nancy and let us in on a little bit of Jim's life. We didn't know...

After taking time to pray together Kevin and I continued walking the street and ended the afternoon playing in the street with a bunch of kids and some new neighbors. It turned out great but Jim is still on our hearts. Pray for him...

Be Blessed!!!


RPorche said...

Yikes. I'm glad you weren't alone. We (the original group) are always with you in prayer. :o)

Anonymous said...


Jeremy said...

Um...woah. I'm prayerful that he will think back on the way he reacted to you and come to some serious realizations. God used you that day... for your own development and his.