
Divine Design...

Painting houses...Changing Lives...From the outside in!

That was the theme for Arlington Work Camp 2005. I have not done a camp like this in a very long time and It has been so spiritually renewing for me. It was a great reminder to me of why I love teenagers so much and that they are not all about themselves. Arlington has a youth that knows what it means to be a Christian. I'm a Christian so I serve. It's natural to them. Second nature. It's what I'm supposed to do. No complaints. No questions. Just service.

This week I have gotten to see a level of service that I didn't even know kids still had. To be honest I had almost lost hope in a deeper service for this teenage generation but there's something bigger. God has a Divine Design for us and service is the path he has created us to walk. Praise God for teenagers who surpass surface level service and hit the heart of Christianity! Praise God for teenagers who get it! Praise God!

Be Blessed!!!


Jeremy said...

word cuz....

Anonymous said...

Yeah we're pretty good servents :-)
<3 Lindsay